Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

That's idiotic.

If there were no jobs, they'd come for the welfare, the public school with free breakfast and lunch, and the chance to operate side businesses like selling tamales and mowing lawns.

Are you from Connecticut or someplace where you never meet any migrants?

I'm fine with busting businesses ran by illegals. Sadly people want their lawns mowed so that isn't going to happen.
This is vile, inhumane treatment of children and adults. What makes Democrats believe that this is okay?

Democraps believe that it is acceptable, and even a basic human right, to kill children in cold-blood while they are still in the womb.

They also think that it is OK for children to be groomed and brainwashed into depraved sexual perversions, such as homosexuality and transsexualism, in public schools.

Why should it be surprising that they think this is OK as well?

Modern LIbEralism is truly both a mental disease and a moral disease.
I'm fine with busting businesses ran by illegals.
Sure you are.

Until your media shows you dramatic video with the headline "Police Arrest Grandmother for Selling Tamales to Buy Formula for her Grandchild."
Sadly people want their lawns mowed so that isn't going to happen.
Nor is punishing employers hard enough that they actually stop hiring illegals. Large corporations comply with the law by not directly hiring them. Instead, they contract out work such as maintenance and janitorial services to smaller companies that will simply shut down if caught with their illegal alien work force, and be back the next week under a new name. Farmers will always be allowed to hire illegals because they cannot pay what it would take to get Americans to do stoop labor.

And yes. Wealthy people of all political stripes love having their off-the-books maids, gardners and pool boys, so the influential who live in gated communities with private security don't want anything to change, just because children are b eing trafficked and Americans are being killed by bad drugs smuggled in.

So let's talk about what we can do.

First of all eliminate that loophole in the asylum laws that allow illegals to first violate our immigration laws, and then take advantage of them. Any legitimate person with a real fear of returning to their home country would report to a lawful entry port. Why would they not?

Deal with illegals as lawbreakers and then send them back. If they want to try again, fine. Go to a port of entry. But now they have a record of being lawbreakers that will be taken into account when they apply for asylum. Actions have consequences.
Sure you are.

Until your media shows you dramatic video with the headline "Police Arrest Grandmother for Selling Tamales to Buy Formula for her Grandchild."

I'm fine with busting businesses ran by illegals. Period.

Nor is punishing employers hard enough that they actually stop hiring illegals. Large corporations comply with the law by not directly hiring them. Instead, they contract out work such as maintenance and janitorial services to smaller companies that will simply shut down if caught with their illegal alien work force, and be back the next week under a new name. Farmers will always be allowed to hire illegals because they cannot pay what it would take to get Americans to do stoop labor.

To note, years ago Wal Mart was busted for this. The excuse did not fly. An excuse is all it is.

And yes. Wealthy people of all political stripes love having their off-the-books maids, gardners and pool boys, so the influential who live in gated communities with private security don't want anything to change, just because children are b eing trafficked and Americans are being killed by bad drugs smuggled in.

So let's talk about what we can do.

First of all eliminate that loophole in the asylum laws that allow illegals to first violate our immigration laws, and then take advantage of them. Any legitimate person with a real fear of returning to their home country would report to a lawful entry port. Why would they not?

I will note, at least the argument that arriving here and applying is no longer being disputed. Now, where is anyone trying or even suggesting this change should be made? It gets nowhere coming up with solutions no one is even interested in pursuing.

Have someone actually pursue it. I'll consider it. I'll not hold my breath until it happens though.

Deal with illegals as lawbreakers and then send them back. If they want to try again, fine. Go to a port of entry. But now they have a record of being lawbreakers that will be taken into account when they apply for asylum. Actions have consequences.

Asylum seekers are not permitted to hold jobs and jobs is what they come back for.
Second, take a very hard look at our asylum laws. They are well-meaning attempts to help people in dire situations, but now they are not working. They were never meant to deal with a massive operation on both sides of the border to stream people across in such numbers that it overwhelms any attempt at enforcement, or even maintaining order.


People seeking asylum should be limited to those from countries in which they are actually in danger from their own government. No One does not need "asylum" from poverty, nor from crime. We have plenty of crime here, and if we let people in because they don't want to be poorer than they would be in the U.S., then everyone in the world would be eligible.

Not to say that we should never admit people escaping poverty. But that is what the regular immmigration rules are for. Asylum is supposed to be for people in dire situations due to political persecution in their own country.
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Asylum seekers are not permitted to hold jobs and jobs is what they come back for.
You're just flat wrong about that. Jobs are not the only draw that brings immigrants the U.S.

No amount of enforcement will stop those wanting to work from finding jobs. Stopping them at the border, as Trump was doing, is what works, which is why progressives oppose it.

You're either wrong, or you are just pretending not to know that many immigrants come with no intention of finding an employer in the first place.
Second, take a very hard look at our asylum laws. They are well-meaning attempts to help people in dire situations, but now they are not working. They were never meant to deal with an massive operation on both sides of the border to stream people across in such numbers that it overwhelms any attempt at enforcement, or even maintaining order.

People seeking asylum should be limited to those from countries in which they are actually in danger from their own government. No One does not need "asylum" from poverty, nor from crime. We have plenty of crime here, and if we let people in because they don't want to be poorer than they would be in the U.S., then everyone in the world would be eligible.

Not to say that we should never admit people escaping poverty. But that is what the regular immmigration rules are for. Asylum is supposed to be for people in dire situations due to political persecution in their own country.

We prop up and put in place many of those persecuting people in their own country. As long as we continue doing that, bad things are going to happen here in return.

Why Venezuela Revives Historical Tensions Over U.S. Intervention in Latin America

Explainer: So, why are so many Venezuelans leaving their country?
You're just flat wrong about that. Jobs are not the only draw that brings immigrants the U.S.

No amount of enforcement will stop those wanting to work from finding jobs. Stopping them at the border, as Trump was doing, is what works, which is why progressives oppose it.

You're either wrong, or you are just pretending not to know that many immigrants come with no intention of finding an employer in the first place.

Nobody can live here without some sort of job. We have covered this many times. Parents can not eat on what their kids might get at school.
I guess I wasn't clear with my reply, I meant they should change their own situation and deal with their problem's at home, not invade and take advantage of our nation.

It's tough when their problems are backed by actions of the United States.
I guess I wasn't clear with my reply, I meant they should change their own situation and deal with their problem's at home, not invade and take advantage of our nation.
My son-in-law's family is from Cuba and Columbia and they are in favor of what will never happen...
The US invades South of the Border.
Third, strongly enforce voting laws, including proof of citizenship and photo ID.

If illegals cannot vote, Democrats will quickly lose interest in bringing them in in such massive numbers.

Illegals can't vote so...........................

When they finally get amnesty, and they will, they will be able to.
We prop up and put in place many of those persecuting people in their own country. As long as we continue doing that, bad things are going to happen here in return.

Why Venezuela Revives Historical Tensions Over U.S. Intervention in Latin America

Explainer: So, why are so many Venezuelans leaving their country?
By "prop up" do you mean Biden's policy of "no more drilling" for domestic oil, but lifting sanctions on, and buying oil from, the Venezualan fascist government after artificially raising the price per barrel?

I agree completely that we should stop propping up Latin American dictators. But plenty of Latin American countries have screwed up their own economies with no help from the United States.
By "prop up" do you mean Biden's policy of "no more drilling" for domestic oil, but lifting sanctions on, and buying oil from, the Venezualan fascist government after artificially raising the price per barrel?

We should be buying oil from Venezuela. Our sanctions against that and trying to stop every other country from doing so has gone a long ways in creating the problems there.

We are drilling for domestic oil so...........................

I agree completely that we should stop propping up Latin American dictators. But plenty of Latin American countries have screwed up their own economies with no help from the United States.

Mostly from help from the U.S. We have no desire for any competition in the world.

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