Texas Gov. Abbott hands Biden a blistering welcome letter as the president arrives at border, blasting him for visiting 'SANITIZED' city.

I'm sure many Americans hope he reads the letter and understands he is the president for ALL Americans.

A strong, wise leader would do so.
I'm sure many Americans hope he reads the letter and understands he is the president for ALL Americans.

A strong, wise leader would do so.

I have no hope.

No one can be involved with and done the things he has done and actually care about America or Americans. All he and his administration care about is their own political and financial gain. That's it. If America was buried under a tidal wave of diarrhea they wouldn't care as long it was nice and sunny in their back yard.
This is awesome and embarrassing for the Usurper. Biden inspected a parking lot in El Paso and wouldn't go to the Rio Grande where the third worlders are pouring across. Read the letter:


Big fat hairy deal..... Abbott should've called op the NG over a year ago....This shit is just more pro rasin'
This is awesome and embarrassing for the Usurper. Biden inspected a parking lot in El Paso and wouldn't go to the Rio Grande where the third worlders are pouring across. Read the letter:


How's that Texas power grid?

And what's taking that secession so long?
Sanitized? Maybe DeSantis and Abbot bussed too many of the invading hordes to DC and there weren't enough left to embarrass Biden.
'Abbott Hands Biden 'Blistering' Letter'

I wonder how long it will take Biden to recover...

At least you admit your Vegetable Messiah is incapable of learning anything.
No. I asked what you think was there to learn that he didn't already know. So far, nobody has even tried to answer the question.

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