Texas "fetal heartbeat" law to be NATIONAL MODEL

Yet you still refuse to say when you believe life begins. It tells me everything I need to know about your actual belief in your stated convictions.
I am not medically educated enough to answer that question, and neither are you (although of course you wont admit that). I can tell you there is more to it then simply "when life begins". It's more nuanced than that but of course again I wouldnt expect to have any type of nuanced discussion with anyone of your ilk.
I thought you just agreed there isnt a heartbeat at 6 weeks? Wow I leave you alone for 2 minutes and you are back to spouting your nonsense.
No you have me confused with someone else...I don't know when a heartbeat begins...I'm not a doctor...I have read it can be detected at 6 weeks up to 8 weeks.....I'm sure its different from one fetus to another...all I'm arguing is if there is a heartbeat there is life....so stopping the heart means death....or murder...if you have to be death dumb and blind to tow the liberal line maybe the line is wrong.....
I am not medically educated enough to answer that question, and neither are you (although of course you wont admit that). I can tell you there is more to it then simply "when life begins". It's more nuanced than that but of course again I wouldnt expect to have any type of nuanced discussion with anyone of your ilk.

That's what I thought, you're just a chickenshit who gets off on the idea of killing babies.
it's no different than killing a tadpole.
That is so 1970 speak....since the invent of ultrasound we now see how absurd your statement is....just admit it...you feel that if you can't see it its ok to kill it...
That is so 1970 speak....since the invent of ultrasound we now see how absurd your statement is....just admit it...you feel that if you can't see it its ok to kill it...
For one I'm not a woman so I will never have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.

and two I have no problem with abortion in the first trimester because at that point the fetus isn;t viable.
A heartbeat means life....if you stop a heart you are killing life.....
That is true, Mr. Rambunctious, but before that heart started making noise a human being was there in the making since actual conception took place. This fact was known and acknowledged by King David when he was writing some of the Psalms. He knew that before his mother knew he was there, that God himself knew he was there. Jesus also revealed to his fellow man that God knows and cares when a sparrow dies, how much more he knows about us. And Watson and Crick had it spot on when they discovered DNA as being the code to our formation. Life is as complex as it is precious. And that's what I think.
My concern is that "vigilante laws" will go far beyond just abortion cases. If that Pandora's box is opening, which it appears to be, who knows where it will end.
in all seriousness, Although this issue is pregnant with ironic implications, the vigilante aspect is beyond a stretch legally. The state put it in because it seeks to avoid legal challenges but it was not ... sufficiently planned and could lead to ill thought out consequences.

Nevertheless, there is a current theme in much of what the populist rightwing politicians propose - from abortion to taxes to immigration - that intentionally ignores economic, social, medical even humane considerations - in order to curry favor with the absolute base that makes up the party.
For one I'm not a woman so I will never have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.

and two I have no problem with abortion in the first trimester because at that point the fetus isn;t viable.
But it is viable...that's where you are behind the times and void of new fetal technology...in other words you have become a knuckle dragger....
No you have me confused with someone else...I don't know when a heartbeat begins...I'm not a doctor...I have read it can be detected at 6 weeks up to 8 weeks.....I'm sure its different from one fetus to another...all I'm arguing is if there is a heartbeat there is life....so stopping the heart means death....or murder...if you have to be death dumb and blind to tow the liberal line maybe the line is wrong.....
You did agree with me that without a heart, there can be no heart beat. And a heart does not exist at 6 weeks. That is a medical fact. Now what you are talking about at 6-8 weeks is something called the fetal pole cardiac activity. It's a cluster of pulsing cells. There is no heart beating because there IS NO HEART TO BE BEATING. I dont think I'll ever get that through your thick skull.
Watch sales of Morning After Pills skyrocket in TX
Well, might the point be that the women most affected will be those less able to consider consequences. I recall one of my late father's less pleasant comments "the only pill that works all the time is the one a woman keeps between her legs." I'm sure it wasn't an original thought for him, but the issue that "thinking" fails to address is .... who takes care of kids whose unwed mother is unprepared to undertake?
Make it so!!

Good - Hope they do it in every swing state and we'll see how that works out for 'em in the midterms :lol:
And a heart does not exist at 6 weeks
Obviously that is not always true...and like I've said from the beginning and what the bill says if there is no heartbeat you can have an abortion...but if there is the fetus has civil rights which includes a right to life....can't be more simple than that....
That is true, Mr. Rambunctious, but before that heart started making noise a human being was there in the making since actual conception took place. This fact was known and acknowledged by King David when he was writing some of the Psalms. He knew that before his mother knew he was there, that God himself knew he was there. Jesus also revealed to his fellow man that God knows and cares when a sparrow dies, how much more he knows about us. And Watson and Crick had it spot on when they discovered DNA as being the code to our formation. Life is as complex as it is precious. And that's what I think.
I'm just defending the wording in the Texas bill...which no one here seems to have read...when life begins is not the question here....the bill states if there is a heartbeat there must be life and you can not kill life....a fetus with a heartbeat has civil rights...that's all the bill says and that's all that I'm arguing here....
Obviously that is not always true...and like I've said from the beginning and what the bill says if there is no heartbeat you can have an abortion...but if there is the fetus has civil rights which includes a right to life....can't be more simple than that....
Tell me in the history of mankind at any point when there was a fully formed heart capable of producing a heartbeat at 6 weeks. Let me give you a clue....ITS NEVER HAPPENED! It is literally impossible for it to happen. What is wrong with you?
That is true, Mr. Rambunctious, but before that heart started making noise a human being was there in the making since actual conception took place. This fact was known and acknowledged by King David when he was writing some of the Psalms. He knew that before his mother knew he was there, that God himself knew he was there. Jesus also revealed to his fellow man that God knows and cares when a sparrow dies, how much more he knows about us. And Watson and Crick had it spot on when they discovered DNA as being the code to our formation. Life is as complex as it is precious. And that's what I think.
You can't use the bible to address a fetus, did you know a women drank poison to determine if she was out cheating with another man, and the priest gave it to her.
Tell me in the history of mankind at any point when there was a fully formed heart capable of producing a heartbeat at 6 weeks. Let me give you a clue....ITS NEVER HAPPENED! It is literally impossible for it to happen. What is wrong with you?
Then you have nothing to worry about...if there is no heartbeat you can abort...but I have read medical reports that say the opposite of what you are claiming....

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