Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Here's hoping something truly terrible befalls Gov. Hot Wheels...
^^^ considers this a hostile invader

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President Biden, and his handlers, are personally responsible for the rape and sex trafficking of each and every one of these children. That is not an exaggeration, that is a fact. Joe Biden's sexual proclivity, for children, explains his motivation. The Biden gang has worked diligently for years to open our borders. They have invited millions of people to invade our country illegally.

This is vile, inhumane treatment of children and adults. What makes Democrats believe that this is okay?

Nearly 130,000 unaccompanied migrant children entered the U.S. shelter system in 2022, a record

OCTOBER 14, 2022 / 7:00 AM / CBS NEWS

Nearly 130,000 migrant children entered the U.S. government's shelter system in fiscal year 2022, an all-time high driven by record arrivals of unaccompanied minors along the southern border, according to internal federal figures obtained by CBS News.

The tally surpassed the 122,000 unaccompanied minors that federal shelters received in fiscal year 2021, when the Biden administration found itself unprepared for a sudden, sharp increase in child migration that led to severe overcrowding in border facilities, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) data show.

Please share with us how this benefits our country along with the millions of illegal aliens.
Bussing people and dumping them off in strange cities at night in the middle of one of the nation’s worst winter storms is not calling anyone’s bluff. It is human trafficking, for political gain, with no regard for the people being used. It is no different than what the coyotes do except it is for political points instead of cash.
But, to you, this is humanitarian aid, good for the immigrants and our country, right?


According to this report, 83% of immigrants attend their immigration court hearings, and those who fail to appear in court often did not receive notice or faced hardship in getting to court.
That sounds like enforcement.
Cute try. I expected that USMB monitors would be both better informed and less inclined to twist facts. Has USMB lower their standards?

Your source is dated January 28, 2021. President Joe Biden was sworn in Wednesday, January 20, 2021.

Did you intentionally post "misleading" information or were you unable to find anything that fit your agenda?

Biden Program Meant to Fast-Track Asylum Finds 99 Percent of Illegal Aliens Have Invalid Asylum Claims

May I see your degree as well. The congress has been full of shit house legal experts for years now and they haven't had a successful investigation of any legal question in seven years. You come along on message board and try to impress people with your uninformed bullshit. Like I started out saying in this thread. Show your compassion and take a half dozen or so of these illegal immigrants into YOUR home, hypocrite. Quit spending MY money on illegal activities. Illegal immigration is an ILLEGAL activity that you are aiding and abetting.

Looks like the rabid legal expert had pressing business elsewhere.

I think it's laughable that a federally owned company (laughable in itself) thinks that it has the authority to dictate whether a business is essential or non-essential.

The TVA, like any socialistic entity, has historically prevented the electorate/taxpayers from spending their money how they want in order to build their own infrastructure and create their own jobs.

Notwithstanding the 125,000 or so displaced people (obviously non-essential land owners) as a consequence of its aggressive use of eminent domain.

The TVA should itself be sold off, in my view. It's a product of FDR's New Deal, for the casual passer-by who may not know.

The TVA Act​

Signed in 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority Act created a public corporation “To improve the navigability and to provide for the flood control of the Tennessee River; to provide for reforestation and the proper use of marginal lands in the Tennessee Valley; to provide for the agricultural and industrial development of said valley...and for other purposes.” Learn more about the TVA Act.
It was needed, it was a good thing and continues to be needed.
Coming here illegally is a misdemeanor. Much like running a stop sign.

Quite unlike the crime of hiring illegals.

It is very much NOT. Jesus endorsed paying taxes to the state. These people do not pay taxes, yet take up our hospitals, our schools, everything. They are in essence stealing.

Does that mean we should treat them cruelly or dehumanize them? Nope. Should we then ENDORSE their theft? Also, no.

Never, ever, EVER put politics over Christ. Ever.
hmmmm….so where is the outrage? Is the parent being prosecuted? Is anyone defending the parent’s actions?



Is it ok for the government to deliberately and willfully put children in danger or, only if they die?

They did it for up to two years when they closed the schools. No one cares.

They did it when they advised, even PUSHED, for children as young as six MONTHS get the horrid vaccines, even though no other nations are doing so.

Honey, if you think your Big Daddy Govco gives one rip about this nation's children, you best think again. Remember, YOUR party wants to abort babies right up to birth.

That's how much they care.
The bus and blankets were provided by an independent relief organization who actually cares about the health and well being of migrants.

Why wouldn’t a Governor concerned about the health and well being of those under his control make advanced arrangements to make sure someone is there to meet them and proper shelter is available?

Is this what Conservative America will look like?

In your made-up heart rending Christmas Eve tale of woe, sure they were. What organization was this, in your fictional drama?

Keep twisting your pearls over what Conservative America will look like because it will be none of your business. You will be on the other side of the wall.


Not sure where you're going with this .. I've not disagreed with jobs; however, government benefits in the form of extended unemployment in 2020-2021 put many in more favorable positions throughout COVID.

This thread has NOTHING to do with that.
It is very much NOT. Jesus endorsed paying taxes to the state. These people do not pay taxes, yet take up our hospitals, our schools, everything. They are in essence stealing.

They don't pay taxes.......neither do the employers hiring them.

Does that mean we should treat them cruelly or dehumanize them? Nope. Should we then ENDORSE their theft? Also, no.

Never, ever, EVER put politics over Christ. Ever.

No one takes you seriously.
But, to you, this is humanitarian aid, good for the immigrants and our country, right?


The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) relocates migrants to family members & group homes waiting to care for them on arrival.

Your Republican Gov dumps them into the streets under -30 wind-chill 7 minute frostbite temps at night when everything is closed.
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The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) relocates migrants to family members & group homes waiting to care for them on arrival.

Your Republican Gov dumps them into the streets under -40 degree 5 minute frostbite temps at night when everything is closed.

And you believe without questioning everything that your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable pumps into your cranial cavity.

Sending people away at Christmas...

Wonder what Bible these guys read...

How do they thing this will play with real Christians?
Harris is free to accept them or turn them away.. I hope she finally adopts empathy and kindness rather than trying to use govt force and nasty slandering as she’s done thus far

And you believe without questioning everything that your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable pumps into your cranial cavity.

Idiot - It was stated in the link Markle provided. He thought he could smear democrats by showing they also transport migrants, but didn't bother to read the conditions in his own link.

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