Texas Files Lawsuit at SCOTUS Against GA, PA, MI, and WI

Texas claims that the violations of election law in these states created an environment where ballot fraud was enabled and likely to occur.
And is so "invisible" it can't be seen or proved as if it never happened!!!!!

I didn't make the claims, Texas did you jack ass!

I generally try to post the SCOTUS information to the forum, I say little about it personally since I don't even pretend to be a sidewalk lawyer or judge.
An AG that is under investigation in Texass for abuse of office and taking kickbacks is suing several states claiming they are violating law...Irony at its best.
I think its 18 or 19 states suing the denocrat cheaters

These States have only applied to be allowed to file amicus briefs ... SCOTUS hasn't ruled on their petition yet ... I expect not, the Texas complaint will be dismissed out-of-hand ... the tortuous logic they presented in their complaint doesn't even come close to the text of the Constitution ... the laws PA used this election were put in place 15 months ago ...
The Constitution says it needs to be passed by the legislature, moron. You're arguing with the Constitution.
No, it doesn't say it needs to be passed by the legislature, ya fucking moron. It says...

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;

Which means a state legislature can choose to let the "manner" of holding an election up to the voters. As the Constitution reads, it's up to the states' legislature.

The Court also has held that a legislature may delegate its authority under the Elections Clause to other entities or officials.
Really? Post the case
That is yer jist from a media outlet have you researched to find that Pennsylvania did use the process of legislature to okay the changes to the election?
It's not even a media outlet! It's setup and format, lets anyone that buys a site from them, create their own fake media outlet.... all are trolls....Russian, Chinese, Americans, Nigerians, you name it....rift raft.
That is yer jist from a media outlet have you researched to find that Pennsylvania did use the process of legislature to okay the changes to the election?

What process of the legislature was used to change election laws in Pa.
For the mail in ballots because of the pandemic which is the same the majority of other states did.

I thought it was the state Supreme Court, not the legislatures, that rule on the mail-in ballot stuff?
It was rulings on the lawsuits against the State or Secretary of State, brought by the legislature and friendly groups for the legislature, claiming the moves were not legal...is my understanding.

The State supreme court ruled they were not illegal...
That's what you folks are hoping for
A return to law and order, you mean.

But first you must ignore the established law and order of the State and Federal Courts who rule by precedent. Also you must ignore the established State and Federal election laws to disallow the certified votes and substitute and alternate slate of electors that favor the Loser of the popular vote in all 4 states as well as the entire nation.

The goal is one party rule.
Texas has no standing

Yes they do.
Maybe, if they set the example by reviewing how they did their vote counting.

Moreover, perhaps before they begin changing voting rules without legislation they should refer to their state's Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.
Texas is welcome to go first, for the metadata and those metrics for the Union as a fixable to fixed Standard.
The Court also has held that a legislature may delegate its authority under the Elections Clause to other entities or officials.
Really? Post the case
Here we go again. And will my posting the case citation cause you to stop posting bullshit?

If all you'll do is shake it off like the last dozen citations i've given you, what's the point?
You mean I'm not allowed to dispute it if it doesn't say what you claim?

Go fuck yourself. Your claim will stand as unsupported.
But first you must ignore the established law and order of the State and Federal Courts who rule by precedent. Also you must ignore the established State and Federal election laws to disallow the certified votes and substitute and alternate slate of electors that favor the Loser of the popular vote in all 4 states as well as the entire nation.

The goal is one party rule.
One party rule IS the goal...for the democrats. That's why they are already planning to pack the courts, end filibusters, add more states to gain more senators and seats in Congress, etc.
AOC has already said her goal, and that of her followers, is to rule without being forced to deal with the republican party.

She's a demagogue. Look the word up. She's not where she wants to be...yet! But she and her party is working on it. Stealing the presidential election in front of the eyes of the nation is a good first step.

We aren't bound by precedent and your lies when an election like this is stolen. Hypocritical fuckers
want to cling to law and order appeals after stealing the presidency.
The Supreme Court is now in play.
Here we go again. And will my posting the case citation cause you to stop posting bullshit?

If all you'll do is shake it off like the last dozen citations i've given you, what's the point?
You mean I'm not allowed to dispute it if it doesn't say what you claim?

Go fuck yourself. Your claim will stand as unsupported.
Here we go again. That's the same thing you did with the previous citation I posted that showed you were completely wrong.

First you said since I hadn't posted a citation right away, that one did not exist. Then when I posted it, you said it wasn't what I claimed. And when I quoted the relevant section, you just ran away.

Yeah i'm going to waste that much time again.
Fingerboi's a fucking moron. If he says something, you know it's wrong if for no other reason than because he says it.

There are two kinds of posters. Those who spew what they claim as facts, and those who cite their source.

Most claims made by bripat are the former. Which makes him such a laughing stock.
When did you cite your source on the Supreme Court saying "a legislature may delegate its authority under the Elections Clause to other entities or officials?"
When did you cite your source on the Supreme Court saying "a legislature may delegate its authority under the Elections Clause to other entities or officials?"

The actual text

Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting ...
www.supremecourt.gov › opinions

Jun 29, 2015 — The Elections Clause and 2 U. S. C. §2a(c) permit Arizona's use of a commission to adopt congressional districts. Pp. 15–35. (a) Redistricting is ...

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