Texas "fetal heartbeat" law to be NATIONAL MODEL

The Texas law will also be a model law for all the "vigilante" laws to come. Don't like something, deputize the public to go after violators. Expect more of these type laws, if the vigilante aspect of the law is upheld by SCOTUS.
Texas has a law (not joking) that possessing more than six dildos.is illegal. Maybe they can put vigilantes in charge of enforcing that one with a $10,000 bounty for every dildo over six. You got 8 dildos? That's 20 grand for me. Texas judges can authorize search warrants for a door to door campaign. "Ok lady - now show me your dildos!" :lol:
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That is true, Mr. Rambunctious, but before that heart started making noise a human being was there in the making since actual conception took place. This fact was known and acknowledged by King David when he was writing some of the Psalms. He knew that before his mother knew he was there, that God himself knew he was there. Jesus also revealed to his fellow man that God knows and cares when a sparrow dies, how much more he knows about us. And Watson and Crick had it spot on when they discovered DNA as being the code to our formation. Life is as complex as it is precious. And that's what I think.
Fuck KIng David and fuck your stupid god and keep your religious fairy tale bullshit out of modern day 2021 laws you dumb caveman POS.
It's absolutely true. All you can hear at 6 weeks is electrical pulses. Those are not a heartbeat, which would require chambers and valves that don't come until much later.
Then you can abort all you want...no heartbeat suck away have a party...I'm sure a doctor knows the difference between a heartbeat and a electrical impulse....
Who told you that?...its just not true....a heartbeat requires a heart...you baby killers are sounding absolutely hysterically ridiculous...

But what exactly do we mean when we talk about a "fetal heartbeat" at six weeks of pregnancy? Although some people might picture a heart-shaped organ beating inside a fetus, this is not the case.

Rather, at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said.

But the heart is far from fully formed at this stage, and the "beat" isn't audible; if doctors put a stethoscope up to a woman's belly this early on in her pregnancy, they would not hear a heartbeat, Aftab told Live Science. (What's more, it isn't until the eighth week of pregnancy that the baby is called a fetus; prior to that, it's still considered an embryo, according to the Cleveland Clinic.)

It's been only in the last few decades that doctors have even been able to detect this flutter at six weeks, thanks to the use of more-sophisticated ultrasound technologies, Aftab said. Previously, the technology wasn't advanced enough to detect the flutter that early on in pregnancy.

The heart still has a lot of development to undergo before it is fully formed. Indeed, the entire first trimester of pregnancy is a time of "organogenesis," or the formation of organs, Aftab said."
no heartbeat suck away have a party
Suck away? What are you talking about? Suction Curettage isnt done until week 13. Medicated abortion using a combination of 2 pills is used up till that point.

I'm sure a doctor knows the difference between a heartbeat and a electrical impulse....
But evidently the ass clowns that made this law dont know the difference.

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