Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

One dummy I work with was telling me about the houses the government buys them foreigners. All this stuff comes for the drone of the fact free, never ending, right wing noise machine.
Yup. They are fed on fear. That's pretty much all they have.

And yet, I have asked many times shouldn't their orange douchebag be held responsible for not building the wall he promised, and all I get are insults.
Oh really? How does that work exactly? Is Joe sending them stay home cash still?
You obviously don't follow employment economics. Workforce participation rates have been on the decline for years, and the economy shutdown during 2020 - 2021 further exaggerated these rates: e.g. child care demands, lack of opportunities, increased unemployment benefits. The workforce participation rates continue to decline as baby boomers retire, with many of those out of the workforce during the pandemic and part-time workers who don't seek more hours. Essentially an unwillingness to work.
. 1.7 trillion dollars was just passed to benefit people on the other side of the planet that the House Speaker claimed were "democracies," where a small group of strongman/or oligarchs who crack the whip over millions.

I think you are making shit up
How many of these illegals are seeking asylum?
Unknown, if they aren’t they will likely be deported, there is no legal reason to remain.

Have they been denied asylum from the first country they passed through?

That isn’t required.

Are they able to prove they'd be tortured if they returned to their country of origin?

That is up to the immigration courts to determine.

Of course not .. asylum is the hot new buzzword for illegals to use for entering the United States.
Asylum is the law. Not a buzzword. Nor is seeking it illegal. Most do not get asylum, you realize that don’t you?
Unknown, if they aren’t they will likely be deported, there is no legal reason to remain.

That isn’t required.

That is up to the immigration courts to determine.

Asylum is the law. Not a buzzword. Nor is seeking it illegal. Most do not get asylum, you realize that don’t you?
That's because they aren't seeking asylum .. just using it as an excuse to get into the United States.
You suck at this. Try being smarter instead of posting like a hysterical emotional dingbat.
2.3 million arrests of people illegally crossing the border in FY2022 doesn’t sound like they aren’t enforcing it.

And what did they do after they "arrested" them?
Catch and release.

There were also nearly .6 million "known gotaways," which means that the border patrol saw them but could not catch them. Many of the 2.3 million expected and wanted to be "arrested," so they could quickly claim asylum as they are instructed to do by those who helped them to get in. But that I mean, by the Cartels and the Democratic Party.

Why are so many more coming in than under Trump? Well, the talking heads will drone about conditions in their home countries, conditions, i.e. being mired in socialist disasters. But that was true under Trump, so why didn't we have as many coming in. The illegals themselves tell us the answer.


How many illegally crossed the border without being arrested?
Almost 600,000 that the border patrol saw, but could not catch, along with an unknown number that eluded sighting as well as capture. The Trump administration did not arrest as many aliens as the Biden administration.

They couuld not could not have arrested nearly that many in the last year of his term. They had far fewer encounters than that.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported more than 1.6 million encounters with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in the 2021 fiscal year, more than quadruple the number of the prior fiscal year and the highest annual total on record.

The number of encounters had fallen to just over 400,000 in fiscal 2020 . . . according to recently published data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the federal agency that encompasses the Border Patrol.


Biden and his handlers knew that the Border Patrol and Homeland security did not have the infrastructure to deal with so fast a rise in illegal immigration. I don't know what the plan was, but whatever it is, Alejandro Mayorkas tells us that it is working just fine.

Members of the House grilled DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the security at the southern border, where data shows a record 2.38 million migrant encounters in the last fiscal year.

When asked point blank by Republican Rep. Dan Bishop if he thinks the border is secure, Mayorkas said he thinks it is.

“Yes, and we are working day in and day out to enhance its security, congressman,” Mayorkas responded.
There is a big difference between 9 degrees and 23, just ask my furnace.
It's a shame these illegals weren't sent back across the border in a proactive manner ... those sanctuary cities need to step up. Cold weather is cold weather .. you can die in either, yet, weather only comes in the spot light when they are dropped in illegal friendly areas -- where they are clearly unprepared.
Ducey constructed it on federal and tribally owned land, with no regard for the environmental impacts on a fragile ecosystem and on the migration of endangered species like jaguars and ocelots.

A fragile ecosystem that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens will stomp
thru annually on the way to illegally entering the US?
change the law.
Or just enforce the existing law, as the president took an oath to do.

It is already illegal to illegally cross the border. Arrest them for that and they can apply for asylum from jail while awaiting trial. If they are granted asylum, they can serve their term, which is only six months, and then live in the land of safey.

If I were in some socialist hellhole so bad that a claim of asylum would be legit, I'd take that deal in a minute.
We have immigration laws and quotas that have been in place since the beginning of the nation. They have worked for every immigration wave we've ever experienced.
Laws restricting immigration weren’t enacted until 1875, 100 years after the beginning of the nation. And they have changed over time in reaction to immigration waves and cultural bigotry.

We have NEVER opened the borders before Biden and the morons invaded DC.

We don’t have open borders. Try again.
Or just enforce the existing law, as the president took an oath to do.

It is already illegal to illegally cross the border. Arrest them for that and they can apply for asylum from jail while awaiting trial. If they are granted asylum, they can serve their term, which is only six months, and then live in the land of safey.

If I were in some socialist hellhole so bad that a claim of asylum would be legit, I'd take that deal in a minute.
Applying for asylum is legal and there is nothing in the law that restricts how or where they enter the country to apply for it.
It's a shame these illegals weren't sent back across the border in a proactive manner ... those sanctuary cities need to step up. Cold weather is cold weather .. you can die in either, yet, weather only comes in the spot light when they are dropped in illegal friendly areas -- where they are clearly unprepared.
Hard to be prepared when traffickers don’t coordinate with you on their dumps.
Or just enforce the existing law, as the president took an oath to do.

It is already illegal to illegally cross the border. Arrest them for that and they can apply for asylum from jail while awaiting trial. If they are granted asylum, they can serve their term, which is only six months, and then live in the land of safey.

If I were in some socialist hellhole so bad that a claim of asylum would be legit, I'd take that deal in a minute.

That isn't our laws but you know that.
liberals think the bible is bullshit

Except when they can twist it to defend their own evil agenda.

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

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