Texas Governor Abbott Tests Positive For Covid-19

My Gov DESANTIS has mobile stations to hand it out. LOVE my republican Governor.....cant stand your stupid corrupt MURDERING BRIBE taking dem ones.

Your Gov SUCKS.
And no, he is not handing out monoclonal antibody IVs.
You truly are an idiot TurtleGirl - but we love you! :cuckoo:
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So, your pretense that you care about this, that's all bullshit.

You don't care about it. I don't care about. Why did you bring it up?
Did you see this? Remember this the next time he blames immigrants and Latinos for the Covid explosion in Texas. That's what I care about, not Greg fucking Abbott.

Did you see this? Remember this the next time he blames immigrants and Latinos for the Covid explosion in Texas. That's what I care about, not Greg fucking Abbott.

I have never discussed that sub set of the topic. Because I don't care and it would be dishonest to pretend I do.
A reminder: You get a vaccine mostly to protect yourself; you wear a mask mostly to protect other people from you.

It might have protected him some if he had worn a mask at the indoor mass party event thing he went to the night before, but it would have protected him more if everyone was wearing one, so the spew from whoever had it would have been mostly contained to their own face. That's kind of how masks work.

I'm glad he'll apparently be OK, and his wife tested negative. I hope he learns from it.
hey guys,Makes me wonder if trollboy even read the article.I heard this on the radio today as well and they said the same thing on the radio this article says that he got covid even AFTER geeting the vaccine,so trollboy here and the MSM media all they did is prove to the entire world that vaccines are worthless and dont stop covid.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Abbot is amongst thousands around the world that have got covid AFTER getting the VACCINE.:auiqs.jpg:
I love how the troll boys can’t debate facts they hate these facts that people are getting vivid after the vaccine so in anger they put thumbs down and laugingnsmileys to disguise their anger even though the sources they believe and listen to their own sources the msm media is saying it and it’s their words not mind,these shills from Langley are amusing.the truth hurts you shills. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl::itsok::itsok: Waits for more thumbs down and laughing smiles in anger.:happy-1::banana::finger3:
A reminder: You get a vaccine mostly to protect yourself; you wear a mask mostly to protect other people from you.

It might have protected him some if he had worn a mask at the indoor mass party event thing he went to the night before, but it would have protected him more if everyone was wearing one, so the spew from whoever had it would have been mostly contained to their own face. That's kind of how masks work.

I'm glad he'll apparently be OK, and his wife tested negative. I hope he learns from it.
Another brainwashed taken in by the corporate controlled media’s narratives.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
He didn't get anything. The So called covid-19 virus has never been isolated at the first place. In other words it does not exist.
Right now the scam continues by the deep state claiming the delta varian is spreading amongst the unvaxxed when it is IN TRUTH, exploding among the VAXXED!!! And it has nothing to do with the non existant covid, it's different sicknesses generated by the screwed up death shot they criminally call "vaccine". They brand it "covid-19" to perpetuate the scam of getting cowards run to the vaxx places and get nano chipped.
Trollboy Dana and the other shills got their asses handed to them on a platter beautifully by you,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :rofl:
When you get any flu shot, it doesn't protect one from getting the flu, but what it does is mitigate the effects of the flu quickly after getting it. Otherwise it's alerting the body that an invader has landed, and because of the dead virus injected, it allows the system to identify the virus, and then it goes after it with the anti-bodies generated by the shot to kill it.

Natural immunity is just as good as a shot for many, because the immune system is on alert if an intruder enters in. A proper functioning immune system is important if not getting a shot, otherwise to assist it in fighting viruses.

99.5% overall survival rate isn't bad though. Let's hope we all survive this thing .... If China is responsible for all this, and we were somehow involved, then Lord have mercy upon us all.
Fuck him. May he die a slow and painful death.
The toilet is below the civil boards. These are miserable times for the country and you're not welcome to wish death on one of the best statesman we've ever had in the bluebonnet state. Quit using the toilet on our civil boards.
The vaccines don't give 100% guarantee a person won't get the virus. It's 90something percent.

The vaccine will prevent him from ending up in the hospital fighting for his life like so many others are right now but have not been vaccinated.

Maybe he shouldn't have had that indoor event with people who didn't wear masks.

Good luck with all those boosters you're gonna need

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