Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

I'm sure that he will appreciate your support, while getting his mugshot this week. Even in Texas someone facing felony charges has to be booked in at the county jail. There's gonna be some wicked footage of that little drama.

Its not going to happen, if it was going to happen, it would have already.

Anyone involved in putting this before the grand jury should be brought before the Texas Bar and punished.
If you had read the thread you would have discovered that the DA is meeting with Perry's attorney today to discuss when he will turn himself in. You would also know that the charges are serious enough to convince the Grand Jury, but, you'll just ignore reality, as usual.

If he does have to surrender, he should go in with a smile on his face. Once this crap is thrown out, anyone involved in it should be sued for malicious prosecution, and never able to practice law again.

He did nothing wrong, and once that is shown, there should be repercussions for those people who wasted time and money on a political witch hunt.
Why is it that most republican replies fall between 5 and 7, the lowest forms of debate?

Grades of Debate

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1
Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point
2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken
3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.
4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.
5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument
6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.
7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass
Guess that would make faggot and dick jokes number 8.

And why, because the know how to dogma not debate...

I debate with people worthy of it. You are a useless troll fucktard, fit only for ridicule.

You make no points, you take no viable position, and you are probably a basement dwelling retard. So I use you as a cat uses a mouse on a string, as a play-thing to amuse me.
Why is it that most republican replies fall between 5 and 7, the lowest forms of debate?

Grades of Debate

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1
Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point
2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken
3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.
4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.
5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument
6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.
7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass

My debate style is a form of GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. When assholes like you start with shit-posts, I reply in kind. If you were to present something even close to a rational argument, something rational would be returned.
Why is it that most republican replies fall between 5 and 7, the lowest forms of debate?

Grades of Debate

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1
Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point
2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken
3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.
4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.
5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument
6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.
7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass
Guess that would make faggot and dick jokes number 8.

And why, because the know how to dogma not debate...

I debate with people worthy of it. You are a useless troll fucktard, fit only for ridicule.

You make no points, you take no viable position, and you are probably a basement dwelling retard. So I use you as a cat uses a mouse on a string, as a play-thing to amuse me.
Nice projection my little cat toy...
Why is it that most republican replies fall between 5 and 7, the lowest forms of debate?

Grades of Debate

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1
Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point
2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken
3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.
4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.
5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument
6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.
7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass

My debate style is a form of GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. When assholes like you start with shit-posts, I reply in kind. If you were to present something even close to a rational argument, something rational would be returned.
Don't actually remember seeing much of that from you. Lots of partisan nah nah nah you fucking faggot though.
Why is it that most republican replies fall between 5 and 7, the lowest forms of debate?

Grades of Debate

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1
Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point
2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken
3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.
4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.
5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument
6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.
7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass

My debate style is a form of GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. When assholes like you start with shit-posts, I reply in kind. If you were to present something even close to a rational argument, something rational would be returned.
Don't actually remember seeing much of that from you. Lots of partisan nah nah nah you fucking faggot though.

Look harder. Its only because all your posts are bullshit, and I am one of the people that call you on it.
Guess that would make faggot and dick jokes number 8.

And why, because the know how to dogma not debate...

I debate with people worthy of it. You are a useless troll fucktard, fit only for ridicule.

You make no points, you take no viable position, and you are probably a basement dwelling retard. So I use you as a cat uses a mouse on a string, as a play-thing to amuse me.
Nice projection my little cat toy...

Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Its not going to happen, if it was going to happen, it would have already.

Anyone involved in putting this before the grand jury should be brought before the Texas Bar and punished.
If you had read the thread you would have discovered that the DA is meeting with Perry's attorney today to discuss when he will turn himself in. You would also know that the charges are serious enough to convince the Grand Jury, but, you'll just ignore reality, as usual.

If he does have to surrender, he should go in with a smile on his face. Once this crap is thrown out, anyone involved in it should be sued for malicious prosecution, and never able to practice law again.

He did nothing wrong, and once that is shown, there should be repercussions for those people who wasted time and money on a political witch hunt.

He does have to surrender, and there's no witch-hunt as there's no reason for one. The Grand Jury heard the evidence and the testimony of his staff. Sorry, but they believe, as do I, that he broke the law. Time will tell...
He does have to surrender, and there's no witch-hunt as there's no reason for one. The Grand Jury heard the evidence and the testimony of his staff. Sorry, but they believe, as do I, that he broke the law. Time will tell...

I'll be honest I hope he is fucked! Just the fact that he vacationed at a place called N&#&rhead. And you can just look at that fucking retard and know he's corrupt. He is the perfect example of how we have greedy/ignorant politicians because we have a greedy/ignorant society. He is the best we have folks. Garbage in, garbage out.
I'll be honest I hope he is fucked! Just the fact that he vacationed at a place called N&#&rhead. And you can just look at that fucking retard and know he's corrupt. He is the perfect example of how we have greedy/ignorant politicians because we have a greedy/ignorant society. He is the best we have folks. Garbage in, garbage out.

I don't know if Perry's corrupt or not. But it wouldn't surprise me. He actually kind of reminds me of Bush (W) but only more so. In other words, he's never struck me as particularly bright, but he DOES seems both sly and as clever as a fox. People like that know how to get what they want.
This is how it works....a scumbag liberal gets arrested for DUI (3x over the limit) and attacks the police inside the jail....gets to keep her job.

The conservative Governor decides she needs to resign as the "District Attorney," so he upholds his legal authority to block funds to be under that stupid fuck bitch.

Her friends in a backwoods TX county trump up charges against the Governor and indicts him with help from scumbag liberals most likely paid to provide the indictment.

But I disagree that it would have any bearing on the right's being willing to vote for him.

Hell, he's a blithering idiot but that didn't even slow them down.

If a right wing candidate got out of jail the day before the polls opened, some RWs would vote for him.

Democrats returned Marion Barry to office shortly after he got out of prison for possession of crack cocaine.

Enough said.
Hey, retardo boy, check out Texass' statistics.

Which ones, their unemployment rate? How about the number of people immigrating into the state. I'm in Dallas right now, and it's a nice clean beautiful city. It sure is a much nicer place than a shit hole I used to live in named Baltimore.

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