Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

WRONG...Boehner stated that. YOU are a liar.

I know you're dumb - but are you really that fucking dumb?

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - The New York Times

The only 'people' that were discussing Impeaching Bush were those in the deepest lint in the darkest pockets of the Lunatic left.

There was NO, even POTENTIALLY valid charges to bring against Bush.

This in contrast to obama, who will be impeached within HOURS of Americans regaining control of the Senate and REMOVED from office, within weeks of that, on a MOUNTAIN of evidence bearing sustaining evidence of his treason in his having adhered to the enemies of the United States, during a period of war, by having promoted the interests of the enemy, by providing them aid and comfort; abuse of power, etc, ... .

Not that there wasn't merit. What's with republicans who keep on being ok with criminals? Alan West, kicked out of the military, went on to be a congressman, Rick Scott, a major felon who used the 5th amendment dozens of times in the trial of his company bilking medicare. He's then voted governor. bush/cheney couldn't produce the wmd's as promised, allowed 9-11 to happen on their watch. There was evidence to prosecute bush. Still is, since there's no statute of limitations on murder. We just need democrats with the heart for a fight. None seem to be available. They're mostly busy acting like republicans and trying to get campaign donations.
I know you're dumb - but are you really that fucking dumb?

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - The New York Times

The only 'people' that were discussing Impeaching Bush were those in the deepest lint in the darkest pockets of the Lunatic left.

There was NO, even POTENTIALLY valid charges to bring against Bush.

This in contrast to obama, who will be impeached within HOURS of Americans regaining control of the Senate and REMOVED from office, within weeks of that, on a MOUNTAIN of evidence bearing sustaining evidence of his treason in his having adhered to the enemies of the United States, during a period of war, by having promoted the interests of the enemy, by providing them aid and comfort; abuse of power, etc, ... .

Not that there wasn't merit. What's with republicans who keep on being ok with criminals? Alan West, kicked out of the military, went on to be a congressman, Rick Scott, a major felon who used the 5th amendment dozens of times in the trial of his company bilking medicare. He's then voted governor. bush/cheney couldn't produce the wmd's as promised, allowed 9-11 to happen on their watch. There was evidence to prosecute bush. Still is, since there's no statute of limitations on murder. We just need democrats with the heart for a fight. None seem to be available. They're mostly busy acting like republicans and trying to get campaign donations.

Boy, you are a scumbag, aren't you....Alan West's ACTIONS SAVED AMERICAN LIVES... Better look into the story, asswipe, as you aren't worth the shit paper to wipe West's ass!
The only 'people' that were discussing Impeaching Bush were those in the deepest lint in the darkest pockets of the Lunatic left.

There was NO, even POTENTIALLY valid charges to bring against Bush.

This in contrast to obama, who will be impeached within HOURS of Americans regaining control of the Senate and REMOVED from office, within weeks of that, on a MOUNTAIN of evidence bearing sustaining evidence of his treason in his having adhered to the enemies of the United States, during a period of war, by having promoted the interests of the enemy, by providing them aid and comfort; abuse of power, etc, ... .

Not that there wasn't merit. What's with republicans who keep on being ok with criminals? Alan West, kicked out of the military, went on to be a congressman, Rick Scott, a major felon who used the 5th amendment dozens of times in the trial of his company bilking medicare. He's then voted governor. bush/cheney couldn't produce the wmd's as promised, allowed 9-11 to happen on their watch. There was evidence to prosecute bush. Still is, since there's no statute of limitations on murder. We just need democrats with the heart for a fight. None seem to be available. They're mostly busy acting like republicans and trying to get campaign donations.

Boy, you are a scumbag, aren't you....Alan West's ACTIONS SAVED AMERICAN LIVES... Better look into the story, asswipe, as you aren't worth the shit paper to wipe West's ass!

Exactly. Allen West wasn't "kicked out" of the military. Everyone knows that.

He resigned to avoid being court-martialed.
She was investigating one of his many funds where he gives taxpayer money to companies for this and that and he wanted to get rid of her. Often it is his cronies that he is giving the taxpayers money to. He bribed her. Either resign or lose the money for your job.
The Travis County DA can indict a ham sandwich,

the Texas Governor can veto a ham sandwich,

and the US President can pardon a ham sandwich.

Such is our political system.

The Travis County DA can indict a ham sandwich,

the Texas Governor can veto a ham sandwich,

and the US President can pardon a ham sandwich.

Such is our political system.


And I could eat a ham sandwich right now! Too bad that sandwich is getting tossed around as a political football. That's way too many dirty hands on my sami! :mad:
I know you're dumb - but are you really that fucking dumb?

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - The New York Times

The only 'people' that were discussing Impeaching Bush were those in the deepest lint in the darkest pockets of the Lunatic left.

There was NO, even POTENTIALLY valid charges to bring against Bush.

This in contrast to obama, who will be impeached within HOURS of Americans regaining control of the Senate and REMOVED from office, within weeks of that, on a MOUNTAIN of evidence bearing sustaining evidence of his treason in his having adhered to the enemies of the United States, during a period of war, by having promoted the interests of the enemy, by providing them aid and comfort; abuse of power, etc, ... .

Not that there wasn't merit. What's with republicans who keep on being ok with criminals? Alan West, kicked out of the military, went on to be a congressman, Rick Scott, a major felon who used the 5th amendment dozens of times in the trial of his company bilking medicare. He's then voted governor. bush/cheney couldn't produce the wmd's as promised, allowed 9-11 to happen on their watch. There was evidence to prosecute bush. Still is, since there's no statute of limitations on murder. We just need democrats with the heart for a fight. None seem to be available. They're mostly busy acting like republicans and trying to get campaign donations.

Alan West is a hero, in the truest sense of the word; meaning he took action despite the strong probability that doing so would seriously injure his own life.

And Rick Scott is not a felon, serious or otherwise. His use of the 5th amendment did not hide criminal behavior on his part or the on the part of the company over which he executed.

Scotts company billed BILLIONS of dollars each and every year, with the monies at issue being insignificant fractions of it's billing, well within the margin of error. The prosecutions were politically motivated and what's more, they failed to convict Scott, FOR ANY CRIMINAL ACTIVITY... .
She was investigating one of his many funds where he gives taxpayer money to companies for this and that and he wanted to get rid of her. Often it is his cronies that he is giving the taxpayers money to. He bribed her. Either resign or lose the money for your job.

Technically, that would be called extortion, not bribery. But it is neither in the context of a government duty prescribed by a Constitution.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A grand jury indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday for abusing the powers of his office by carrying out a threat to veto funding for state prosecutors investigating public corruption — making the possible 2016 presidential hopeful his state's first indicted governor in nearly a century.

A special prosecutor spent months calling witnesses and presenting evidence that Perry broke the law when he promised publicly to nix $7.5 million over two years for the public integrity unit, which is run by Travis County District Rosemary Lehmberg's office. Several top aides to the Republican governor appeared before grand jurors in Austin, including his deputy chief of staff, legislative director and general counsel. Perry himself wasn't called to testify.

He was indicted by an Austin grand jury on felony counts of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant. Maximum punishment on the first charge is five to 99 years in prison. The second is two to 10 years.

More: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Doesn't sound good for Ricky's presidential ambitions.

The veto power of a Governor (just like the veto power of the President) is a specific power granted by their constitution (and in the case of the President, the US constitution). Calling a veto a crime is beyond ludicrous.
She was investigating one of his many funds where he gives taxpayer money to companies for this and that and he wanted to get rid of her. Often it is his cronies that he is giving the taxpayers money to. He bribed her. Either resign or lose the money for your job.

complete bullshit

When there is a simpler explanation rather than a conspiracy, you go with the simpler explanation, unless, of course, you are a leftwing fascist on a witch hunt to destroy ones opposition.

It is amazing that you think a drunk convicted of DUI with a .23 blood alcohol result should be a prosecutor that takes people to court for...DUIs.

Only a libtard....
you need to look at the Texas constitution ... it clearly says you can't threaten government officals if they don't do what you want ... thats texas law ...perry did this ... he said if you don't quit I will veto money to you ... then he did it when he signed the budget into law ... he can't do that according to Texas law ... A dui isn't a reason to quit your job...she was charged and she was convicted... you can't convict a person twice fior the same crime ... on the other hand you can convicte perry for what he did...:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:

He has the authority to veto those funds from the state budget. He also has the right and responsibility to say why................And in this case he stated that the State isn't going to pay the wages of a drunken whore...............A sot that is currently under ethics charges to boot..............

go look at texas law .... then we can say, "hey Perry" say hi to Blagojevich your new roomie:lol::lol::lol:

No, that is your responsibility, so provide your own law links (which don't exist because you are lying your assofff)
There is an old saying about how easy it is to indict a ham sandwich in Texas. This is standard politics. It also is an indication of the character of Texas Democrats.


But here is the rub; wont the trial not also be in Austin, the city of lunatics and rabid dogs?


But I disagree that it would have any bearing on the right's being willing to vote for him.

Hell, he's a blithering idiot but that didn't even slow them down.

If a right wing candidate got out of jail the day before the polls opened, some RWs would vote for him.

He needs to resign from office. He needs to go out like Nixon, give the mo'fo a helicopter and let him salute his fellow STUPID Texans as he gets on board.

Texas deserves him. It's the dumbest state in the Union.

You call Texas the dumbest state in the Union? Compare Houston to Detroit then come back and tell us how dumb Texas is. Michigan is the dumbest state in the Union for allowing a Roman Empire-like collapse of one of America's dream cities.
There is an old saying about how easy it is to indict a ham sandwich in Texas. This is standard politics. It also is an indication of the character of Texas Democrats.


But here is the rub; wont the trial not also be in Austin, the city of lunatics and rabid dogs?

It seriously doubt it will ever get to trial. The purpose is the headline in the media. They already have that.



But I disagree that it would have any bearing on the right's being willing to vote for him.

Hell, he's a blithering idiot but that didn't even slow them down.

If a right wing candidate got out of jail the day before the polls opened, some RWs would vote for him.

He needs to resign from office. He needs to go out like Nixon, give the mo'fo a helicopter and let him salute his fellow STUPID Texans as he gets on board.

Texas deserves him. It's the dumbest state in the Union.

You call Texas the dumbest state in the Union? Compare Houston to Detroit then come back and tell us how dumb Texas is. Michigan is the dumbest state in the Union for allowing a Roman Empire-like collapse of one of America's dream cities.

"The Texas economy added 19,100 seasonally-adjusted total nonfarm jobs in June for a total of 371,000 jobs added since June 2013"

Texas adds 19,100 jobs in June - Your Houston News: News

112.000 of them in Houston.

Fuck off liberal Democrats.



But I disagree that it would have any bearing on the right's being willing to vote for him.

Hell, he's a blithering idiot but that didn't even slow them down.

If a right wing candidate got out of jail the day before the polls opened, some RWs would vote for him.

He needs to resign from office. He needs to go out like Nixon, give the mo'fo a helicopter and let him salute his fellow STUPID Texans as he gets on board.

Texas deserves him. It's the dumbest state in the Union.

You call Texas the dumbest state in the Union? Compare Houston to Detroit then come back and tell us how dumb Texas is. Michigan is the dumbest state in the Union for allowing a Roman Empire-like collapse of one of America's dream cities.

Are you seriouslly referring to that Bastion of Democratic Party Power - run and owned by the Dems for years - an illustrious example of Liberal Mismanagement - DETROIT :cuckoo:
He is being charged for promising to use his lawful authority and following through. You really think Texans are going to convict him for doing what he promised he would do?

The man is being indicted for fighting corruption solely because he is a Republican.

Here is a crazy idea. How about we support the politicians who oppose corruption in government and eliminate the one who at fine with corruption regardless of their party affiliation?


Have you read the entire actual indictment.

Have you reviewed all the evidence submitted to the Grand Jury by the special prosecutor.

Perry was indicted in good faith by a Grand Jury because the evidence warranted it, and you have no evidence to the contrary.

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