Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

We have heard claims of illegals voting over and over and case after case, nothing. Not even the NINJA's could find it.

Look into how Loretta Sanchez won a congressional seat in 1996, narrowly defeating the incumbent Bob Dornan.

Her campaign explicitly courted the votes of illegals, encouraged them to vote illegally.

She defeated Dornan by fewer than a thousand votes. Subsequent investigation proved that there were at least seven hundred illegal votes, and likely thousands.

Not only did illegals vote in that election, but it is almost certain that their votes changed the outcome.

Since 1996, has our electoral system become more secure, or less?
We should be buying oil from Venezuela. Our sanctions against that and trying to stop every other country from doing so has gone a long ways in creating the problems there.
So your solution for a Latin American dictator whose people flee to the United States is to make him richer?
We are drilling for domestic oil so...........................

so . . . . .
Look into how Loretta Sanchez won a congressional seat in 1996, narrowly defeating the incumbent Bob Dornan.

Her campaign explicitly courted the votes of illegals, encouraged them to vote illegally.

She defeated Dornan by fewer than a thousand votes. Subsequent investigation proved that there were at least seven hundred illegal votes, and likely thousands.

Not only did illegals vote in that election, but it is almost certain that their votes changed the outcome.

Since 1996, has our electoral system become more secure, or less?

You should have got the NINJA'S on it. I've heard over and over and over how this was done and that was done and yet when it comes down to it, nothing.

The courts begged Trump to present his evidence and nothing.
So your solution for a Latin American dictator whose people flee to the United States is to make him richer?

so . . . . .

My solution is to butt out.

Tell me, what did our decades of sanctions in Cuba accomplish? Could it be at least argued that the people of Cuba would have been better off if not for the sanctions?
They are Sanctuary Cities because they already have illegals.

And they have more resources than the small towns they are invading, I am all for SF, Chicago, New York and other big cities to do their part since they are all for illegal immigration and not sending them back.

The TVA Act​

Signed in 1933, the Tennessee Valley Authority Act created a public corporation “To improve the navigability and to provide for the flood control of the Tennessee River; to provide for reforestation and the proper use of marginal lands in the Tennessee Valley; to provide for the agricultural and industrial development of said valley...and for other purposes.” Learn more about the TVA Act.Y
It was needed, it was a good thing and continues to be needed.
Yup, it is needed, but if the democrats remain true to form, they will be tearing those facilities out as they and Jay Inslee are attempting to do on the Snake River in WA.
And they have more resources than the small towns they are invading, I am all for SF, Chicago, New York and other big cities to do their part since they are all for illegal immigration and not sending them back.
All those cities have their own issue with illegals.
They just treat the issue more rationally.
We prop up and put in place many of those persecuting people in their own country. As long as we continue doing that, bad things are going to happen here in return.

Why Venezuela Revives Historical Tensions Over U.S. Intervention in Latin America

Explainer: So, why are so many Venezuelans leaving their country?

A new perspective for sure, trying to keep an open mind without prejudice, I did take the time to read articles you put up.
It took about 150 years to go from freedom and liberty avoiding outside foreign entanglements to policing the world. "Good for thee but not for me" kind of thing.
Not sure where you're going with this .. I've not disagreed with jobs; however, government benefits in the form of extended unemployment in 2020-2021 put many in more favorable positions throughout COVID.
If you could demonstrate that you qualified.
I'm baffled why Dimocrats and the left are not celebrating the fact that these people were put on a warm bus, and taken to a sanctuary city, that has welcomed them.
They should be applauding Governor Abbott's actions.
You should have got the NINJA'S on it. I've heard over and over and over how this was done and that was done and yet when it comes down to it, nothing.

The courts begged Trump to present his evidence and nothing.
Not "likely thousands"...

Fewer than necessary to change the outcome.
Why are so many more coming in than under Trump? Well, the talking heads will drone about conditions in their home countries, conditions, i.e. being mired in socialist disasters. But that was true under Trump, so why didn't we have as many coming in. The illegals themselves tell us the answer.
Your answer, not surprisingly, would fit on a bumper sticker and makes a good talking point because it ignores the larger problem which doesn’t have an easy solution.

The reason for the most recent surge in El Paso is the prospect of Title 42 ending.
They did it for up to two years when they closed the schools. No one cares.

They did it when they advised, even PUSHED, for children as young as six MONTHS get the horrid vaccines, even though no other nations are doing so.

Honey, if you think your Big Daddy Govco gives one rip about this nation's children, you best think again. Remember, YOUR party wants to abort babies right up to birth.

That's how much they care.
Honey, you only care for parent’s rights when it supports YOUR ideology.
All those cities have their own issue with illegals.
They just treat the issue more rationally.
Rationally .. I see. You mean like Eric Adams of New York City declaring a state of emergency over 4 buses full of migrants? Or how about Martha's Vineyard panicking over 50 illegals (although not a sanctuary city, it houses the many of the elite who are advocates), or perhaps Washington DC that panicked because of cold temperatures (which didn't stop illegals from pouring into the United States).

What is your definition of rational?
Merry Christmas!!

"As Mayorkas continues to claim that no harm comes from illegal immigration, Americans indulge in the seasonal tradition of watching A Christmas Story on TV, blissfully unaware that Bob Clark, the film’s director, was murdered along with his son by an illegal-alien Mexican driving drunk on the wrong side of the road on PCH in 2007."
Rationally .. I see. You mean like Eric Adams of New York City declaring a state of emergency over 4 buses full of migrants? Or how about Martha's Vineyard panicking over 50 illegals (although not a sanctuary city, it houses the many of the elite who are advocates), or perhaps Washington DC that panicked because of cold temperatures (which didn't stop illegals from pouring into the United States).

What is your definition of rational?
Not your response
Merry Christmas!!

"As Mayorkas continues to claim that no harm comes from illegal immigration, Americans indulge in the seasonal tradition of watching A Christmas Story on TV, blissfully unaware that Bob Clark, the film’s director, was murdered along with his son by an illegal-alien Mexican driving drunk on the wrong side of the road on PCH in 2007."
The only traffic fatality EVER on the PCH...

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