Texas Gov. Abbott hands Biden a blistering welcome letter as the president arrives at border, blasting him for visiting 'SANITIZED' city.

No. I asked what you think was there to learn that he didn't already know. So far, nobody has even tried to answer the question.
He will learn nothing new. He didn’t actually go to the border, Dumbass.
MAGAs should make up their minds. They have been whining because Biden didn't go to the border, but now they are whining because he did. Sounds like they just want to whine. Pretty childish, don't you think?
I bet you are no fun at parties.
MAGAs should make up their minds. They have been whining because Biden didn't go to the border, but now they are whining because he did. Sounds like they just want to whine. Pretty childish, don't you think?
Braindead didn't get within a mile of the border where criminals are crossing.
Does it matter? He will forget the whole trip by the time he needs his next Depends changing.
My question wasn't about Biden. It was about why MAGAs whine so much about Biden visiting the border. That might be a little too complex for you to decipher.
Does it matter? He will forget the whole trip by the time he needs his next Depends changing.
BULLDOG is on DailyKOS looking for a new angle on why Biden doesn't need to know the US has issues that he is not addressing.
My question wasn't about Biden. It was about why MAGAs whine so much about Biden visiting the border. That might be a little too complex for you to decipher.
Why do welfare cases whine so much about Biden not sending them more money?
How stupid are you?
The President is a Federal position and the Feds are responsible for guarding our border.
Apparently you missed the part where they sanitized the area before hiden arrived.
He couldnt even see the border from where he was.


President Biden spoke with Border Patrol agents when he visited the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso on Sunday.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
this sort of sanitizing is what the national socialist and stalin would do. It’s what i expect from demafasict

glad the Gov called him out and brought attention to this

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