Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

He needs to resign from office. He needs to go out like Nixon, give the mo'fo a helicopter and let him salute his fellow STUPID Texans as he gets on board.

Texas deserves him. It's the dumbest state in the Union.

You call Texas the dumbest state in the Union? Compare Houston to Detroit then come back and tell us how dumb Texas is. Michigan is the dumbest state in the Union for allowing a Roman Empire-like collapse of one of America's dream cities.

"The Texas economy added 19,100 seasonally-adjusted total nonfarm jobs in June for a total of 371,000 jobs added since June 2013"

Texas adds 19,100 jobs in June - Your Houston News: News

112.000 of them in Houston.

Fuck off liberal Democrats.


Any information on how much those jobs pay?
You call Texas the dumbest state in the Union? Compare Houston to Detroit then come back and tell us how dumb Texas is. Michigan is the dumbest state in the Union for allowing a Roman Empire-like collapse of one of America's dream cities.

"The Texas economy added 19,100 seasonally-adjusted total nonfarm jobs in June for a total of 371,000 jobs added since June 2013"

Texas adds 19,100 jobs in June - Your Houston News: News

112.000 of them in Houston.

Fuck off liberal Democrats.


Any information on how much those jobs pay?

I'm guessing it is more than not a job.
But that's just me.
He is being charged for promising to use his lawful authority and following through. You really think Texans are going to convict him for doing what he promised he would do?

The man is being indicted for fighting corruption solely because he is a Republican.

Here is a crazy idea. How about we support the politicians who oppose corruption in government and eliminate the one who at fine with corruption regardless of their party affiliation?


Have you read the entire actual indictment.

Have you reviewed all the evidence submitted to the Grand Jury by the special prosecutor.

Perry was indicted in good faith by a Grand Jury because the evidence warranted it, and you have no evidence to the contrary.

Good faith? LOL! Hardly... If you ever sat upon a Texas Grand-jury, you'd dam' well know that the Prosecutor's perspective is the ONLY PERSPECTIVE BEING ADVANCED.

The indictment is a massive rationalization and so pathetically obvious in its political motivation as to render itself: a joke. It IS also a demonstration of the foolishness common to placing Socialist in ANY position of public trust.

It assumes criminal intent, where there is no evidence of such. It assumes corruption where no evidence exists and it assumes that the Ideological Left is relevant in Texas. All false assumptions which will be kicked to the judicial curb at the first judicial consideration, specifically due to the ABSENCE OF GOOD FAITH, by a deluded prosecutor.
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She was investigating one of his many funds where he gives taxpayer money to companies for this and that and he wanted to get rid of her. Often it is his cronies that he is giving the taxpayers money to. He bribed her. Either resign or lose the money for your job.

complete bullshit

When there is a simpler explanation rather than a conspiracy, you go with the simpler explanation, unless, of course, you are a leftwing fascist on a witch hunt to destroy ones opposition.

It is amazing that you think a drunk convicted of DUI with a .23 blood alcohol result should be a prosecutor that takes people to court for...DUIs.

Only a libtard....
It was in today's newspaper. I called it a bribe and someone corrected me with the word extortion, thank you.

The word the newspaper used was coercion.

The veto threat came as the Public Integrity Unit ((Lehmberg) was looking into the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). the creation of which was championed by Perry The institute was hit by a scandal regarding grants going to those who made contributions and political donations. The agencies former chief officer was indicted after witholding information that an 11 million grant had NOT been reviewed as required.

Perry was trying to defund the Public Integrity Division to undermine its investigation of CPRIT

You will notice I did not call you names or insult you.
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Other RW criminals are standing by Rick (oops) Perry.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) showed his support for Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Saturday, hours after Perry was indicted for allegedly abusing the powers of his office.

"Rick Perry is a friend, he's a man of integrity – I am proud to stand with Rick Perry," Cruz said in a statement on his Facebook page.

Perry was charged with one count of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant, according to KVUE. In his statement, Cruz said the indictment "predicated on the exercise of his constitutional authority is, on its face, highly suspect."

The AP has more on Perry:

A special prosecutor spent months calling witnesses and presenting evidence that Perry broke the law when he promised publicly to nix $7.5 million over two years for the public integrity unit run by the office of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg. Lehmberg, a Democrat, was convicted of drunken driving, but refused Perry's calls to resign.

Though the Republican governor now faces two felony indictments, politics dominates the case. Lehmberg is based in Austin, which is heavily Democratic, in contrast to most of the rest of fiercely conservative Texas. The grand jury was comprised of Austin-area residents.

Perfect Republican candidates.
How is Obama responsible for this?

Perry going against him putting Texas National Guard on the border.... you know the little POS in the WH takes offense at anything people do that is directly against his wishes!

Rick Perry: Obama Failed Constitutional Duty to Secure Border

The POTUS doesn't have anything to do with this case, though.
The POTUS Oblamo has his snout into everything concerning Perry.
holy smokes
video and LINKS at the site..and this lawsuit got a lot of people all giddy and warm..sheesh

Before You Pass Judgment On Rick Perry…

posted at 7:59 pm on August 15, 2014 by Duane Patterson

You ought to see this video first. This is the dash cam footage from the patrol car that pulled over Travis County D.A., Rosemary Lehmberg for DWI.

[ame=http://youtu.be/JrxsCH_p1oc]Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg Drunk Driving Arrest Dash Cam - YouTube[/ame]

Here is the booking video when she was taken into custody.

at the site

Rick Perry thought her to be a disgrace, and wanted her to resign. She didn’t. So he took the next step and threatened to veto funding for her office. In response, a grand jury handed down an abuse of power indictment for coercive use of a veto late this afternoon. So the woman who was belligerent and intoxicated stays, Rick Perry is the bad guy and needs to go. Right. Got it.

Update: In case you want to give Lehmberg the benefit of the doubt, here is what her blood alcohol level was at the time of her arrest and booking, according to her attorney, David Sheppard.

District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg has pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated, was sentenced to 45 days in jail and immediately taken into custody.

Lehmberg’s blood alcohol level registered at 0.23 when she was arrested April 13, her attorney David Sheppard said.

ALL of it here
Before You Pass Judgment On Rick Perry? « Hot Air
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Just look at it this way after seeing that video

what if she was your Childs Nanny?
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Also from the OP link.

Though the Republican governor now faces two felony indictments, politics dominates the case. Lehmberg is based in Austin, which is heavily Democratic, in contrast to most of the rest of fiercely conservative Texas. The grand jury was comprised of Austin-area residents.

The unit Lehmberg oversees investigates statewide allegations of corruption and political wrongdoing. It led the investigation against former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Texas Republican who in 2010 was convicted of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering for taking part in a scheme to influence elections in his home state — convictions later vacated by an appeals court.
Rickyboy should have asked her to resign, and then taken it like a man when she wouldn't. Being a typical rightwing pussy, he tried to get his way using whatever he could and off to court he goes, which is as it should be...
How many years will Ricky spend in prison? Will he have "romantic" relationships? Will he join a gang?
You call Texas the dumbest state in the Union? Compare Houston to Detroit then come back and tell us how dumb Texas is. Michigan is the dumbest state in the Union for allowing a Roman Empire-like collapse of one of America's dream cities.

"The Texas economy added 19,100 seasonally-adjusted total nonfarm jobs in June for a total of 371,000 jobs added since June 2013"

Texas adds 19,100 jobs in June - Your Houston News: News

112.000 of them in Houston.

Fuck off liberal Democrats.


Any information on how much those jobs pay?

Enough that Obamacare will not subsidize them;

RIGZONE - Oil & Gas Salary Survey Results

Rickyboy should have asked her to resign, and then taken it like a man when she wouldn't. Being a typical rightwing pussy, he tried to get his way using whatever he could and off to court he goes, which is as it should be...

You realize you are defending a Drunk District Attorney who may in the future kill somebody while driving drunk?
She needed to resign and go into a rehab program.

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