Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Filthy treasonous piece of shit who openly encouraged, aided, and abetted a hostile foreign invasion of our country, are now crying that the invaders are being treated unkindly.

Fuck you traitors.
These good Christians dumping refugees out in the middle of nowhere in the cold on Christmas... just like Jesus would want...and fake christian MAGAts applaud.
Maybe if the Governor of Texas has called her and told her he was dropping off 30 people without proper clothing in 18 degree temperatures she could make proper arrangements

How inhuman is it to just drop people off and not even care

Show us the pictures of the improper clothing.
The pictures I've seen are people in jackets and others with blankets wrapped around them.
Maybe if the Governor of Texas has called her and told her he was dropping off 30 people without proper clothing in 18 degree temperatures she could make proper arrangements

How inhuman is it to just drop people off and not even care

About as inhuman as it is to kill unborn babies but we never hear you crying about that.

Stop trying to convince us that you actually give a shit.

Then you shouldn't mind them being bussed to your sanctuary cities. We know you really don't care, Hamptons had them removed in 24 hours.
They’re finding out it’s not so easy when you have to actually follow through on what you say. How dare people take these elites at their word that they welcome these people (at least for 24 hours before they ship them off somewhere else).
Show us the pictures of the improper clothing.
The pictures I've seen are people in jackets and others with blankets wrapped around them.

Already posted a link showing people were dropped off with improper clothing with some wearing T Shirts. Those blankets were provided by others, not Gov Abbott

How can you condone that?
What is the matter with Conservatives ??
Doesnt justify treating them inhumanly in 18 degree weather
WTF is the matter with you?

What's inhumane and regrettable is the jackasses that keep convincing the Foreign Nationals
their Salvation rests in anything associated with Washington DC.

However ... The Invasion may go a smoother if we jack up the rhetoric a little more ...
And get Americans to start killing each other over this nonsense.

If you ever want to destroy a Nation ... Convince it to destroy itself in the name of Humanity ... :thup:

Already posted a link showing people were dropped off with improper clothing with some wearing T Shirts. Those blankets were provided by others, not Gov Abbott

How can you condone that?
What is the matter with Conservatives ??

Were you there? Did you take any photographs?

If not, how do you know who gave who what?

You are talking about what you believe and we don't share your beliefs.


What's inhumane and regrettable is the jackasses that keep convincing the Foreign Nationals
their Salvation rests in anything associated with Washington DC.

However ... The Invasion may go a smoother if we jack up the rhetoric a little more ...
And get Americans to start killing each other over this nonsense.

If you ever want to destroy a Nation ... Convince it to destroy itself in the name of Humanity ... :thup:


You do realize that has nothing to do with the treatment of those people on the bus?

Nice attempt at diversion though
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<sob> But…but….What about ABORTION?

You can’t complain about the treatment of Mexicans as long as there is Abortion!

It certainly puts the lie to any concern that you hypocrites try to claim about the lives and well-being of any human beings, when you unabashedly defend the murder of thousands of the most innocent and vulnerable of human beings every day.

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