Texas Finally Pays Out Cash Bounty For Voter Fraud

The evidence was right before you stinking eyes, yet like a good progressive slave, who must have his $1,400 check, has to parrot what the Lame Stream Media tells him to say.
How are you gasoline and food prices today, arent you glad the Democrats did good with the Big Steal?
No, it wasn't

Which is why yo goofy ass can't present any......

Which is also precisely why you are no different from morons like Mike Lindell and others who have failed over and over and over and over and over again to present a single piece of evidence to back up your bullshit claims...

Even the AZ audit yall were cheerleading for was a flop...did it force you dumb asses to concede you were wrong? Nope....

Even children are mature enough to understand why Santa Claus doesn't exist -- which means your intellectual maturity is less than that of a child...
I have always wondered why anyone would vote twice like the guy in the OP. It's not going to change the outcome of an election. It's just unbelievably stupid.
Yep, slipping in an extra vote by your dead granny is hardly worth a felony conviction and 1 to 2 years in prison. And that is why it's so rare. Ya gotta be seriously stupid.
Had this been a Dem voter, you would be shouting to the hills. Someone tell the serial liar that we found voter fraud.

I still cannot believe that we are nearly a year past the November 2020 election and the losing clown is still contending there was voter fraud and he is flying all over the country telling his sheep that he won in a landslide. AND THEY BELIEVE HIM!

Trump and Republicans know President Biden won lawfully.

But the dishonest, reprehensible right will continue to propagate these ridiculous lies about fraud anyway.
View attachment 554923
If this soyboy cuck lib was able to present his evidence, you definitely should be able to....don't tell me you got beat by a lib

I'd make a color photocopy of that bad boy and frame it! :D

Rachel interviewed this kid last night. Listen to his story.
First this guy asked a bunch of dumb questions about coming back and voting for his son and was told that would be illegal.
So then he comes back an hour later wearing a hat and sunglasses to put in another vote for Trumpy Bear! :auiqs.jpg:

No, it wasn't

Which is why yo goofy ass can't present any......

Which is also precisely why you are no different from morons like Mike Lindell and others who have failed over and over and over and over and over again to present a single piece of evidence to back up your bullshit claims...

Even the AZ audit yall were cheerleading for was a flop...did it force you dumb asses to concede you were wrong? Nope....

Even children are mature enough to understand why Santa Claus doesn't exist -- which means your intellectual maturity is less than that of a child...
So you are saying that at 3am when the 5 states all had President Trump in the lead, and then miraculously when all the poll watchers went home by 6 am 10s of thousands of JOE BITEME only ballots showed up to put the geezer over the top? Also after all the poll watchers went home, the camera caught people pulling ballots out of suitcases and running them didnt happen? You are a fucking progressives retard.

Oh sheesh let's face it Boots. You are perfectly fine with cheating as long as they cheat for your goons. :)
Of course they are. The evidence is simple. They are fine now with Bannon refuses a Congressional subpoena. I wonder what that level of outrage they would have expressed if Hillary had refused a Congressional subpoena in the BENGHAZI boondoggle? Ya think they would have been outraged and called for her prosecution? Yup...they would have.

The repub party is a trump loving (can't say humping anymore) group of Hypocrites...who will be happy to cheat and ignore a vote count if it helps them. In other words....they are SCUM. JUST LIKE THEIR LEADER....THE SCUM IN CHIEF.
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Rachel interviewed this kid last night. Listen to his story.
First this guy asked a bunch of dumb questions about coming back and voting for his son and was told that would be illegal.
So then he comes back an hour later wearing a hat and sunglasses to put in another vote for Trumpy Bear! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump and Republicans know President Biden won lawfully.

But the dishonest, reprehensible right will continue to propagate these ridiculous lies about fraud anyway.
Anything to give trump a Bulge in his diaper....
Only a decade? Dude might win the entire 21st Century!!

I thought of Century....but who knows is going to rise to the top of the repub party? We have over 75 years to go in the 21st century....it is hard to believe anyone can top the mental illness of trump...but....
I thought of Century....but who knows is going to rise to the top of the repub party? We have over 75 years to go in the 21st century....it is hard to believe anyone can top the mental illness of trump...but....

Thanks for cheering me up ;)
So you are saying that at 3am when the 5 states all had President Trump in the lead, and then miraculously when all the poll watchers went home by 6 am 10s of thousands of JOE BITEME only ballots showed up to put the geezer over the top? Also after all the poll watchers went home, the camera caught people pulling ballots out of suitcases and running them didnt happen? You are a fucking progressives retard.

View attachment 555088
Listen up child and I`ll explain it so even YOU can understand. Here in Pa., the Republicans thinking that the virus was a hoax, voted in person, which hopefully cause the deaths of many of them. The Pa. state legislature which is controlled by Trump`s party would not allow the mail-in ballots to be counted until the polls were closed. An overwhelming majority of those mailed ballots came from Democrats that said no to Lysol and Clorox as a treatment for Covid. Unlike our Pa. Republicans, the Democrats follow the recommendations of epidemiologists, not morons. The ballot counters went home to do what everyone else does in the middle of the night, sleep. They continued their counting in the morning.
Listen up child and I`ll explain it so even YOU can understand. Here in Pa., the Republicans thinking that the virus was a hoax, voted in person, which hopefully cause the deaths of many of them. The Pa. state legislature which is controlled by Trump`s party would not allow the mail-in ballots to be counted until the polls were closed. An overwhelming majority of those mailed ballots came from Democrats that said no to Lysol and Clorox as a treatment for Covid. Unlike our Pa. Republicans, the Democrats follow the recommendations of epidemiologists, not morons. The ballot counters went home to do what everyone else does in the middle of the night, sleep. They continued their counting in the morning.
I voted in person , still not vaxxed still dont wear a mask, Florida went for President Trump. Why would someone like you, vote for higher gasoline and food prices, diseased illegals crossing our border in the 100s of thousands, and crime going rampant in the United States, while Joe Biteme, admitted to the most extensive voter fraud organization, then we see it after 3 am? I guess you love living in a Banana Republic...

Oh by the way, i got your child, and dumped it into the toilet with the rest of your family..

Republican voter. Fraud....of course

"A week after the 2020 election, as Donald Trump continued to refuse to accept the results, Patrick announced that he had set aside $1 million for tipsters who turned over evidence of voter fraud."

So it's been 2 years and only one guy got the award?

Let's go Brandon!

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