Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

You have to remember people like PaintMyHouse will defend the lowest of the low...

When you try to validate Lehmberg's qualified to do her job as the Travis County DA after the video evidence and then tell everyone you are smarter than all of your so called dumb clients, you have to wonder how he gets this on the internet from the padded room at his state mental institution...
Leftists defending their drunk driver whore eh?

This smear job came straight down from the top, probably Jarrett himself (nobody can look at that Iranian slut and mistake it for a woman).

It's combination of payback for the border issue and Perry's possible presidential run. It won't work.

Oh I think the mugshot, past stoned performance, and his record in Texas will be more than an enough, but facing felony charges because he broke the law, which isn't political, will do just fine.

Perry didn't violate the law... and the assertion by a disreputable Leftist DA doesn't make it so. The charges are nonsense and will be kicked to the curb at the first judicial hearing.

I am embarrassed for you people. This stampede to try and prop this house of cards is long since past SAD!
The Grand Jury sees it differently. Is the Grand Jury just dumb?
You have to remember people like PaintMyHouse will defend the lowest of the low...

When you try to validate Lehmberg's qualified to do her job as the Travis County DA after the video evidence and then tell everyone you are smarter than all of your so called dumb clients, you have to wonder how he gets this on the internet from the padded room at his state mental institution...
What I defend are truths you can't handle, like a DUI doesn't make one dishonest or unfit for a government position.
You have to remember people like PaintMyHouse will defend the lowest of the low...

When you try to validate Lehmberg's qualified to do her job as the Travis County DA after the video evidence and then tell everyone you are smarter than all of your so called dumb clients, you have to wonder how he gets this on the internet from the padded room at his state mental institution...
What I defend are truths you can't handle, like a DUI doesn't make one dishonest or unfit for a government position.

Does it make them immune from being fired ?
You have to remember people like PaintMyHouse will defend the lowest of the low...

When you try to validate Lehmberg's qualified to do her job as the Travis County DA after the video evidence and then tell everyone you are smarter than all of your so called dumb clients, you have to wonder how he gets this on the internet from the padded room at his state mental institution...
What I defend are truths you can't handle, like a DUI doesn't make one dishonest or unfit for a government position.
Really? I guess than the libtards can apologize for the rants against GWB before he was elected. What a two faced pos. The Grand Jury can be bias just like any court. Idiot lefty libtards.
You have to remember people like PaintMyHouse will defend the lowest of the low...

When you try to validate Lehmberg's qualified to do her job as the Travis County DA after the video evidence and then tell everyone you are smarter than all of your so called dumb clients, you have to wonder how he gets this on the internet from the padded room at his state mental institution...
What I defend are truths you can't handle, like a DUI doesn't make one dishonest or unfit for a government position.

Does it make them immune from being fired ?
If Perry could have fired her he wouldn't have broken the law...
Does ANYBODY, even on this Political forum, seriously believe that this is ANYTHING other that a cheap political stunt? If so, do you think President Obama should be impeached if he threatens to veto a bill? Are ANY of you really that stupid?
You have to remember people like PaintMyHouse will defend the lowest of the low...

When you try to validate Lehmberg's qualified to do her job as the Travis County DA after the video evidence and then tell everyone you are smarter than all of your so called dumb clients, you have to wonder how he gets this on the internet from the padded room at his state mental institution...
What I defend are truths you can't handle, like a DUI doesn't make one dishonest or unfit for a government position.

It's sad too know you're this dumb...

Did they take you off of your lithium too early?
Actually no one knows. It's an odd case. They went off together but she left all her stuff back at the party, including her house key, and that's the last actual thing anybody but Teddy knows.

She was alive when the car went into the water. This is not disputed by anyone with a brain. She was alive when the car went into the water, she was alive when Kennedy crawled out.

You have no way of knowing that, no one does. Use rational thought next time, not partisan mudslinging.

Actually, I do. Use rational thought for the first time in your life, boy, and maybe, just MAYBE you will figure it out. Think! I promise it won't hurt!
Does ANYBODY, even on this Political forum, seriously believe that this is ANYTHING other that a cheap political stunt? If so, do you think President Obama should be impeached if he threatens to veto a bill? Are ANY of you really that stupid?

Apples and oranges.
It's hot and windy. The good news is you can see the Tornado coming from a long distance.

I seriously doubt you've ever been there.

I spent 2 months there. It's a shit hole.

It was only a sit hole while you were there.

It's still a shit hole in the bad parts, especially since they moved 50K shit heads to Houston after Katrina. I'm not sure which is worse, Tulsa, Detroit, or the black areas of Houston.
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Oh I think the mugshot, past stoned performance, and his record in Texas will be more than an enough, but facing felony charges because he broke the law, which isn't political, will do just fine.

Perry didn't violate the law... and the assertion by a disreputable Leftist DA doesn't make it so. The charges are nonsense and will be kicked to the curb at the first judicial hearing.

I am embarrassed for you people. This stampede to try and prop this house of cards is long since past SAD!
The Grand Jury sees it differently. Is the Grand Jury just dumb?

The grand jury is only as bright as the DA presenting the evidence. They hear ONLY the perspective of the DA, the defendant CAN testify, but he cannot do so with counsel and he can only answer questions from the Jury and cannot rebut anything the DA says, unless asked specifically to do so by a juror(s).

Now I say that having sat as a defendant in a Texas Grand jury... which 'no-billed' the charges against me.

So, yeah... I'm fairly familiar with that particular rail-road.

Now that was in west Texas where people are more familiar with common sense.

The GJ at issue here is in Austin, where you could not get a poker game going with the number of available people qualified to pass a citizenship test.

Yes, it is clear that the GJ at issue was comprised by a majority of imbeciles.
She was alive when the car went into the water. This is not disputed by anyone with a brain. She was alive when the car went into the water, she was alive when Kennedy crawled out.

You have no way of knowing that, no one does. Use rational thought next time, not partisan mudslinging.

Actually, I do. Use rational thought for the first time in your life, boy, and maybe, just MAYBE you will figure it out. Think! I promise it won't hurt!
Really, do tell how you can "know" what happened that night? Do you have magic beans, a crystal ball? Please, we are very curious...

And for your next trick, please confirm the existence of God one way or another? You surely must know that as well.
Yes, it is clear that the GJ at issue was comprised by a majority of imbeciles.
So, a dumb Grand Jury, who just happened to listen to the evidence presented and the testimony of Perry's staff? Sure thing, ham sandwich, or in this case Perry better damn well hope so...

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