Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

I was totally against what happened to Momar Qaddafi, what a terrible torturous death and he had just made plans to share his nations wealth with his people, now look at the place.
I've never seen such a blood thirsty haunt as this, or any humane person enjoy so much pain inflicted of another human being as she did.

My solution is to butt out.

Tell me, what did our decades of sanctions in Cuba accomplish? Could it be at least argued that the people of Cuba would have been better off if not for the sanctions?
It could be argued, sure. It often was back in the eighties. I didn't catch that that was where you were going at first. You really are old school.

Yeah, I remember the eighties when progressives - they were called "liberals" then, but it was all the same socialist bullshit - would say that Cuba was a miserable economic failure, not because socialist dictatorships are always miserable economic failures, but because of the Evil Republican President.*

Saying no more drilling - meaning domestic drilling - and then lifting sanctions and buying oil from a brutal dictatorship is not even close to butting out.

I'd love to butt out. Drill our own oil and let oil companies buy oil wherever they can get it the cheapest. Give Venzuala neither sanctions, nor foreign aid. If Venezualans come to us and say that their country is in poverty due to the brutal socialist dictator, give them a history book about the American Revolution and send them back.

If they are escaping poverty, that should be through the normal immigration process, not asylum. That process starts at their local American embassy or consulate, not at our border.

*For the youngsters, that president was not even Trump. It was a dude name Ronald Reagan who took over a United States that was heading quickly in the direction of Cuba under Jimmy Carter.

Human trafficking disguised as Republican compassion.

Who said it was "compassion"? Abbott is not doing this out of any compassion, he is doing it to put Biden's border crisis front and center where it needs to be for all to see!

What I'm saying is, the fallout is you're getting what you want, the illegals being sent to a blue sanctuary city where they are literally welcomed. For that, your side should be thanking Abbott.
Your answer, not surprisingly, would fit on a bumper sticker and makes a good talking point because it ignores the larger problem which doesn’t have an easy solution.

The reason for the most recent surge in El Paso is the prospect of Title 42 ending.
No doubt at all. Title 42 was a very common sense measure implemented by Trump and opposed by Democrats. There is no reason for it to end, unless the Democrats announce that COVID is over and we can all stop with the mandatory fake vaccines, and the useless masks.

But, even after Title 42 ends, Biden has the authority to maintain the normal restrictions on illegal border crossing. In fact, he swore an oath to enforce all of our laws, not just the ones with which he disagrees.
It could be argued, sure. It often was back in the eighties. I didn't catch that that was where you were going at first. You really are old school.

Yeah, I remember the eighties when progressives - they were called "liberals" then, but it was all the same socialist bullshit - would say that Cuba was a miserable economic failure, not because socialist dictatorships are always miserable economic failures, but because of the Evil Republican President.*

Saying no more drilling - meaning domestic drilling - and then lifting sanctions and buying oil from a brutal dictatorship is not even close to butting out.

I'd love to butt out. Drill our own oil and let oil companies buy oil wherever they can get it the cheapest. Give Venzuala neither sanctions, nor foreign aid. If Venezualans come to us and say that their country is in poverty due to the brutal socialist dictator, give them a history book about the American Revolution and send them back.

If they are escaping poverty, that should be through the normal immigration process, not asylum. That process starts at their local American embassy or consulate, not at our border.

*For the youngsters, that president was not even Trump. It was a dude name Ronald Reagan who took over a United States that was heading quickly in the direction of Cuba under Jimmy Carter.

Did you read the links about this on this post of PKNopp? Interesting to say the least, Not sure I totally agree but it sure puts a new respective on things for me this morning.
We prop up and put in place many of those persecuting people in their own country. As long as we continue doing that, bad things are going to happen here in return.

Why Venezuela Revives Historical Tensions Over U.S. Intervention in Latin America

Explainer: So, why are so many Venezuelans leaving their country?
I don't understand your reply.
The story is that every nation south of the US is a dictatorship and their poor are trying to escape.
Do we take their poor and destroy the US or do we start kicking some ass South of the Border one dictatorship at a time?
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It could be argued, sure. It often was back in the eighties. I didn't catch that that was where you were going at first. You really are old school.

Yeah, I remember the eighties when progressives - they were called "liberals" then, but it was all the same socialist bullshit - would say that Cuba was a miserable economic failure, not because socialist dictatorships are always miserable economic failures, but because of the Evil Republican President.*

Both parties carried out the failed policies toward Cuba.

Saying no more drilling - meaning domestic drilling - and then lifting sanctions and buying oil from a brutal dictatorship is not even close to butting out.

We have continued to drill.

I'd love to butt out. Drill our own oil and let oil companies buy oil wherever they can get it the cheapest. Give Venzuala neither sanctions, nor foreign aid. If Venezualans come to us and say that their country is in poverty due to the brutal socialist dictator, give them a history book about the American Revolution and send them back.

If they are escaping poverty, that should be through the normal immigration process, not asylum. That process starts at their local American embassy or consulate, not at our border.

*For the youngsters, that president was not even Trump. It was a dude name Ronald Reagan who took over a United States that was heading quickly in the direction of Cuba under Jimmy Carter.

We do drill our own oil.
It could be argued, sure. It often was back in the eighties. I didn't catch that that was where you were going at first. You really are old school.

Yeah, I remember the eighties when progressives - they were called "liberals" then, but it was all the same socialist bullshit - would say that Cuba was a miserable economic failure, not because socialist dictatorships are always miserable economic failures, but because of the Evil Republican President.*

Saying no more drilling - meaning domestic drilling - and then lifting sanctions and buying oil from a brutal dictatorship is not even close to butting out.

I'd love to butt out. Drill our own oil and let oil companies buy oil wherever they can get it the cheapest. Give Venzuala neither sanctions, nor foreign aid. If Venezualans come to us and say that their country is in poverty due to the brutal socialist dictator, give them a history book about the American Revolution and send them back.

If they are escaping poverty, that should be through the normal immigration process, not asylum. That process starts at their local American embassy or consulate, not at our border.

*For the youngsters, that president was not even Trump. It was a dude name Ronald Reagan who took over a United States that was heading quickly in the direction of Cuba under Jimmy Carter.

You're in no position to patronize.
The story is that every nation south of the US is a dictatorship and their poor are trying to escape.
Do we take their poor and destroy the US or do we start kicking some ass South of the Border one dictatorship at a time.
Why do you presume that it "destroys the US" to do so?
The story is that every nation south of the US is a dictatorship and their poor are trying to escape.
Do we take their poor and destroy the US or do we start kicking some ass South of the Border one dictatorship at a time.

I don't know any more what we should do.
I have always been of the opinion that being free means we should also allow others to be free and make their own mistakes without our supervision or interference. According to past and present history we have not done that in over a century.
Besides whatever the NWO wants [ like Lola,lol] it gets anyway so why bother with it?
Rationally .. I see. You mean like Eric Adams of New York City declaring a state of emergency over 4 buses full of migrants?
4 buses? Since when do thousands fit into four buses?

New York City’s mayor declared a state of emergency on Friday over the thousands of migrants being sent from southern border states since the spring, saying the demand being put on the city to provide housing and other assistance is “not sustainable.”

Or how about Martha's Vineyard panicking over 50 illegals (although not a sanctuary city, it houses the many of the elite who are advocates), or perhaps Washington DC that panicked because of cold temperatures (which didn't stop illegals from pouring into the United States).
Ah, so it isn’t about sanctuary cities, it’s about tricking people to take buses to Martha’s Vinyard as some kind of vendetta against “elites”…how sweet.

These immigrants, who were “recruited” in a shelter, by a woman thought to be a former army counter intelligence offer, were told they were going to Boston, promised jobs and aid, none of which were true.

Martha’s Vineyard, not that I have any particular sympathy for wealthy elites of either ideology, is an island some 20 miles long, a year round population of 15,000 and a summer vacation population of 200,000, has little in the way of support systems for migrants, only one homeless shelter, little access to services, transportation, etc. Despite that, when a bus load of confused, unprepared immigrants were dumped on the street in the middle of the night, they immediately went into action.

Andres Duarte, a 30-year-old Venezuelan, said he had recently crossed the border into Texas and eventually went to a shelter in San Antonio.

"She (Perla) offered us help. Help that never arrived," Andres said. "Now we are here. We got on the plane with a vision of the future, of making it." He went on to explain why he boarded the plane with so little information in hand. "Look, when you have no money and someone offers help, well, it means a lot."

In Martha's Vineyard, the migrants are staying at a church shelter while local authorities and nonprofit organizations figure out what's going to happen next. Lisa Belcastro, who runs a homeless shelter on the island, said resources were initially scarce.

"Everything from beds to food to clothing to toothbrushes, toothpaste, blankets, sheets. I mean, we had some of it ... but we did not have the numbers that we needed."

Most of the arrivals spoke little or no English, and Spanish-speaking high school students were pressed into service as interpreters.

Edgartown Police Chief Bruce McNamee said many of the migrants were confused.

"We have talked to a number of people who've asked, 'Where am I?' And then I was trying to explain where Martha's Vineyard is."

Bitch all you want about elites, but in this instance they did more for these people than those who used them for their political vendetta.

But hey, I appreciate the honesty that you have finally come clean and admitted that this really about using people to score cheap political vendettas.

Both parties carried out the failed policies toward Cuba.
Sure, they did. And Castro and American Liberals blamed all of Cuba's ills for it.

As if there were not over two hundred other countries that were not the U.S. and were perfectly free to prop up that failed regime as much as they liked.
We have continued to drill.

We do drill our own oil.
Yes, but Biden's policy and actions are to reduce domestic drilling, while encouraging Venezuala to drill.
No doubt at all. Title 42 was a very common sense measure implemented by Trump and opposed by Democrats. There is no reason for it to end, unless the Democrats announce that COVID is over and we can all stop with the mandatory fake vaccines, and the useless masks.

Here is something I've tried to get someone to say for awhile but no one would. I disagreed that title 42 shouldn't end BUT I would never argue with someone that wanted to argue that the administration is highly hypocritical on what they want to end and what they want to continue.

If we are past addressing the border over Covid, we should also be past forcing the military to take the shot.

But, even after Title 42 ends, Biden has the authority to maintain the normal restrictions on illegal border crossing. In fact, he swore an oath to enforce all of our laws, not just the ones with which he disagrees.

Like all have done with the employers hiring illegals.

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