Texas "fetal heartbeat" law to be NATIONAL MODEL

Advocating that the states compel women to give birth against their will through force of law is to advocate for the destruction of individual liberty, contrary to the Framers’ intent.

The states never had the ‘right’ to violate the rights and protected liberties of American citizens who might reside in the states; government excess and overreach at the expense of individual liberty is repugnant to the Constitution at all levels – Federal, state, and local.

Indeed, it’s the states which have exhibited the greatest contempt for citizens’ rights and liberties.

You shouldn't speak of things you clearly know nothing about.
We all agree that abortion is bad, wrong, and should be ended.

Certainly as a nation we can find a way to achieve that goal.

Why is ‘banning’ abortion the only ‘solution’ advocated for when in fact it’s no solution at all.
?? Second time the Texas law does not ban abortions.
No, you are conflating characteristics of persons in certain stages of life, with personhood. A newborn baby doesn't have the ability to be creative, or have compassion (criteria according to your link) yet obviously the newborn is a human being.

What you're actually doing is discriminating against certain human beings, based on age and location, simply to maintain your political position for elective abortion.
No one knows exactly what a newborn baby has or doesn’t have except that it is an independent life and with that has rights. The only discrimination I see is against pregnant women, where a microscopic cluster of cells has more rights over her body then she does.

My position isn’t political. It is about my rights to my body. Something women have fought hard for.
God seemed to have no problem with taking developing child, as demonstrated by the ordeal of bitter water. The bible states a woman who is suspected of adultery can be made to miscarry.

Book, Chapter and verse Plz. Thx.
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Book, Chapter and verse Plz. Thx.
you can read the link i already gave you?

its numbers 5:11-31

That's not answering the question. I asked you what they are AT THAT TIME.

Also you ignored the second paragraph of my post, so please answer.

No one claimed they were. So what? Viability is irrelevant in regard to what determines our humanity. A preborn is not supposed to be viable in the early stages of pregnancy.
You said they were surviving outside the womb but they are not really because they are frozen at a temperature where all biological activity virtually stops. and AT THE TIME they are frozen they are embryos.

So I will say it again I think viability outside the womb is as good a point as any to pick as a possible cutoff point for abortion.
A heartbeat means life....if you stop a heart you are killing life.....

You're gotta love those godbotherers. They really care about unwanted kids. They spend Sundays caring for them because it's gods will.
They even care for all.the down syndrome kids and deformities. Its what God wants. God bless them.
Irrelevant. You proaborts sound so backwards and unscientific when you keep trying to claim that viability is what determines our humanity.

When you make up what my claim is you have no credibility. There is no question about the embryo's humanity.

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