Texas Governor Abbott Tests Positive For Covid-19

Your Straw Man is Burning.

Everybody dies of something. Rational people understand assessing risks and costs. According to your outlook, the fact that someone died means we should all cower in a hermetically sealed bubble to avoid all risk. That mindset is not living.
If that's how you really feel...just kill yourself.

Bet you won't
Feb 2020...

We've all learned a lot since then huh...
I invented a good pick-up line for hot babes at Walmart. You look her in the eyes & sing Hall & Oates Maneater.....
..." Oh oh here she comes.... watch out boy she'll chew you up..."

It gets some super hot. Others look at you like you're crazy but it's worth a try...
He's vaccinated of course, so he will be fine. He won't miss a day of work trying to stop people from getting vaccinated.
In your world, keeping the government from mandating everyone get a mask or a jab is the only way they can get either. You people actually think that others cannot fend for themselves without government intervention just because you can't function without it. Pathetic
They had all the time in the world before 1929. Where were they?
Yes danielpalos Both liberals and conservatives, federalists and antifederalists, have been arguing over this same issue since the Country was founded.

If you notice, the process of democratization has progressed in stages.

While the liberals have pushed for more social programming and expansion of federal agencies over time, the PROTECTION of individual rights have been expanded as well: starting with the original Bill of Rights applying limits to Congress, then the 14th Amendment extending these rights to STATE govts, and most recently the Civil Rights Act establishing Public Accommodations to all Public Institutions.

danielpalos you were just arguing the other day that BUSINESSES need to respect laws on Public Accommodations for LGBT individuals.

Are you saying LGBT haven't been around since 1929? Why are they just now trying to change policies to accommodate those beliefs?

Why did Women only get the right to vote AFTER Blacks won their rights?

And the Civil Rights Act that finally recognized Equal Citizenship and stopped segregation didn't pass until 1964.

Are you saying Blacks weren't fighting to be recognized as equal until the 1960s????

No danielpalos:

PEOPLE have been having these same arguments from the beginning.

Gays, Blacks, Women, Slaves, Workers, Property Owners HAVE been fighting to defend their interests and rights.


Where have YOU been????

Also danielpalos The Medical Associations and Cooperatives HAVE been developed and established already. These are growing. Kaiser Permanente is the most recognized. Sean Hannity has also promoted AtlasMD in Wichita KS on National Radio, as the solution to both sides getting the health care policy they want.

The Nonprofit Health Care Cooperative in TX www.pdmpwebsite.org has been operating and expanding to NC and Maine, and renovating a historic hospital in Dallas in conjunction with Federal support.

Prolife groups have been operating independently from Govt.

Doctors Without Borders, St Judes, AmeriCares and other nonprofits have been expanding medical outreach without relying on govt to manage their programs.

Where have you been, have you not noticed the progression????
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This is another "gotcha" by those who know how to rig the test.

Just like trump before the election.

The individual who did the test should be fired....
the CPR test has been proven to generate 97% FALSE positives.
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It exists and you do not know what the fuck you're talking about.

Deep state! Deep State! It's all the DEEP STATE, I tell you!! You're a hopeless idiot and you sound like a toddler. Does mommy know you're using her laptop for your 'political activism'?

Ah, the mysterious 'they'. Who is 'they'? The left? Sherpas? The Harlem Globetrotters?

It's called 'covid-19': the 'co' simply means it's part of the corona series of viruses, whereas the 'vi' is for virus. The 'd' stands for disease. The '19', because it was discovered in 2019.

Only the magaturds will receive the microchip implant.
I stopped reading your feces after the third sentence.
that's what your likes do. they can't debunk the truth, do basic research or read basic articles, so they resort to name calling.
An advice, get off tv and go do some phaking reading you stupid retard. you make me wanna puke.
I read in a day more than you do in a life time. I read real people and not the paid actors who read off a teleprompter on CNN and msn something. I am sick and tired of baboons like you who claim to have the monopole on the truth when half the time, they are either stoned or raping the neibor's teen daugher/son while claiming to have consensual sex.

Congratulations: you've just earned your IGNORE Trophee, My first that is on this board.
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I think we are getting false positives again...just like last year....this is all about keeping power and mass mail out voting in 22 and 24....
Trollboy Dana and the other shills got their asses handed to them on a platter beautifully by you,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :rofl:
Thank you so Very much for your support. There are a good outstanding Expertly American Patriots who are putting their livelihoods on the line to research, investigate and tell the rest of us what is really going on, so we're alert/aware enough to be able to make sound decisions about this covid scheme.
Dr. Malone right now, one of the latest whistle blowers, has been told his life is in danger and that he should hire security. He is the guy who invented the mRNA, the crap they are using to kill and mame Americans under the guise of "vaccine" against a boogey man that does not exist (that is unless his handle is "demon-crats").
He came out and publically told CDC, WOW, FDA and the rest of the criminal Cabal "STOP THIS!!!" about inoculating the masses in the process of depopulating and crippling people. I read articles from ex CIA's, retired US Army Superior Officers, renown Chief Virologist, Biologists, etc. These people are top of the line type of citizens. They put their lives on hold to Alert Humanity about the crime that is being committed against her. And here are these champanzees who can barely read who are coming after the rest of us for no reason other than they are too this or that to get off their stupid phak book pages and do some real self educating about the subject.
For example you ask them what VAERS* IS, they'd call you names for doing so because they don't know. Or if they want to know they'd go to CNN page to find out. CNN is their Master and God.
Thank you so much for your kindness. I love that rolling smiley btw:D.
*Xperts say that the vaccine casualties reported on the VAERS system are only 1% of the real figures because drs' reports get flushed down the toilet to keep the damage low. patients are rebuffed and told your medical disaster is only temporary, go away. etc.
This entire vaxx garbage is panzi scheme.
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I think we are getting false positives again...just like last year....this is all about keeping power and mass mail out voting in 22 and 24....

we might not be getting falses this time. This time it's real sh*t and you know how it's been generated? the "vaccine"!!! that's how. It's causing lots of disastrous medical problems, They take those new diseases and catastrophies, brand them Delta Variants sprinkle that with fake claims that it's generated among the unvaxxed to put the pressure on us to when in fact it's exploding among the libtards. if you go to Paul Craig Roberts dot net I think or org. He is a former Reagan Administration WH Aide. He got some Xcellent data on that. And many of them and not just him.
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the CPR test has been proven to generate 97% FALSE positives.

The other three percent have the latest seasonal flu, not Covid.

Covid left America last May. Covid had a very specific staccato cough that was present in March and April of last year.

FauXI's "first answers" were honest

The mask won't stop it
It will come and go like a normal flu
The other three percent have the latest seasonal flu, not Covid.

Covid left America last May. Covid had a very specific staccato cough that was present in March and April of last year.

FauXI's "first answers" were honest

The mask won't stop it
It will come and go like a normal flu

A 9.9 on the crock-o-meter. Nice try Doc. Based on you twisted prognosis I think your un-vaccinated self is going to get hit hard. What part of Mississippi do you call home?
I stopped reading your feces after the third sentence.
that's what your likes do. they can't debunk the truth, do basic research or read basic articles, so they resort to name calling.
An advice, get off tv and go do some phaking reading you stupid retard. you make me wanna puke.
I read in a day more than you do in a life time. I read real people and not the paid actors who read off a teleprompter on CNN and msn something. I am sick and tired of baboons like you who claim to have the monopole on the truth when half the time, they are either stoned or raping the neibor's teen daugher/son while claiming to have consensual sex.

Congratulations: you've just earned your IGNORE Trophee, My first that is on this board.
Nightie Night, magaturd. :hhello:
The other three percent have the latest seasonal flu, not Covid.
That does not shock me a bit. Never worried about it, but thank you.
Covid left America last May. Covid had a very specific staccato cough that was present in March and April of last year.

FauXI's "first answers" were honest

The mask won't stop it
It will come and go like a normal flu
As far as I am concerned Covid is a ghost which does not exist.
And Fool of sheeet AKA Fauci is a monkey of no relevance to me.
Speaking of masks (I personally refer to them as "muzzles") and the rest of the other empty demonrats covid defense arsenal, someone was holding the below board at a British protesters gathering:

riddle me with this poster - Copy.png

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