Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

It is true that the SCOTUS could decide to not take the case.
Yes. It's literally possible. But very very unlikely given the consequences of letting the left cheat their
way to victory. The rest of the country would be devastated and dispirited.

And it sets a precedent that is deadly for a so called nation of laws. The Supreme Court would be
slitting their own wrists.

I think we have the votes necessary at this point to get the Supreme Court to hear it. I expected back during Barrett's confirmation hearing that the USSC was going to get dragged into the election at some point. I consider John Roberts to have a spine of spaghetti, and basically useless, but I'd be willing to bet money on Thomas, Alito, and Barrett agreeing to hear the case. I don't know about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

The problem with that reasoning is that it assumes loyalty to Trump or the Republican party by any justice.....rather than loyalty to the law and the Constitution.

As the court rejecting Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v Pennsylvania, et al. just this morning elegantly demonstrated, you're likely going to be very disappointed.

A "problem" with the reasoning that exists only in the mind of a leftist "I would behave this way, so I assume everyone would" dipshit bothers me not at all.

Hold your breath waiting for me to defend something that you only imagine I said.
Do you ever read the articles? Do any "Progressives" ever bother reading the attached articles?
Progs get their ideas by deducing what is true from their ideology.

Facts are not needed for them, it is a self warranting system of assertion based on ideological preference.
It being on the docket means there's most likely a hearing.
It doesn’t mean the court has taken up the case. No devisions have been made.
" If the Justices decide to accept a case (grant a petition for certiorari), the case is placed on the docket. "

One state suing another automatically has standing in the Supreme Court.
Its obvious that the biden voters posting here do not understand what is going on
LOL, you guys have been claiming every new court case is going to be "the one" for a month now. A month later Trump and his allies have lost 50 cases. This will just be another loss.

You can smell the qui
It is true that the SCOTUS could decide to not take the case.
Yes. It's literally possible. But very very unlikely given the consequences of letting the left cheat their
way to victory. The rest of the country would be devastated and dispirited.

And it sets a precedent that is deadly for a so called nation of laws. The Supreme Court would be
slitting their own wrists.

I think we have the votes necessary at this point to get the Supreme Court to hear it. I expected back during Barrett's confirmation hearing that the USSC was going to get dragged into the election at some point. I consider John Roberts to have a spine of spaghetti, and basically useless, but I'd be willing to bet money on Thomas, Alito, and Barrett agreeing to hear the case. I don't know about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

The problem with that reasoning is that it assumes loyalty to Trump or the Republican party by any justice.....rather than loyalty to the law and the Constitution.

As the court rejecting Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v Pennsylvania, et al. just this morning elegantly demonstrated, you're likely going to be very disappointed.

A "problem" with the reasoning that exists only in the mind of a leftist "I would behave this way, so I assume everyone would" dipshit bothers me not at all.

Hold your breath waiting for me to defend something that you only imagine I said.

You get that this is the longest of long shots, yes? That the odds of this effecting the outcome of the election is roughly the number that comes just after zero?
It is true that the SCOTUS could decide to not take the case.
Yes. It's literally possible. But very very unlikely given the consequences of letting the left cheat their
way to victory. The rest of the country would be devastated and dispirited.

And it sets a precedent that is deadly for a so called nation of laws. The Supreme Court would be
slitting their own wrists.

I think we have the votes necessary at this point to get the Supreme Court to hear it. I expected back during Barrett's confirmation hearing that the USSC was going to get dragged into the election at some point. I consider John Roberts to have a spine of spaghetti, and basically useless, but I'd be willing to bet money on Thomas, Alito, and Barrett agreeing to hear the case. I don't know about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

The problem with that reasoning is that it assumes loyalty to Trump or the Republican party by any justice.....rather than loyalty to the law and the Constitution.

As the court rejecting Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v Pennsylvania, et al. just this morning elegantly demonstrated, you're likely going to be very disappointed.

A "problem" with the reasoning that exists only in the mind of a leftist "I would behave this way, so I assume everyone would" dipshit bothers me not at all.

Hold your breath waiting for me to defend something that you only imagine I said.
this is what is so funny. the left is so hellbent on making up stupid interpretation of what you said and then attacking their known misintrepretations as if you said it.
Louisiana has joined Texas and ................now Alabama has joined too!!!!!!:banana:

Wohoooooooooo Alabama!
It is true that the SCOTUS could decide to not take the case.
Yes. It's literally possible. But very very unlikely given the consequences of letting the left cheat their
way to victory. The rest of the country would be devastated and dispirited.

And it sets a precedent that is deadly for a so called nation of laws. The Supreme Court would be
slitting their own wrists.

I think we have the votes necessary at this point to get the Supreme Court to hear it. I expected back during Barrett's confirmation hearing that the USSC was going to get dragged into the election at some point. I consider John Roberts to have a spine of spaghetti, and basically useless, but I'd be willing to bet money on Thomas, Alito, and Barrett agreeing to hear the case. I don't know about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

The problem with that reasoning is that it assumes loyalty to Trump or the Republican party by any justice.....rather than loyalty to the law and the Constitution.

As the court rejecting Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v Pennsylvania, et al. just this morning elegantly demonstrated, you're likely going to be very disappointed.
the problem is you keep trying to tell people how they feel and you keep getting it wrong.

cute. annoying as fuck, but cute.
Officials in Georgia — where Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger recertified the state's election results again Monday after a recount — were quick to dismiss Paxton's allegations, as were leaders in the other three states named in the lawsuit.

"The allegations in the lawsuit are false and irresponsible," Georgia's deputy secretary of state, Jordan Fuchs, said in a statement Tuesday. "Texas alleges that there are 80,000 forged signatures on absentee ballots in Georgia, but they don’t bring forward a single person who this happened to. That’s because it didn’t happen."

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel dismissed Paxton's suit as "a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading."

"Mr. Paxton’s actions are beneath the dignity of the office of Attorney General and the people of the great state of Texas," she said

Michigan and Georgia, two of the culprits, are claiming they are innocent of all charges.
You know how to settle this dispute? Get a court, like the US Supreme Court, to hear the case
and make a decision based on evidence.

Then we'll see if Raffensperger and Nessel have a legal leg to stand on.

Isn't that just what Texas wants too? Problem solved! Everyone goes home happy...except for Georgia and Michigan. And Pennsylvania, and Arizona. And Wisconsin.

I don't think Arizona was included in the suit, because Arizona didn't have any last-minute, end-run-around-the-legislature changes.
Louisiana has jumped on the Texas lawsuit.

getting fun now, people.
I heard this earlier, but cant find any articles.

this is one article, there are more
Alabama now.

Wheee - this is where the fun starts.
It being on the docket means there's most likely a hearing.
It doesn’t mean the court has taken up the case. No devisions have been made.
" If the Justices decide to accept a case (grant a petition for certiorari), the case is placed on the docket. "

Its also placed on the docket when the writ ISN'T granted.

As demonstrated by Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v. Pennsylvania, et al., which was placed on the docket on December 3rd....


And had cert denied this morning.

It being placed on the docket merely means that the case is being discussed by the justices. Not that cert has been granted, not that the plaintiff has standing, not that the case has any merit. Merely that at least one justice has a question.
It being on the docket means there's most likely a hearing.
It doesn’t mean the court has taken up the case. No devisions have been made.
" If the Justices decide to accept a case (grant a petition for certiorari), the case is placed on the docket. "

Its also placed on the docket when the it a writ ISN'T granted.

As demonstrated by Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v. Pennsylvania, et al., which was placed on the docket on December 3rd....

View attachment 426724

And had cert denied this morning.

It being placed on the docket merely means that the case is being discussed by the justices. Not that cert has been granted, not that the plaintiff has standing, not that the case has any merit. Merely that at least one justice has a question.
Okay, thanks much. Appreciated.
It is true that the SCOTUS could decide to not take the case.
Yes. It's literally possible. But very very unlikely given the consequences of letting the left cheat their
way to victory. The rest of the country would be devastated and dispirited.

And it sets a precedent that is deadly for a so called nation of laws. The Supreme Court would be
slitting their own wrists.

I think we have the votes necessary at this point to get the Supreme Court to hear it. I expected back during Barrett's confirmation hearing that the USSC was going to get dragged into the election at some point. I consider John Roberts to have a spine of spaghetti, and basically useless, but I'd be willing to bet money on Thomas, Alito, and Barrett agreeing to hear the case. I don't know about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

The problem with that reasoning is that it assumes loyalty to Trump or the Republican party by any justice.....rather than loyalty to the law and the Constitution.

As the court rejecting Mike Kelly, United States Congressman, et al., Applicants v Pennsylvania, et al. just this morning elegantly demonstrated, you're likely going to be very disappointed.
the problem is you keep trying to tell people how they feel and you keep getting it wrong.

cute. annoying as fuck, but cute.

Your feelings I'll leave to you. The arguments being presented is what I'll critique.
Allowing citizens to vote by mail during a pandemic emergency is not fraud.

People calling it fraud are way off base.

Will the candidates in the primary using this method be invalidated, and special election winners be evicted, along with all the candidates in the Nov 3 election be invalidated?

After the citizens were told by their govt that it was legal and to vote that way?

I do not think so.

And if it did go to the legislature or house, wouldnt they be obligated on their electors chosen, to be the electors of the citizen's choice...who clearly did choose Biden, not Trump, but a technicality and not fraud by the citizens, is the complaint?

Why weren't the constitutionality complaints brought and settled during the primaries and before the Nov elections?

There is no way the SC would change and usurp the will of the people at this point.

Voters Constitutional rights were violated. That is the issue. All legally cast votes should be considered exactly the same regardless of jurisdiction. That did not happen.

This is a very serious Constitutional question that must be resolved to protect all of our Rights. This should not be about team politics.

No it should not.

And every candidate has a right to redress through the courts, through recounts etc.

When court after court has dismissed cases for lack of evidence...when the lead attorney himself has to claim it's not fraud in order to avoid lying to the judge, when election officials on your own team say there is no evidence of fraud, when the DoJ fails to find fraud...then it's time to move on and accept the election as valid or...

make it about team politics and attempt to overturn a legitimate election and have partisan legislatures install the candidate who lost.

That invokes a greater crisis then your fraudulent one.

Or give up and let possible fraud win the day.

I know they won't win this fight, this is just the beginning.

Court orders for all election materials in the States in question. Court orders for all election hardware and software. Court orders to produce lists of all election workers in the disputed areas.

What fraud?

There's no evidence of a 'stolen election'.

Texas is saying the States in question violated the rules. This led to the increased chance of fraud.

There is no hard evidence YET, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence you ignore. You act like the people who did it wouldn't try to hide it.

I don't believe Texas has to prove any fraud. I don't think their case even mentions fraud. All they have to prove is that 1) the legislatures of those states passed clear and specific election laws, 2) various state government entities who are NOT the legislature decided to change those rules without consulting the state legislature, 3) the US Constitution disallows for such behavior, and 4) the people of the state of Texas (and now Louisiana and Alabama) are substantially harmed by the behavior.

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