Texas Governor Abbott Tests Positive For Covid-19

You don't really want to be on my list, sir. Take it back. The Texas Rangers have enough to do. No more insane death wish speech against the people's choice of leaders.
The toilet is below the civil boards. These are miserable times for the country and you're not welcome to wish death on one of the best statesman we've ever had in the bluebonnet state. Quit using the toilet on our civil boards.
Abbott is no statesman. Just a bought hack.
If he's hospitalized then I wish him well along with my thoughts and prayers. Otherwise, I wish him well.

I'm not much into what the Germans call schadenfreude which is all too common around here.
I hope he dies of it.

A slow, painful and agonizing death. Fuck Abbott. I do not give a flying fuck through a rolling donut about that idiot.

He does not deserve medical care, Governor Assface rolled the dice and they came up snake eyes. IF some brain dead maskhole or covidiot refuses to wear a mask, they do not deserve medical care. Put these dead from neck up meat heads on an ice flow and let them fucking die!!!!
If he's hospitalized then I wish him well along with my thoughts and prayers. Otherwise, I wish him well.

I'm not much into what the Germans call schadenfreude which is all too common around here.
He has had the vaccine. He should be fine. But the older people that were with him at the repub lovefest a few days ago....well....they need to be very weary. Not a mask in sight! And Social Distancing is for weenies.....in the Texas repub party.
Breaking News: Everyone either has, has had or is going to get Covid. It's now part of the pantheon of seasonal respiratory diseases such as the flu, RSF and the common cold.

Don't buy into the Fear and Scamdemic mongering.
Was there ever a chance that you would support ANYTHING a republican governor would do?

That would depend on what specifically this governor proposes to do. So far, I cannot support anything that the republicans have done or said that they want to do. All they seem to want to do is attack the rights of other Americans and meddle where they should not be meddling. They claim to want smaller government while simultaneously expanding the scope and reach of government, and are in the thrall of special interests. There is nothing to support here.

Are people thankful he has Covid?
I am thankful if people get mild cases.

With Govt Officials like Abbott, they can opt for the antigen treatment.

Maybe that is the alternative if people do not trust the unnatural vaccine, but trust the antigens the body produces when exposed to the unnatural virus. What if all people who prefer the antigen treatments sign up to create a donor and recipient registry for people against the vaccines?

If they pay the added costs of this alternative, including facilities and staffing and costs of managing blood donations and procedures, at least this will keep the medical and financial burden off taxpayers and health workers who only agree to support people under mandatory vaccines and masks.

Why not separate the policies and procedures that people consent to pay for?

Conservatives are against involuntary servitude and imposing costs of abortion or right to health care on other taxpayers.

Why not require people to support the systems they sign up to be under?
...too bad right-wingers are Anti-mask and Anti-vaxx.
They are also against federalized health care causing involuntary servitude and medical rationing. So why not give Prolife Conservatives what they have been asking for: let them fund their own free market medical systems, with no abortions/euthanasia, transgender procedures, fetal/stem cell useage, masks/vaccine mandates or other govt regulated health insurance policies. And let prochoice right to healthers set up universal care for those who want federal govt in charge of individual health plans!

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