Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Some businesses, but especially the large ones, will deploy every trick in the book to usurp state and local resources. They are very often net takers. They will destroy the tax base and leave their respective towns/cities/counties in debt. They get away with it because of an ideology that calls them job creators, which is true. But when the jobs are low wage/zero benefits, the upside is sometimes very hard to discern. Factor in crooks like Perry, who help them game the system and you have the dark side of Reaganomics, which is what happens when the state's politicians and laws are taken over by corporate dollars. In the end Rick Perry is just helping his wealthy supporters steal from the poor, who will bear the brunt of the problem as the wealthy abscond with whatever isn't tied down.
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Not even close to what I am saying. I did not say anything about taxes from corporations.

I am saying that Perry is using our tax dollars to pay companies to move here. We severely cut back on education and a lot of basic services (healthcare and others) so that we can give our (my) money to Toyota ($40 million) and Toyota (and Chevron) said they were moving here already. We have the highest rate of uninsured (healthcare) of any state, per capita. So we cut back on social services and give $40 million to Toyoya, who was moving here anyway! And a lot of the other smaller companies never even move here, don't live up to their end of the deal. It's all so Perry can brag about jobs he brought to Texas because he's going to run for Pres again.

It is already known but barely legal that he has given money to donors etc that only barely stayed within the boundary of legality.

I would think the jobs that are coming will help people get health care. That's a good thing.

I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree. I don't want severe cutbacks to education and healthcare so that we can pay Toyota $40 million, especially when they said they were going to move here anyway. Like Toyo really needs that money. I don't want my tax dollars going to Cheveron when they already had plans to move here. I need my money more than Chevron does.

More business means jobs for people who pay taxes. Taxes fund schools, healthcare, etc. Growth comes from the private sector that funds govt. You build the tax base to fund government services.
A lot of people are going to feel rather silly when this thing gets tossed which it likely will. When you get someone as liberal as Alan Dershowitz saying the following about the indictment you know it's pretty weak.

Everybody, liberal or conservative, should stand against this indictment,” Dershowitz said. “If you don’t like how Rick Perry uses his office, don’t vote for him.”

Dershowitz said that indictments against political opponents is something that is done in third-world totalitarian countries, and has no place in the United States.

“In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”

Dershowitz says that Perry was well within his rights to use his veto power to defund the DA’s office, citing her drunken driving conviction, and saying that a convicted drunk driver serving as a DA has no business enforcing criminal law on the citizenry. He also believes the charges will ultimately be dropped, or Perry will be acquitted, if the case makes it to court.

I could argue about Nixon to refute this post. Or any number of people who have been removed from office. But here is a different approach:

Well if that's the case how about this?

Sue the President?
Try winning an election first.

Boehner is dreaming if he thinks a lawsuit will succeed. No legal merit.

We have a process to adjudicate the question. It's called an election. And that is where Boehner's proposed lawsuit is tone deaf. Take the example of deporting children of immigrants who came here illegally. Obama announced June 2012 his intentions. The American people clearly understood he was not going to deport them. And yet he was easily re-elected. Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly agree with his position.

Boehner and the republicans do not understand you cannot keep pressing issues where a large majority of Americans disagree with you and expect to win a national election.
If you don't like the way the President is enforcing the laws, WIN AN ELECTION. In the meantime, don't waste our time and money on a lawsuit.
Obama Executive Orders
Sue the President? Unlike Presidents Reagan (Grenada) and GW Bush (Iraq) Obama has not started any wars without a formal declaration from Congress. The number of executive orders fall well below that of Reagan and Bush.

There is nothing in the Obama record that hasn't been matched or exceeded by previous presidents.
Bullshit. She was alive when the car went into the water. Cause of death was DROWNING. Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself!
Actually no one knows. It's an odd case. They went off together but she left all her stuff back at the party, including her house key, and that's the last actual thing anybody but Teddy knows.
You're making the case that Ted Kennedy murdered her.

No, but it's possible. There's a decent chance that she was driving. Whatever actually happened no one knows...
I would think the jobs that are coming will help people get health care. That's a good thing.

I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree. I don't want severe cutbacks to education and healthcare so that we can pay Toyota $40 million, especially when they said they were going to move here anyway. Like Toyo really needs that money. I don't want my tax dollars going to Cheveron when they already had plans to move here. I need my money more than Chevron does.

More business means jobs for people who pay taxes. Taxes fund schools, healthcare, etc. Growth comes from the private sector that funds govt. You build the tax base to fund government services.

Not if the jobs don't really come here. Besides, trickle down theory has been proven time and time again not to work. The wealthy are only keeping the money for themselves. What if toyota's corporate office is 20 people? I don't know that to be fact but I do know that is true with many fortune 500 companies. I have already given several examples, the company that was supposed to move here but never did. The companies that go bankrupt. The person I quoted earlier who was the head of a COVSERVATIVE think tank said it was not good use of taxpayer money. You guys don't even agree with one of your own.
Oh yes, and a lot of those companies don't even pay taxes, or pay less than a middle class guy. So I am giving my money to toyota, so they can hire people who will pay taxes. I keep seeing where middle class people are paying for middle class people to pay for schools? i'd rather take the $40 million and put it in the school budget.
A lot of people are going to feel rather silly when this thing gets tossed which it likely will. When you get someone as liberal as Alan Dershowitz saying the following about the indictment you know it's pretty weak.

Everybody, liberal or conservative, should stand against this indictment,” Dershowitz said. “If you don’t like how Rick Perry uses his office, don’t vote for him.”

Dershowitz said that indictments against political opponents is something that is done in third-world totalitarian countries, and has no place in the United States.

“In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”

Dershowitz says that Perry was well within his rights to use his veto power to defund the DA’s office, citing her drunken driving conviction, and saying that a convicted drunk driver serving as a DA has no business enforcing criminal law on the citizenry. He also believes the charges will ultimately be dropped, or Perry will be acquitted, if the case makes it to court.

I could argue about Nixon to refute this post. Or any number of people who have been removed from office. But here is a different approach:

Well if that's the case how about this?

Sue the President?
Try winning an election first.

Boehner is dreaming if he thinks a lawsuit will succeed. No legal merit.

We have a process to adjudicate the question. It's called an election. And that is where Boehner's proposed lawsuit is tone deaf. Take the example of deporting children of immigrants who came here illegally. Obama announced June 2012 his intentions. The American people clearly understood he was not going to deport them. And yet he was easily re-elected. Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly agree with his position.

Boehner and the republicans do not understand you cannot keep pressing issues where a large majority of Americans disagree with you and expect to win a national election.
If you don't like the way the President is enforcing the laws, WIN AN ELECTION. In the meantime, don't waste our time and money on a lawsuit.
Obama Executive Orders
Sue the President? Unlike Presidents Reagan (Grenada) and GW Bush (Iraq) Obama has not started any wars without a formal declaration from Congress. The number of executive orders fall well below that of Reagan and Bush.

There is nothing in the Obama record that hasn't been matched or exceeded by previous presidents.
My post is not about Nixon or Obama Nixon is dead and the Obama lawsuit much like the Perry indictment will play out how it plays out even though I don't agree with his politics when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.
Some businesses, but especially the large ones, will deploy every trick in the book to usurp state and local resources. They are very often net takers. They will destroy the tax base and leave their respective towns/cities/counties in debt. They get away with it because of an ideology that calls them job creators, which is true. But when the jobs are low wage/zero benefits, the upside is sometimes very hard to discern. Factor in crooks like Perry, who help them game the system and you have the dark side of Reaganomics, which is what happens when the state's politicians and laws are taken over by corporate dollars. In the end Rick Perry is just helping his wealthy supporters steal from the poor, who will bear the brunt of the problem as the wealthy abscond with whatever isn't tied down.

EXACTLY. Besides, it would not be new jobs anyway. It would be moving them from california to Texas. No new jobs. Oh yes, I left out an important part. So the state works out a deal with the county so that some new company that is moving to my county, (harris) does not have to pay any property taxes for 10 years. In Texas, schools are paid from Property tax. So my property taxes go (from about $1,000 a year 7 years ago to $4,000 a year now) up to pay for schools etc but the company does not pay. the rich getting richer at my expense. As the middle class slowly sinks into the lower class, the republicans continue to vote republican and they do not understand why they are not making enough money anymore while the CEO makes $50 million. Oh and the property tax exemption is available to almost any company that does something, like hire more people or move to a bigger building. And property tax on a 10 floor building should be millions. But they are exemp so I along with the others of us can make up for it.
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...when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.

No, it has no bearing at all actually, only what jury has to say about the felony charges Perry is facing...
I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree. I don't want severe cutbacks to education and healthcare so that we can pay Toyota $40 million, especially when they said they were going to move here anyway. Like Toyo really needs that money. I don't want my tax dollars going to Cheveron when they already had plans to move here. I need my money more than Chevron does.

More business means jobs for people who pay taxes. Taxes fund schools, healthcare, etc. Growth comes from the private sector that funds govt. You build the tax base to fund government services.

Not if the jobs don't really come here. Besides, trickle down theory has been proven time and time again not to work. The wealthy are only keeping the money for themselves. What if toyota's corporate office is 20 people? I don't know that to be fact but I do know that is true with many fortune 500 companies. I have already given several examples, the company that was supposed to move here but never did. The companies that go bankrupt. The person I quoted earlier who was the head of a COVSERVATIVE think tank said it was not good use of taxpayer money. You guys don't even agree with one of your own.

Oh my god. Never mind.
A lot of people are going to feel rather silly when this thing gets tossed which it likely will. When you get someone as liberal as Alan Dershowitz saying the following about the indictment you know it's pretty weak.

Everybody, liberal or conservative, should stand against this indictment,” Dershowitz said. “If you don’t like how Rick Perry uses his office, don’t vote for him.”

Dershowitz said that indictments against political opponents is something that is done in third-world totalitarian countries, and has no place in the United States.

“In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”

Dershowitz says that Perry was well within his rights to use his veto power to defund the DA’s office, citing her drunken driving conviction, and saying that a convicted drunk driver serving as a DA has no business enforcing criminal law on the citizenry. He also believes the charges will ultimately be dropped, or Perry will be acquitted, if the case makes it to court.

I could argue about Nixon to refute this post. Or any number of people who have been removed from office. But here is a different approach:

Well if that's the case how about this?

Sue the President?
Try winning an election first.

Boehner is dreaming if he thinks a lawsuit will succeed. No legal merit.

We have a process to adjudicate the question. It's called an election. And that is where Boehner's proposed lawsuit is tone deaf. Take the example of deporting children of immigrants who came here illegally. Obama announced June 2012 his intentions. The American people clearly understood he was not going to deport them. And yet he was easily re-elected. Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly agree with his position.

Boehner and the republicans do not understand you cannot keep pressing issues where a large majority of Americans disagree with you and expect to win a national election.
If you don't like the way the President is enforcing the laws, WIN AN ELECTION. In the meantime, don't waste our time and money on a lawsuit.
Obama Executive Orders
Sue the President? Unlike Presidents Reagan (Grenada) and GW Bush (Iraq) Obama has not started any wars without a formal declaration from Congress. The number of executive orders fall well below that of Reagan and Bush.

There is nothing in the Obama record that hasn't been matched or exceeded by previous presidents.
My post is not about Nixon or Obama Nixon is dead and the Obama lawsuit much like the Perry indictment will play out how it plays out even though I don't agree with his politics when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.

You said, “In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”
Hence my comparison to Nixon and Obama.
Oh yes, and a lot of those companies don't even pay taxes, or pay less than a middle class guy. So I am giving my money to toyota, so they can hire people who will pay taxes. I keep seeing where middle class people are paying for middle class people to pay for schools? i'd rather take the $40 million and put it in the school budget.

You do realize forty million is chump change when you're looking at one large school district right?
Forty million to bring thousands of decent paying jobs and tax payers is a bargain when you compare it to obamas job stimulus package. And it's not a one time payment,those jobs will put money into the economy for years to come. That one time 40 mill to the school district is gone once it's spent.

And thats a no brainer.
...when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.

No, it has no bearing at all actually, only what jury has to say about the felony charges Perry is facing...

I didn't say it would have any bearing on the case I said when someone as legally astute as him is making that type of observation about the indictment it's significant which it is by highlighting the merit or lack of from the indictment.
Some businesses, but especially the large ones, will deploy every trick in the book to usurp state and local resources. They are very often net takers. They will destroy the tax base and leave their respective towns/cities/counties in debt. They get away with it because of an ideology that calls them job creators, which is true. But when the jobs are low wage/zero benefits, the upside is sometimes very hard to discern. Factor in crooks like Perry, who help them game the system and you have the dark side of Reaganomics, which is what happens when the state's politicians and laws are taken over by corporate dollars. In the end Rick Perry is just helping his wealthy supporters steal from the poor, who will bear the brunt of the problem as the wealthy abscond with whatever isn't tied down.

EXACTLY. Besides, it would not be new jobs anyway. It would be moving them from california to Texas. No new jobs. Oh yes, I left out an important part. So the state works out a deal with the county so that some new company that is moving to my county, (harris) does not have to pay any property taxes for 10 years. In Texas, schools are paid from Property tax. So my property taxes go (from about $1,000 a year 7 years ago to $4,000 a year now) up to pay for schools etc but the company does not pay. the rich getting richer at my expense. As the middle class slowly sinks into the lower class, the republicans continue to vote republican and they do not understand why they are not making enough money anymore while the CEO makes $50 million. Oh and the property tax exemption is available to almost any company that does something, like hire more people or move to a bigger building. And property tax on a 10 floor building should be millions. But they are exemp so I along with the others of us can make up for it.

There'll be residual monies and jobs even if they bring in their workers.
It grows the tax base and brings in money.
And to be honest with all of you, I think Perry will get off. Either it won't go to trial or he will be acquitted.

But I think he is a terrible governor and I think he has misused his position (so does the editorial board of Texas Monthly and the Houston Chronicle, a conservative publication). I think he probably has done some very unethical and possibly illegal things (so do the publications). And The drunk lady was trying to uncover some of it.
And to be honest with all of you, I think Perry will get off. Either it won't go to trial or he will be acquitted.

But I think he is a terrible governor and I think he has misused his position (so does the editorial board of Texas Monthly and the Houston Chronicle, a conservative publication). I think he probably has done some very unethical and possibly illegal things (so do the publications). And The drunk lady was trying to uncover some of it.

:lol: The Chronicle is about as liberal as they get these days and Texas Monthly is no better.

And while I'm not a huge fan of Rick we could do much worse.
I could argue about Nixon to refute this post. Or any number of people who have been removed from office. But here is a different approach:

Well if that's the case how about this?

Sue the President?
Try winning an election first.

Boehner is dreaming if he thinks a lawsuit will succeed. No legal merit.

We have a process to adjudicate the question. It's called an election. And that is where Boehner's proposed lawsuit is tone deaf. Take the example of deporting children of immigrants who came here illegally. Obama announced June 2012 his intentions. The American people clearly understood he was not going to deport them. And yet he was easily re-elected. Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly agree with his position.

Boehner and the republicans do not understand you cannot keep pressing issues where a large majority of Americans disagree with you and expect to win a national election.
If you don't like the way the President is enforcing the laws, WIN AN ELECTION. In the meantime, don't waste our time and money on a lawsuit.
Obama Executive Orders
Sue the President? Unlike Presidents Reagan (Grenada) and GW Bush (Iraq) Obama has not started any wars without a formal declaration from Congress. The number of executive orders fall well below that of Reagan and Bush.

There is nothing in the Obama record that hasn't been matched or exceeded by previous presidents.
My post is not about Nixon or Obama Nixon is dead and the Obama lawsuit much like the Perry indictment will play out how it plays out even though I don't agree with his politics when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.

You said, “In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”
Hence my comparison to Nixon and Obama.

No Alan Dershowitz said that in America you vote against them as he was the one I was quoting and on legal matters I give his opinion more credence than anyone on this or any other political message board.
Oh yes, and a lot of those companies don't even pay taxes, or pay less than a middle class guy. So I am giving my money to toyota, so they can hire people who will pay taxes. I keep seeing where middle class people are paying for middle class people to pay for schools? i'd rather take the $40 million and put it in the school budget.

You do realize forty million is chump change when you're looking at one large school district right?
Forty million to bring thousands of decent paying jobs and tax payers is a bargain when you compare it to obamas job stimulus package. And it's not a one time payment,those jobs will put money into the economy for years to come. That one time 40 mill to the school district is gone once it's spent.

And thats a no brainer.

That is to one company. And where are the thousands of decent paying jobs? Please show me. and once again, both Toyota and Chevvron said they were moving here ANYWAY. So we really got NOTHING out of it. threw the money awayAnd several of the other companies never even moved here? and several that did move here did NOT hire people like they were supposed to. . And the head of the Conservative think tank said it was an unwise move. And that's a no brainer. Don't you guys read the previous posts?

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