Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

LOL! Alan Dershowitz has stated his outrage over this farce... .

While validation is never required for sound reasoning, it's always nice.
Here is your trickle down theory. Please see attachments. The one that is hard to read is corporate profits vs salary and wages.


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And to be honest with all of you, I think Perry will get off. Either it won't go to trial or he will be acquitted.

But I think he is a terrible governor and I think he has misused his position (so does the editorial board of Texas Monthly and the Houston Chronicle, a conservative publication). I think he probably has done some very unethical and possibly illegal things (so do the publications). And The drunk lady was trying to uncover some of it.

:lol: The Chronicle is about as liberal as they get these days and Texas Monthly is no better.

And while I'm not a huge fan of Rick we could do much worse.

The Chronicle endorsed Mitt Romney for President, and they give more space to conservative syndicated editorialists, I already said this an an earlier post.

Please hit me again sir. You guys just think it's a great idea to give away money to companies that don't need it, and hey, lets not even check to see if the company actually moved here or had a valid reason to recieve the money? It's like I said, republicans will side with big business every time, even though it is against your own self interest.
...when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.

No, it has no bearing at all actually, only what jury has to say about the felony charges Perry is facing...

I didn't say it would have any bearing on the case I said when someone as legally astute as him is making that type of observation about the indictment it's significant which it is by highlighting the merit or lack of from the indictment.
Well good old Alan has a problem, because no opinion matters but that of the jury. We can Monday morning quarterback it until Hell freezes over but Perry is under felony indictment, and therefore in some serious shit. Just the fact the governor of the state has to report to the country jail, to be booked, means this is no molehill but a mountain delivered by a Grand Jury, who doesn't pass out felony charges unless they were convinced that the illegal actions are real and they know more than any commentator making their opinions known on the Internet.

Perry played it fast and loose, and now the bill has come due...
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My post is not about Nixon or Obama Nixon is dead and the Obama lawsuit much like the Perry indictment will play out how it plays out even though I don't agree with his politics when you have someone as legally astute as Dershowitz saying this about the Perry indictment that's significant.

You said, “In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”
Hence my comparison to Nixon and Obama.

No Alan Dershowitz said that in America you vote against them as he was the one I was quoting and on legal matters I give his opinion more credence than anyone on this or any other political message board.

Ok so Alan D said it, not you But it seems you agree with him. so if that is true, i said what about Nixon etc? And if you don't agree with Alan d, why post it?
Oh yes, and my property tax goes up (from 1,000 to 4,000) and so do these new workers you guys are talking about, but the company has a 10 year exemption from paying several millions per year of property taxes. . But that's Ok, because there might be more workers paying more taxes. And 99% of the profit goes to the board of directors and they pay the workers minimum wage or less if they can get away with it. But us middle class guys will make up for the lost property taxes
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No, it has no bearing at all actually, only what jury has to say about the felony charges Perry is facing...

I didn't say it would have any bearing on the case I said when someone as legally astute as him is making that type of observation about the indictment it's significant which it is by highlighting the merit or lack of from the indictment.
Well good old Alan has a problem, because no opinion matters but that of the jury. We can Monday morning quarterback it until Hell freezes over but Perry is under felony indictment, and therefore in some serious shit. Just the fact the governor of the state has to report to the country jail, to be booked, means this is no molehill but a mountain delivered by a Grand Jury, who doesn't pass out felony charges unless they were convinced that the illegal actions are real and they know more than any commentator making their opinions known on the Internet.

Perry played it fast and loose, and now the bill has come due...
Funny you keep saying his opinion on the subject does not matter but you dam sure seem to feel your's does telling us all how Perry is in and I quote some serious shit. Despite what you may think Grand Jury's can and do give out indictments on weak and flimsy evidence and anyone who is not a total blind partisan hack will take will take good old Alan's opinion far more serious than that of a message board expert.
I agree that just because he was indicted doesn't mean he will be found guilty. and i already said I think he will probably get off. But it was a 4 month long investigation and the Special Prosecutor is republican so i think there is something valid to it. And it was the drunk lady that was investigating it (CPRIT) in more detail. Do I believe Perry was trying to cover up something? Yes
Will he be convicted? Probably not.
I didn't say it would have any bearing on the case I said when someone as legally astute as him is making that type of observation about the indictment it's significant which it is by highlighting the merit or lack of from the indictment.
Well good old Alan has a problem, because no opinion matters but that of the jury. We can Monday morning quarterback it until Hell freezes over but Perry is under felony indictment, and therefore in some serious shit. Just the fact the governor of the state has to report to the country jail, to be booked, means this is no molehill but a mountain delivered by a Grand Jury, who doesn't pass out felony charges unless they were convinced that the illegal actions are real and they know more than any commentator making their opinions known on the Internet.

Perry played it fast and loose, and now the bill has come due...
Funny you keep saying his opinion on the subject does not matter but you dam sure seem to feel your's does telling us all how Perry is in and I quote some serious shit. Despite what you may think Grand Jury's can and do give out indictments on weak and flimsy evidence and anyone who is not a total blind partisan hack will take will take good old Alan's opinion far more serious than that of a message board expert.
And they are welcome to do so but my statements stand. When a Grand Jury recommends that felony charges be brought against you, and you are the governor, and now you have to report to jail to be booked, this is no game of spin the bottle and you are in some serious shit. You may believe that Grand Juries just rubber-stamp whatever nonsense gets presented to them but that is nothing like the truth, especially when the governor lives and works right down the street. Austin might be liberal but it isn't stupid. If there wasn't something real there, Perry wouldn't be dropping by the jail for a mugshot next week...
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Since corporate profits are going through the roof and taxpayer salaries are rapidly declining. I say I need the money more than Toyota does. Forget the idea that if the companies make more they will hire more. they won't unless they need to for more profit, and they will get it as cheap as they can. They will hire people in India. Why do we have so many unemployed when it is a well documented fact that companies are sitting and massive amounts of cash?

I stand my ground that we do not need to pay Toyota from taxpayer money. the poor paying the rich.


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Perry threatened a veto = indictment
Obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

President Barack Obama would veto a GOP-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a White House statement.​
These "economic incentives" are little more than legalized bribes, so I don't have any respect for their use to entice businesses to move into the state.

Also, if a business can be bribed into a state, why can't they be bribed right back out of it by another state?
Perry threatened a veto = indictment
Obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

President Barack Obama would veto a GOP-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a White House statement.​
I'll help you out here. Obama threatened Congress, Perry threatened a person. One is politics, one is blackmail. One is expected, one is an Abuse of Power. One is business as usual, one is a felony...
Perry threatened a veto = indictment
Obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

President Barack Obama would veto a GOP-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a White House statement.​
I'll help you out here. Obama threatened Congress, Perry threatened a person. One is politics, one is blackmail. One is expected, one is an Abuse of Power. One is business as usual, one is a felony...

Perry targeted the funding of a program, he never threatened a person. Come on, Little Carmine, you can do better than that.
Perry threatened a veto = indictment
Obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

President Barack Obama would veto a GOP-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a White House statement.​
I'll help you out here. Obama threatened Congress, Perry threatened a person. One is politics, one is blackmail. One is expected, one is an Abuse of Power. One is business as usual, one is a felony...

Well said
Perry threatened a veto = indictment
Obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

President Barack Obama would veto a GOP-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a White House statement.​
I'll help you out here. Obama threatened Congress, Perry threatened a person. One is politics, one is blackmail. One is expected, one is an Abuse of Power. One is business as usual, one is a felony...

Perry targeted the funding of a program, he never threatened a person. Come on, Little Carmine, you can do better than that.
Oh but he did threaten a person by saying if you don't resign, I'll withhold the funds and others will suffer. That little friends is blackmail, and it's very illegal even in Texas.
perry threatened a veto = indictment
obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

president barack obama would veto a gop-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a white house statement.​
i'll help you out here. Obama threatened congress, perry threatened a person. One is politics, one is blackmail. One is expected, one is an abuse of power. One is business as usual, one is a felony...

well said
Perry threatened a veto = indictment
Obama threatened a veto = but he's a liberal, so that's different.

President Barack Obama would veto a GOP-drafted bill that would allow legislators to take agency officials to court if they don’t enforce laws, according to a White House statement.​
I'll help you out here. Obama threatened Congress, Perry threatened a person. One is politics, one is blackmail. One is expected, one is an Abuse of Power. One is business as usual, one is a felony...

Perry targeted the funding of a program, he never threatened a person. Come on, Little Carmine, you can do better than that.

He threatened a person. It has been well documented. he told Lehmberg to resign or else he would veto (cut) funding. Then she stayed and he cut funding. That is called, and the indictment is titled Official Oppression, a first degree felony and Coercion of an (elected) official a third degree felony. read any of the prior posts?

And the reason he wanted her to resign is so he could appoint a Perry loyalist to replace her, because she was investigating CPRIT which has already been indicted.


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For the source police:

My (special insider) information comes from the Houston Chronicle 8/18/2014. the Houston Chronicle is the daily newspaper of the 4th largest city in the US, and it endorsed Mitt Romney for Pres and features more editorials from conserservatives than liberals.

"Perry case built with staffers, lawmakers"

This summer (last 4 months actually) at the courthouse reporters watched as (republican) Special prosecutor McCrum built his case. We got an idea where the case was headed by the people who came and went during a half dozen meetings before the big one last Friday.

There were current and former staffers, Travis county employees and state lawmakers.

How dominoes fell:

Perry had the clear right to veto the money, but the road to his indictment started with his use of that power to try to force out a locally elected official who was investigating CPRIT, a perry pet project.

There was Perry spokesman Rich parsons. Senator Kirk Watson D-Austin was tapped to convey the veto threat to Lehmberg. Intergovernmental relations coordinator set up a meeting with Perry's legislative director, former D state Senator Armbrister, Perry Deputy Chief of Staff, and travis County Commissioner, a republican. All went into the Grand Jury Room this summer. Armbrister did so several times. Also a former perry Chief of Staff, his former and current legal counsel, an assistant general cousel, an advisor, and his former communiocations director. Perry's technology manager, and a Travis County Attorneys office employee who works closely with the commissioners court. and others.

Special Prosecutor (R) McCrum interviewed more than 40 people, reviewed hundreds of documents and read many dozens of cases.

All that led to the 2 felony charges returned by the grand jury: abuse of Official capacity, which charges that Perry misused the budget for the public corruption unit. and coercion of a public servant with regard to threatening the veto unless unless Lehmberg resigned.

Sounds like more than a ham sandwich to me.


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For the source police:

My (special insider) information comes from the Houston Chronicle 8/18/2014. the Houston Chronicle is the daily newspaper of the 4th largest city in the US, and it endorsed Mitt Romney for Pres and features more editorials from conserservatives than liberals.

"Perry case built with staffers, lawmakers"

This summer (last 4 months actually) at the courthouse reporters watched as (republican) Special prosecutor McCrum built his case. We got an idea where the case was headed by the people who came and went during a half dozen meetings before the big one last Friday.

There were current and former staffers, Travis county employees and state lawmakers.

How dominoes fell:

Perry had the clear right to veto the money, but the road to his indictment started with his use of that power to try to force out a locally elected official who was investigating CPRIT, a perry pet project.

There was Perry spokesman Rich parsons. Senator Kirk Watson D-Austin was tapped to convey the veto threat to Lehmberg. Intergovernmental relations coordinator set up a meeting with Perry's legislative director, former D state Senator Armbrister, Perry Deputy Chief of Staff, and travis County Commissioner, a republican. All went into the Grand Jury Room this summer. Armbrister did so several times. Also a former perry Chief of Staff, his former and current legal counsel, an assistant general cousel, an advisor, and his former communiocations director. Perry's technology manager, and a Travis County Attorneys office employee who works closely with the commissioners court. and others.

Special Prosecutor (R) McCrum interviewed more than 40 people, reviewed hundreds of documents and read many dozens of cases.

All that led to the 2 felony charges returned by the grand jury: abuse of Official capacity, which charges that Perry misused the budget for the public corruption unit. and coercion of a public servant with regard to threatening the veto unless unless Lehmberg resigned.

Sounds like more than a ham sandwich to me.
TY for that, and it is.

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