Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Republican elected officials continue to compete with each other with stunts of premeditated evil. On Christmas Eve, three busloads of asylum-seeking adult and child refugees were unloaded on the street outside the Naval Observatory, the vice presidential residence in Washington, D.C.

It was 18 degrees, on Christmas Eve, and many of the migrants were not dressed for winter weather.

There are few if any decent human beings who would gather up asylum-seeking families and dump them on a Washington, D.C., street during sub-freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve, but nobody involved with this stunt has ever been decent in their lives. Hopefully they are all sued, including Abbott; hopefully a few of them end up in prison for a plan that would foreseeably endanger human lives for their little political game.

Wow. Dumping kids on the street during an Arctic blast with no coats on Christmas Eve.
Such is the reprehensible right.
Fake news.....It was around 15 degrees in DC when they departed the bus....No winds to speak of.
Fuck the Republicans.

I don’t care who they are, dumping a bus load of people outside in the middle of a major storm system, 18 degrees, in T-shirts is effing unreal. It just goes to show how low some people go in using people to make political points. Oh wait, shouldn’t be surprised, these are the same people who instituted a policy of taking their children and they still haven’t reunited them. Pro family? Pro life? Not.

Bus load of criminals. Maybe Biden shouldn't push them to break into our country during winter.
Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road in below freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any Federal or local authorities,” White House spokesperson Abdullah Hasan said in a statement.

“As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat alike – on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration reform and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger,” Hasan said.

Chime in Texas Evangelicals

Is this humane treatment of fellow Christians on Christmas Eve?
I would arrest him for attempted murder.

It would do much more good to arrest and prosecute for treason, those who are responsible for encouraging, allowing, aiding, and abetting these foreign criminals in their illegal invasion of our country.

Proper application of firing squads would go a very long way toward solving this problem.
There are few if any decent human beings who would gather up asylum-seeking families and dump them on a Washington, D.C.
You don't get asylum crossing the Rio Grande, unless Biden has made it an official port of entry.
It would do much more good to arrest and prosecute for treason, those who are responsible for encouraging, allowing, aiding, and abetting these foreign criminals in their illegal invasion of our country.

Proper application of firing squads would go a very long way toward solving this problem.
So much for conservatives being ‘pro-life.’
Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road in below freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any Federal or local authorities,” White House spokesperson Abdullah Hasan said in a statement.

“As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat alike – on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration reform and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger,” Hasan said.

Chime in Texas Evangelicals

Is this humane treatment of fellow Christians on Christmas Eve?
Oh cut the crap. You're making a fool of yourself. No one is falling for your crocodile tears.
So much for conservatives being ‘pro-life.’

There is nothing at all inconsistent about valuing the lives of innocent human beings much more than the lives of criminals, traitors, or hostile foreign invaders.

It is those of you who put less value on the lives of human beings than you put on those of various subhuman filth, who have some explaining to do.

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