Texas "fetal heartbeat" law to be NATIONAL MODEL

My concern is that "vigilante laws" will go far beyond just abortion cases. If that Pandora's box is opening, which it appears to be, who knows where it will end.
If they are sanctioned by the law, by definition they are not vigilantes. You drama queens are too much.
If they are sanctioned by the law, by definition they are not vigilantes. You drama queens are too much.
A pile of dog shit would still smell like shit even if you called it a rose.

The enforcement of the unconstitutional law is up to citizens snitching on each other for fun and profit.
IDGAF what the bill says.

A fetus isn't viable at 6 weeks.

Just admit that you were wrong when you said it was
It doesn’t matter. Viability is not what makes someone a human being. that is totally unscientific and arbitrary. But let me ask you this… is it your claim that preborn babies who survive outside the womb are indeed human beings?
A pile of dog shit would still smell like shit even if you called it a rose.

The enforcement of the unconstitutional law is up to citizens snitching on each other for fun and profit.

Not allowing bitches to kill their children is very Constitutional.

The shitheads that make a profit on killing children are the assholes that sell the baby's organs. You know, so they can buy a sports car.
Not allowing bitches to kill their children is very Constitutional.

The shitheads that make a profit on killing children are the assholes that sell the baby's organs. You know, so they can buy a sports car.
They let you out of your padded cell again today?
They let you out of your padded cell again today?

What is your problem Moon Bat?

Why would anybody, even a stupid uneducated low life Moon Bat like you, think that it is peachy keen to use murder of a child as a method of birth control?
IMO life begins when the fetus is viable outside of the womb.

A fetus at a few weeks old isn't.
And the right to privacy safeguards your opinion from interference by the state, just as it safeguards the opinion of those who believe life begins at or before conception.

The right to privacy limits the authority of the state (something conservatives once believed in) allowing citizens to make their own decisions about such matters in good faith and consistent with their own good conscience.

Conservatives also once believed that the people know best, not government – which is also clearly not the case.
Not allowing bitches to kill their children is very Constitutional.

The shitheads that make a profit on killing children are the assholes that sell the baby's organs. You know, so they can buy a sports car.

Infanticide is a type of homicide. It is illegal and the law against it is constitutional.

Terminating a pregnancy is not allowing bitches to murder their children.

Medical research relies on human tissue for testing and experiments.
What is your problem Moon Bat?

Why would anybody, even a stupid uneducated low life Moon Bat like you, think that it is peachy keen to use murder of a child as a method of birth control?
A clump of pulsing cells isnt a human. I cant wait until this is overturned and watch you lose your shit on here. It's going to be epic I"m sure.
Fuck KIng David and fuck your stupid god and keep your religious fairy tale bullshit out of modern day 2021 laws you dumb caveman POS.

^^^ Has anyone else noticed that rabid proaborts are often totally unhinged, hateful, vulgar, and completely emotional as opposed to logical? Yeah, I’ve noticed it too.

I can see why some people say they’re demonically influenced. :dunno:
Well - nevermind. I've tried reasoning with you before. You're impervious to it.

Thank you for the laugh. LOL, Seriously. I needed it.

I learned a very long time ago that there is no reasoning with people like the one you replied to.

I also learned providing honest and credible proof of things to them is a waste of time.

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