Texas Gov. Abbott hands Biden a blistering welcome letter as the president arrives at border, blasting him for visiting 'SANITIZED' city.



President Biden spoke with Border Patrol agents when he visited the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso on Sunday.Credit...Doug Mills/The New York Times
thank goodness for the wall
This is awesome and embarrassing for the Usurper. Biden inspected a parking lot in El Paso and wouldn't go to the Rio Grande where the third worlders are pouring across. Read the letter:


of course you you see an issue with y oh r demafasict admin using Stalinist tactics to hide the reality of what’s happening and censoring the truth

aren’t you a little concerned with what they did with the illegals in the detriment camps?
of course you you see an issue with y oh r demafasict admin using Stalinist tactics to hide the reality of what’s happening and censoring the truth

aren’t you a little concerned with what they did with the illegals in the detriment camps?
he got of a plane and was handed a letter by an inferior person.

My question wasn't about Biden. It was about why MAGAs whine so much about Biden visiting the border. That might be a little too complex for you to decipher.
2.5 million a year under Biden. Trump was at 400,000 a year all the while fighting Democrats to get it to that number. Biden should be impeached for that alone.
President Joe Biden made his first visit to the border Sunday, but it was little more than thinly veiled Kabuki theater as reports indicate illegal immigrant camps were cleared out in El Paso, Texas ahead of his visit.
Adding to the perception of a highly choreographed event, CNN reports that Biden “did not appear to see or meet with migrants, including during a trip to a migrant respite center.”
Multiple outlets reported that El Paso had cleared out the ‘migrant’ camps before the President’s arrival, creating a Potemkin village presumably so he wouldn’t have to witness them, and the media wouldn’t have to report on Biden witnessing them.
The New York Post had a photographer on site who witnessed officials “tearing down migrant encampments under cover of darkness and dispatching hundreds of migrants across the border to Mexico.

Ahead of President Biden’s first trip to the southern border on Sunday in El Paso, Texas, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas again said the U.S. southern border is closed.

His comments came despite thousands of illegal border crossers pouring into the city, filling the airport, sidewalks, homeless shelters. Over the past few days, many were bused out of town and otherwise cleared out ahead of the president’s visit.
MAGAs should make up their minds. They have been whining because Biden didn't go to the border, but now they are whining because he did. Sounds like they just want to whine. Pretty childish, don't you think?
sounds like they just want a safe country

the damn morons!

When enemy democrats talk about broken borders and an immigration system that doesn't work, what they mean is that there should never have been a border at all. They blame Trump for the border because all these people would have been here already if not for him.

Democrats will NEVER protect the border. They don't want one at all.
no entirely true.

They want borders for THEM (fences around the WH, fences on their private properties...)

Fences and borders for me but not for thee (is their motto)
This is awesome and embarrassing for the Usurper. Biden inspected a parking lot in El Paso and wouldn't go to the Rio Grande where the third worlders are pouring across. Read the letter:


Trump achieved historic low levels of illegal immigration...

Well a million US Citizens died in a pandemic and some people thought it wasn't that attractive to visit...

You know what also stops them coming, if some winter you cut all the power and watch them freeze to death... I know some will say that Citizens would get caught up in that... Don't worry you don't have to here them complain if you go on a holiday to Cancun..
no entirely true.

They want borders for THEM (fences around the WH, fences on their private properties...)

Fences and borders for me but not for thee (is their motto)
40% of undocumented come in by air...

Fences don't work...
Walls don't work...
All they do is increase the cost of crossing, it actually keeps undocumented workers in the US rather than keeps them out..
Much like the Grand Canyon...You have to see it for yourself. Photos are not enough to grasp the grandeur. Biden could have been shown the giant crowds of people invading our nation. He could have been shown the tons of trash. He could have been shown the dead bodies that are found in the rivers and deserts. He could have looked into the faces of the exploited children that are routinely raped. He could looked into the faces of the American land owners that live in fear of the cartels..etc... He could have heard the crying and smelled the stench....Biden got an ice cream cone and can now proudly say that he's visited the "border".......Pathetic... and quite sad.
this visit by Biden is infuriating. it's all politics. if he gave a damn, he'd come to the Rio Grande Valley and the Biden-Obama-Beto cages. this is a photo op so that the media say the border problem, WHICH BIDEN-OBAMA-BETO CREATED, is fixed. Biden never gave a damn about the border, & still doesn't

El Paso is 800 miles further than the Rio Grande. to put that into perspective, Chicago is closer to DC than El Paso is to The Rio Grande. PHOTO OP!
The last year of Trump's presidency had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 50 years

the 1st year of Biden's presidency had the highest rate of illegal immigration in 60 years.

it flipped overnight. see you in November 2024, Sleepy Grandpa Joe!

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