Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't a State Executive have the same immunities a the federal executive has? In other words only the House can indict him and the Senate try him. (or the Texas Equivalent).

In other words, this is nothing more than grandstanding in the one liberal bastion in conservative Texas. I guess DWI is A-OK for public servants in Austin Circles.

There are so many things wrong with this that space doesn't permit me to list them all. But notice all the left-wing morons congratulating themselves. It's a great big circle jerk of left-wing idiocy.
The indictment is the first of its kind since 1917, when James "Pa" Ferguson was indicted on charges stemming from his veto of state funding to the University of Texas in effort to unseat faculty and staff members he objected to. Ferguson was eventually impeached, then resigned before being convicted — allowing his wife, Miriam "Ma" Ferguson, to take over the governorship.

From the OP link.

A "conviction" by the state legislature doesn't mean jack shit, other than that you are removed from office. It's not a criminal conviction. Your attempt to compare that incident with the Perry indictment is a non-sequitur.
He turned himself in; I would never vote him, and still question the charges.
I don't know if Perry's corrupt or not. But it wouldn't surprise me. He actually kind of reminds me of Bush (W) but only more so. In other words, he's never struck me as particularly bright, but he DOES seems both sly and as clever as a fox. People like that know how to get what they want.

OMG I was listening to Rush today and he/they (republicans) have turned into quite the conspiracy theorists. Everything bad going on in the world is because Obama wants it to be happening. Rick Perry, Christy. They said there are 2 other Republican hopefuls that are caught up in controvery/scandal? The black kid the cops killed, etc. They are going nuts. lol
He shouldn't have withheld that funding from the Public Integrity Unit in Austin. That was wrong of him to do in order to go after District Attorney Lehmberg and of course once it was done it WILL bite you right back and quite harshly and just at the most inopportune time while he is still a sitting governor and a presidential aspirant. And that can't be good for him.

Why should the state fund a "public integrity" unit that obviously has no integrity. The indictment shows that the money be used to persecute the political opponents of the Travis Co DA.
Ripping at the fabric of society will not lead us to a better tomorrow. Someone with a cooler head needs to get this case dropped. I guess we could go to Texas and loot the place?
This is funny libturds are so worked up over perry but has blinders on with obama.
Why should the state fund a "public integrity" unit that obviously has no integrity. The indictment shows that the money be used to persecute the political opponents of the Travis Co DA.
because it is a texas unit? crazy i know!
well no the money isnt being used for that.
sure it did..they were a bunch of racist traitors

I see you want to compound your idiocy by defending it.

If it happened, then the document should be online somewhere. Please post it for us.

The money isn't being used, period, because the bill was vetoed.
I see you want to compound your idiocy by defending it.

If it happened, then the document should be online somewhere. Please post it for us.
i would but i know you too well to bother arguing about the civilwar seeing how you see the south as heroes
i would but i know you too well to bother arguing about the civilwar seeing how you see the south as heroes

ROFL! I've heard better excuses from an 8-year-old.

The fact is Texas never declared war on the United States. Texas didn't want war with the United States, but Lincoln wanted to wage war on Texas. No state in the Confederacy ever declared war on the United States.

As usual, everything you know about the Civil War is wrong.

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