Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

You know…316 Americans a day are killed by guns. Shouldn’t we start shipping their bodies to 2a sanctuary cities? I bet they’d welcome them!
How many unwanted babies who’s mother’s were denied an abortion do you have living with you?
You suck at this. Try being smarter instead of posting like a hysterical emotional dingbat.
I was thinking that today. I bet the reason we see all the help wanted signs everywhere is because the help is stuck at the southern border.
The reason you see all the help wanted signs everywhere is because the government overreach during the pandemic has led to a much lower workforce participation rate (and the reason we have lower unemployment rates).
The reason you see all the help wanted signs everywhere is because the government overreach during the pandemic has led to a much lower workforce participation rate (and the reason we have lower unemployment rates).
Oh really? How does that work exactly? Is Joe sending them stay home cash still?
Not about work? Why else are they coming here? For our beautiful weather? Our women?
Our welfare? Our full supermarkets that are free for them? Our emergency rooms they use for primary care?
Again, want to reduce illegals? Dry up the work; arrest and fine all those who employ illegals. Problem solved.
As long as we arrest and fine all those who give welfare benefits to illegals, I'm on board!

If we eliminate jobs for illegals, but not welfare then they will all be on welfare.
If they are seeking asylum, they have a legal right to be here until their cases are decided. Sending them back into Mexico means they face risks like kidnapping, extortion, rape, trafficking and other abuses in a particularly violent and lawless area.

According to this report, 83% of immigrants attend their immigration court hearings, and those who fail to appear in court often did not receive notice or faced hardship in getting to court.

That sounds like enforcement.

Walls aren’t that effective for all parts of the border for a variety of reasons (private property rights, animal migration, geography, etc) and in many cases they seem to find ways over. It would be better to build physical barriers where appropriate and utilize high tech options for the rest.

I could go with that!

If they are seeking asylum, they have a legal right to be here until their cases are decided.

Only if they come to a legal port of entry.
The spirit of Christmas and Christian charity must take a back seat to petty, hyper-partisan stunts sometimes, especially when the poor and homeless can be exploited as irresistible pawns.
Christmas and Christian charity don't change the status of illegal aliens and emotional diatribes are a waste of time, especially when the same outcome is happening en masse in cities like El Paso .. where the federal government is busing and dumping illegals on city streets to fend for themselves.
No. It isn’t. Nice deceptive phrasing too.

No one is saying those who enforce immigration law are bad guys. It’s how you are treating people In the process of “enforcement”.

If you are going to insist on the language of war (which is most often used in civilian situations to begin dehumanizing those you designate as “enemy”) then a better comparison would be to regard the drug cartels and sex traffickers as the “enemy” and illegal immigrants as refugees fleeing the violence.
They aren't "fleeing," and they have no right entering a foreign country illegally.

You guys really are destroying this country from within. Democrats are the real enemy
The spirit of Christmas and Christian charity must take a back seat to petty, hyper-partisan stunts sometimes, especially when the poor and homeless can be exploited as irresistible pawns.

Hyper-partisan stunts with the poor and homeless....not just for Democrats anymore.
If they are seeking asylum, they have a legal right to be here until their cases are decided.
What about Title 42? No one but a citizen has a RIGHT to be here. And while I can understand a person wanting asylum, that doesn't mean we HAVE to take them, or can AFFORD to take them! We are talking about MILLIONS a year! And if we are talking about millions and millions of people fleeing crime, torture and abuse, WHY HERE? These people are literally going through many other countries, some traveling far around the world---- there are 192 OTHER countries they can go to. Why don't any other countries take them or have a legal need to take them? And beyond that, this is costing us trillions in management, housing, food, healthcare and education, if these other countries are causing such a problem costing us trillions making millions flee for their lives, THEN WHY ISN'T THAT USELESS PUSTULE JOE BIDEN treating this as an invasion, an act of war and taking it to these countries for reparations for the enormous social and economic problems they are costing us???

Sending them back into Mexico means they face risks like kidnapping, extortion, rape, trafficking and other abuses in a particularly violent and lawless area.
Like I said, they were ALREADY facing all that before they came here! Why is it OUR sole problem? Why is it OUR sole responsibility? Where are the other nations? Most of these people are not from Mexico, so why are they coming through Mexico if it is so dangerous? And when are we going to lay down the hammer on Mexico and the responsible nations for CAUSING this exodus, to THEIR benefit and OUR expense?

When will you get tired of being a chump, treated like a doormat by all these other countries (as well as your own) dumping their mistakes and problems all on us?
Our welfare? Our full supermarkets that are free for them? Our emergency rooms they use for primary care?

As long as we arrest and fine all those who give welfare benefits to illegals, I'm on board!

If we eliminate jobs for illegals, but not welfare then they will all be on welfare.
In which state do illegals get welfare? How the fuck do they get free groceries? Are you on drugs or just stupid?

As for ER? Yes, hospitals will go the compassionate route and treat first and ask questions later.

But you seem to have overlooked that they need to be sick or hurt. Again, eliminate the work; they have no money.
Bussing people and dumping them off in strange cities at night in the middle of one of the nation’s worst winter storms is not calling anyone’s bluff. It is human trafficking, for political gain, with no regard for the people being used. It is no different than what the coyotes do except it is for political points instead of cash.
Have an adult explain to you what "human trafficking" actually means.
Hint: It's not driving humans somewhere.
In which state do illegals get welfare? How the fuck do they get free groceries? Are you on drugs or just stupid?

As for ER? Yes, hospitals will go the compassionate route and treat first and ask questions later.

But you seem to have overlooked that they need to be sick or hurt. Again, eliminate the work; they have no money.
One dummy I work with was telling me about the houses the government buys them foreigners. All this stuff comes for the drone of the fact free, never ending, right wing noise machine.
Christmas and Christian charity don't change the status of illegal aliens and emotional diatribes are a waste of time, especially when the same outcome is happening en masse in cities like El Paso .. where the federal government is busing and dumping illegals on city streets to fend for themselves.
Petty and cruel.
The federal government is actively obstructing efforts for closing down the borders, including the removal of walls in Arizona.
Ducey constructed it on federal and tribally owned land, with no regard for the environmental impacts on a fragile ecosystem and on the migration of endangered species like jaguars and ocelots. He faced numerous complaints and pressure from locals who were opposed, from the forest service where it would jeopardize a binational fire fighting agreement and for 16 million dollars it was crap. It should have been removed.

In El Paso, homeless shelters and migrant facilities are overrun, and the illegals are forced to live on the street. Law enforcement sit and watch .. not to enforce law .. but to assist the illegals as they enter. A growing trend under the Biden administration to obviously facilitate illegal entry into the United States.

I agree tbe local facilities are overrun, but not that they trying to facilitate illegal entry. That’s a myth.

On the temperature, both cause hypothermic conditions .. thanks for proving the point.

There is a big difference between 9 degrees and 23, just ask my furnace.

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