Texas Gov. Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power

It might be legal, but at least some taxpayers in texas are getting very tired of it. As i said before, there is a growing movement in Texas to audit these funds of taxpayer money going out to companies.

Is it legal if the company was supposed to hire 1,000 employess by year 3 or 4 and 10 years later they have 50 employees. I's say the companu broke it's side of the contract. But does Texas try to get the money back? No, the extend several more years. And they wouldn't get it back anyway. This is from another article I read in thee paper and no I cannot quote it exactly or give a web address.

This is verbatim from the paper:

Time for an overhaul or slashing of business incentives

Is it a business incentive or corporate welfare, a tax break or a slush fund to give away taxpayer money to corporations.

Activists from across the political spectrum are questioning Gov Perry’s “Open for business” schtick of funding corporations, and frankly it’s about time.

Bill Peacock, VP of Research at the CONSERVATIVE think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation calls incentives an inefficient use of taxpayer money. They take money from taxpayers and place a bet It takes money from a group of taxpayers and gives it to a company.

Texas democrats have long criticized Perry’s funds as enriching corporations while leading to cuts in public schools and health care etc. The democratic candidate for Governor, Senator Wendy Davis, authored a law that requires a public audit of them for the first time.
State Tech Fund Under Fire

In 2009 Gov Perry awarded $2.5 million of taxpayer money to new bio tech firm American Stem Cell. Five years later, its CEO and employees live in California and its San Antonio headquarters amount to little more than a horse pasture.

When it comes to startups supported by the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, this story is nothing new. More than 20% of the firms that received money from the state fund have gone bankrupt.
Now as the fund nears its 10th anniversary and the governor who oversaw its creation reaches the end of his tenure, it and other incentive programs are facing scrutiny

So your main bitch is Texas is not getting their fair share of taxes from the corporations. Correct?

Not even close to what I am saying. I did not say anything about taxes from corporations.

I am saying that Perry is using our tax dollars to pay companies to move here. We severely cut back on education and a lot of basic services (healthcare and others) so that we can give our (my) money to Toyota ($40 million) and Toyota (and Chevron) said they were moving here already. We have the highest rate of uninsured (healthcare) of any state, per capita. So we cut back on social services and give $40 million to Toyoya, who was moving here anyway! And a lot of the other smaller companies never even move here, don't live up to their end of the deal. It's all so Perry can brag about jobs he brought to Texas because he's going to run for Pres again.

It is already known but barely legal that he has given money to donors etc that only barely stayed within the boundary of legality.
It might be legal, but at least some taxpayers in texas are getting very tired of it. As i said before, there is a growing movement in Texas to audit these funds of taxpayer money going out to companies.

Is it legal if the company was supposed to hire 1,000 employess by year 3 or 4 and 10 years later they have 50 employees. I's say the companu broke it's side of the contract. But does Texas try to get the money back? No, the extend several more years. And they wouldn't get it back anyway. This is from another article I read in thee paper and no I cannot quote it exactly or give a web address.

This is verbatim from the paper:

Time for an overhaul or slashing of business incentives

Is it a business incentive or corporate welfare, a tax break or a slush fund to give away taxpayer money to corporations.

Activists from across the political spectrum are questioning Gov Perry’s “Open for business” schtick of funding corporations, and frankly it’s about time.

Bill Peacock, VP of Research at the CONSERVATIVE think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation calls incentives an inefficient use of taxpayer money. They take money from taxpayers and place a bet It takes money from a group of taxpayers and gives it to a company.

Texas democrats have long criticized Perry’s funds as enriching corporations while leading to cuts in public schools and health care etc. The democratic candidate for Governor, Senator Wendy Davis, authored a law that requires a public audit of them for the first time.
State Tech Fund Under Fire

In 2009 Gov Perry awarded $2.5 million of taxpayer money to new bio tech firm American Stem Cell. Five years later, its CEO and employees live in California and its San Antonio headquarters amount to little more than a horse pasture.

When it comes to startups supported by the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, this story is nothing new. More than 20% of the firms that received money from the state fund have gone bankrupt.
Now as the fund nears its 10th anniversary and the governor who oversaw its creation reaches the end of his tenure, it and other incentive programs are facing scrutiny

So your main bitch is Texas is not getting their fair share of taxes from the corporations. Correct?

Not even close to what I am saying. I did not say anything about taxes from corporations.

I am saying that Perry is using our tax dollars to pay companies to move here. We severely cut back on education and a lot of basic services (healthcare and others) so that we can give our (my) money to Toyota ($40 million) and Toyota (and Chevron) said they were moving here already. We have the highest rate of uninsured (healthcare) of any state, per capita. So we cut back on social services and give $40 million to Toyoya, who was moving here anyway! And a lot of the other smaller companies never even move here, don't live up to their end of the deal. It's all so Perry can brag about jobs he brought to Texas because he's going to run for Pres again.

It is already known but barely legal that he has given money to donors etc that only barely stayed within the boundary of legality.

So you'll settled for any old reason to screw him around-----gotcha
So instead of outright gifting PelotonTherapeutics, it was done thru CPRIT, which the drunk lady that should resign anyway was investigating. the head of CPRIT was appointed by Perry. The head of CPRIT was indicted for an 11 million grant without proper review. Is the picture getting any clearer? This is not from the article, it's my opinion. But it was rather stronly implied in the original article in the newspaper for those who can read between the lines.
Perry is clearly guilty.

He publically threatened to veto funding, if the DA did not resign. That is coercion.

Plus, did Perry demand that GW Bush (with 1 DUI) or Dick Cheney (with 2 DUI's) resign?
So your main bitch is Texas is not getting their fair share of taxes from the corporations. Correct?

Not even close to what I am saying. I did not say anything about taxes from corporations.

I am saying that Perry is using our tax dollars to pay companies to move here. We severely cut back on education and a lot of basic services (healthcare and others) so that we can give our (my) money to Toyota ($40 million) and Toyota (and Chevron) said they were moving here already. We have the highest rate of uninsured (healthcare) of any state, per capita. So we cut back on social services and give $40 million to Toyoya, who was moving here anyway! And a lot of the other smaller companies never even move here, don't live up to their end of the deal. It's all so Perry can brag about jobs he brought to Texas because he's going to run for Pres again.

It is already known but barely legal that he has given money to donors etc that only barely stayed within the boundary of legality.

So you'll settled for any old reason to screw him around-----gotcha

No I am saying the Special Prosecutor had him indicted on 2 counts. And I am giving some information what this is all about, since about 30 of the first 40 or 50 posts said it was about a drunk lady and it should be legal for him to veto the funds for the department investigationg what turns out to be his hand picked boy and has already led to His indictment.
It might be legal, but at least some taxpayers in texas are getting very tired of it. As i said before, there is a growing movement in Texas to audit these funds of taxpayer money going out to companies.

Is it legal if the company was supposed to hire 1,000 employess by year 3 or 4 and 10 years later they have 50 employees. I's say the companu broke it's side of the contract. But does Texas try to get the money back? No, the extend several more years. And they wouldn't get it back anyway. This is from another article I read in thee paper and no I cannot quote it exactly or give a web address.

This is verbatim from the paper:

Time for an overhaul or slashing of business incentives

Is it a business incentive or corporate welfare, a tax break or a slush fund to give away taxpayer money to corporations.

Activists from across the political spectrum are questioning Gov Perry’s “Open for business” schtick of funding corporations, and frankly it’s about time.

Bill Peacock, VP of Research at the CONSERVATIVE think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation calls incentives an inefficient use of taxpayer money. They take money from taxpayers and place a bet It takes money from a group of taxpayers and gives it to a company.

Texas democrats have long criticized Perry’s funds as enriching corporations while leading to cuts in public schools and health care etc. The democratic candidate for Governor, Senator Wendy Davis, authored a law that requires a public audit of them for the first time.
State Tech Fund Under Fire

In 2009 Gov Perry awarded $2.5 million of taxpayer money to new bio tech firm American Stem Cell. Five years later, its CEO and employees live in California and its San Antonio headquarters amount to little more than a horse pasture.

When it comes to startups supported by the Texas Emerging Technology Fund, this story is nothing new. More than 20% of the firms that received money from the state fund have gone bankrupt.
Now as the fund nears its 10th anniversary and the governor who oversaw its creation reaches the end of his tenure, it and other incentive programs are facing scrutiny

So your main bitch is Texas is not getting their fair share of taxes from the corporations. Correct?

Not even close to what I am saying. I did not say anything about taxes from corporations.

I am saying that Perry is using our tax dollars to pay companies to move here. We severely cut back on education and a lot of basic services (healthcare and others) so that we can give our (my) money to Toyota ($40 million) and Toyota (and Chevron) said they were moving here already. We have the highest rate of uninsured (healthcare) of any state, per capita. So we cut back on social services and give $40 million to Toyoya, who was moving here anyway! And a lot of the other smaller companies never even move here, don't live up to their end of the deal. It's all so Perry can brag about jobs he brought to Texas because he's going to run for Pres again.

It is already known but barely legal that he has given money to donors etc that only barely stayed within the boundary of legality.

I would think the jobs that are coming will help people get health care. That's a good thing.
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Perry is clearly guilty.

He publically threatened to veto funding, if the DA did not resign. That is coercion.

Plus, did Perry demand that GW Bush (with 1 DUI) or Dick Cheney (with 2 DUI's) resign?

THANK YOU CHRIS! Someone on here understands. I'm not sure why some of these people want to defend Perry so much. Is it just because he is a republican and they want to defend all republicans? Do you guys not want to understand that this is about coercion? Are you that blinded?
Perry is clearly guilty.

He publically threatened to veto funding, if the DA did not resign. That is coercion.

Plus, did Perry demand that GW Bush (with 1 DUI) or Dick Cheney (with 2 DUI's) resign?

THANK YOU CHRIS! Someone on here understands. I'm not sure why some of these people want to defend Perry so much. Is it just because he is a republican and they want to defend all republicans? Do you guys not want to understand that this is about coercion? Are you that blinded?

They don't care.

Perry is clearly guilty, and he was indicted by a grand jury of ordinary Texans.
So your main bitch is Texas is not getting their fair share of taxes from the corporations. Correct?

Not even close to what I am saying. I did not say anything about taxes from corporations.

I am saying that Perry is using our tax dollars to pay companies to move here. We severely cut back on education and a lot of basic services (healthcare and others) so that we can give our (my) money to Toyota ($40 million) and Toyota (and Chevron) said they were moving here already. We have the highest rate of uninsured (healthcare) of any state, per capita. So we cut back on social services and give $40 million to Toyoya, who was moving here anyway! And a lot of the other smaller companies never even move here, don't live up to their end of the deal. It's all so Perry can brag about jobs he brought to Texas because he's going to run for Pres again.

It is already known but barely legal that he has given money to donors etc that only barely stayed within the boundary of legality.

I would think the jobs that are coming will help people get health care. That's a good thing.

I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree. I don't want severe cutbacks to education and healthcare so that we can pay Toyota $40 million, especially when they said they were going to move here anyway. Like Toyo really needs that money. I don't want my tax dollars going to Cheveron when they already had plans to move here. I need my money more than Chevron does.
I mean, do we actually have to pay companies to come here? If we are such a great state with low taxes and low cost of living, why are we, mostly the middle class, paying rich people to get richer?
In addition to having the highest rate of people without health insurance in the nation, Texas also has the largest number of children without health insurance and the highest rate of poor adults without health insurance, according to 2012 American Community Survey estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

More than 852,000 Texas children lacked health insurance in 2012.

Texas also had the highest rate of adults making below 138 percent of the federal poverty threshold who lack insurance, at 55 percent.
The Kansas experiment fails...
Advised by Arthur Laffer, the father of supply-side economics, and supported by special interest groups backed by conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, Republican Gov. Brownback pushed through legislation that cut taxes and spending, eliminated state jobs and denied far more applications for welfare assistance — not to mention that he tightened abortion regulations and loosened gun rules.
Brownback promised that the efforts would drive economic growth, create jobs and stabilize the Kansas budget. But the state is reporting a more than $300 million revenue shortfall. The poverty rate increased. The state’s economy expanded 2.3 percent in inflation-adjusted terms over the past two years, half the rate of its four neighbors. And Kansas’s credit rating has been downgraded.
That is truly amazing! They are trying they are indicting Perry for trying to replace a drunk skank?!

She was asked to resign by every leading newspaper in the State, the Police Associations, MADD chapters, etc etc.. because she is in the ONLY liberal county in Texas, liberal scum circled the wagons and she refused to resign.. Rick Perry told her and all of Texas he would not fund her dept on Public Integrity and would veto that bill.. he did exactly that for which he was brought up on indictment by the LIBERAL COURT system in that county..
Liberals didn't seem to mind when Obama refused to fund programs like keeping federal parks open in order to punish the public.
So you guys WANT your tax dollars to go to companies, without any scrutiny. I have never understood why republicans will side with the companies (rich people) every time when it is tax dollars coming from the middle class. I mean that CEO probably makes about $50 million a year. Like yeah, lets give our tax dollars to them. I want to pay for that! It does not matter if the company was supposed to move to Texas and years later they are still in California, and Texas will never get that money back. Yes count me in on that!
That is truly amazing! They are trying they are indicting Perry for trying to replace a drunk skank?!

She was asked to resign by every leading newspaper in the State, the Police Associations, MADD chapters, etc etc.. because she is in the ONLY liberal county in Texas, liberal scum circled the wagons and she refused to resign.. Rick Perry told her and all of Texas he would not fund her dept on Public Integrity and would veto that bill.. he did exactly that for which he was brought up on indictment by the LIBERAL COURT system in that county..
Liberals didn't seem to mind when Obama refused to fund programs like keeping federal parks open in order to punish the public.

You mean when NaziCons shut down the government?
That is truly amazing! They are trying they are indicting Perry for trying to replace a drunk skank?!

She was asked to resign by every leading newspaper in the State, the Police Associations, MADD chapters, etc etc.. because she is in the ONLY liberal county in Texas, liberal scum circled the wagons and she refused to resign.. Rick Perry told her and all of Texas he would not fund her dept on Public Integrity and would veto that bill.. he did exactly that for which he was brought up on indictment by the LIBERAL COURT system in that county..
Liberals didn't seem to mind when Obama refused to fund programs like keeping federal parks open in order to punish the public.

1. Obama had to close the Parks because Republican's shut down the government and everything was closed except absolute essentials. Obama did not do it, rebublican'ts did.

2. It might be a liberal county, but the special prosecuter is a rebublican't

3. the indictment is not really about if she should resign or not or about her being drunk/
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Actually it might have been that she was driving, or that she was dead before the car went off the bridge and he wasn't even there? We'll never know, the truth died with Teddy and he never told anyone that we know of...

Bullshit. She was alive when the car went into the water. Cause of death was DROWNING. Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself!
Actually no one knows. It's an odd case. They went off together but she left all her stuff back at the party, including her house key, and that's the last actual thing anybody but Teddy knows.
You're making the case that Ted Kennedy murdered her.
A lot of people are going to feel rather silly when this thing gets tossed which it likely will. When you get someone as liberal as Alan Dershowitz saying the following about the indictment you know it's pretty weak.

Everybody, liberal or conservative, should stand against this indictment,” Dershowitz said. “If you don’t like how Rick Perry uses his office, don’t vote for him.”

Dershowitz said that indictments against political opponents is something that is done in third-world totalitarian countries, and has no place in the United States.

“In America, you vote against them…this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem.”

Dershowitz says that Perry was well within his rights to use his veto power to defund the DA’s office, citing her drunken driving conviction, and saying that a convicted drunk driver serving as a DA has no business enforcing criminal law on the citizenry. He also believes the charges will ultimately be dropped, or Perry will be acquitted, if the case makes it to court.

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