Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Sure, they did. And Castro and American Liberals blamed all of Cuba's ills for it.

You are discussing this with me.

It did contribute to their ills, IMO.

As if there were not over two hundred other countries that were not the U.S. and were perfectly free to prop up that failed regime as much as they liked.

And we would threaten them if they tried.

Yes, but Biden's policy and actions are to reduce domestic drilling, while encouraging Venezuala to drill.

We are drilling the same. Biden was under the mistaken notion that prices were so high because there wasn't a glut of oil. I'm not going to discuss this here in this thread but to address this post, there is nothing fundamentally different today with oil in the 80's as it was in the 130's. The war in Ukraine is still going on and Biden is still president.
Here is something I've tried to get someone to say for awhile but no one would. I disagreed that title 42 shouldn't end BUT I would never argue with someone that wanted to argue that the administration is highly hypocritical on what they want to end and what they want to continue.

If we are past addressing the border over Covid, we should also be past forcing the military to take the shot.
Hear, hear!
Like all have done with the employers hiring illegals.
Yes, and Trump did prosecute employers for hiring illegals.

Mayorkas ordered a halt to all raids on illegal employers.
Who said it was "compassion"? Abbott is not doing this out of any compassion, he is doing it to put Biden's border crisis front and center where it needs to be for all to see!

What I'm saying is, the fallout is you're getting what you want, the illegals being sent to a blue sanctuary city where they are literally welcomed. For that, your side should be thanking Abbott.

So much virtue signaling and vapid justification in order justify human trafficking.
More Republican lies. Trump ordered lots of raids but very few employers were prosecuted. Why is that?

It went like this.......there was the raid on the chicken plant.......employees were arrested, processed and then brought back to work. People locally noted that the plant knew the employees were illegal but what happened to the company? Nothing.

8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum​

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(a)Authority to apply for asylum
(1)In general
Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
It went like this.......there was the raid on the chicken plant.......employees were arrested, processed and then brought back to work. People locally noted that the plant knew the employees were illegal but what happened to the company? Nothing.
Yup. No one ever does much with those who hire them.
You are discussing this with me.

It did contribute to their ills, IMO.
It may have. It was intended to. I agree that we should have butted out of Cuba's independence. But I can't agree that our refusal to trade with them was the root of all of there problems.
And we would threaten them if they tried.
As I remember it, we offered incentives for other countries to not trade with Cuba, but all the Soviet Bloc nations did. If socialism is such an awesome system, that should have been plenty. If we would make threats, I'll be happy to see the source for that.

But it was not only the Soviet Bloc that traded with Cuba.

The OAS lifted those sanctions in 1975, after which countries closely aligned with the U.S., including Canada, started trading with Cuba.

As of 2019, Spain, China and Italy were among Cuba's top trading partners. Even some American companies, including Marriott and United Airlines, have done business in Cuba over the past few years, although the Trump administration unraveled several components of the detente pursued by the Obama administration.

"As far as I can tell, all kinds of companies doing business in the U.S., (like) foreign airlines, still conduct plenty of trade with Cuba," Javier Corrales, chair of the political science department at Amherst College, said in an email.

We certainly never prevented Cuba from thriving. Their embrace of communism did that. When has a communist nation ever had a thriving economy? Only when they embraced state-sanctioned capitalism, like China does, did they succeed economically.
We are drilling the same. Biden was under the mistaken notion that prices were so high because there wasn't a glut of oil. I'm not going to discuss this here in this thread but to address this post, there is nothing fundamentally different today with oil in the 80's as it was in the 130's. The war in Ukraine is still going on and Biden is still president.
Just the fact that he makes bumbling statements like "no more drilling. No more drilling!" is enough to drive the prices up. He's the president of the United States and his words have power. Giving him that kind of power is no wiser than putting a revolver in the hands of a lunatic. Less wise, because the lunatic would only have six shots, Biden's gaffes seem to have no bottom.

What is your explanation for oil and gasoline costing so much more under Biden than under Trump?
instead of in the first country that they enter outside of their home country--which is policy worldwide for asylum seekers.

No it isn't ... As Coyote mentioned ... The 1951 UN Convention on Refugees redefined the terms and conditions
applicable to refugees and asylum seekers at the International level.

However ... The United States of American ... Is not a party to that treaty and only party to the 1967 Protocol.

Furthermore ... Countries that are party to all Treaties and Protocols are still not required to house Refugees, or possible Asylum seekers ...
Within their territorial soil or waters.

In short ... Someone can show up at your border as a refugee or even claiming Asylum ...
And you can transport them to camp in Botswana for housing, or while their possible asylum claims are adjudicated ...
As long as you make a deal with Botswana to house them there, and Botswana is not engaged in open warfare at the time.

Which leads us back to the nuts and bolts of any argument concerning the issue ...
Everyone seems to have a propensity to think law and policy are in the least bit a matter of compassion.

The arguments tend to assemble a lot of half-truths that People then pretend they can shape into something they would desire more.

I'm fine with busting businesses ran by illegals. Sadly people want their lawns mowed so that isn't going to happen.
And that is one of many reasons Congress needs a total revamp of our immigration. In fairness to Biden, Trump and other past presidents, their hands are effectively tied when it co es to what tbey can do to address the border situation because it requires an act of Congress to fix. We need these types of workers obviously, and they work hard from all accounts. Most don’t (and shouldn’t qualify for asylum but we have no laws legally allowing them to come and work. Same with those who work in the dairy industry. The only similar law is for seasonal farm workers, which doesn’t apply.

No it isn't ... As Coyote mentioned ... The 1951 UN Convention on Refugees redefined the terms and conditions
applicable to refugees and asylum seekers at the International level.

However ... The United States of American ... Is not a party to that treaty and only party to the 1967 Protocol.

Furthermore ... Countries that are party to all Treaties and Protocols are still not required to house Refugees, or possible Asylum seekers ...
Within their territorial soil or waters.

In short ... Someone can show up at your border as a refugee or even claiming Asylum ...
And you can transport them to camp in Botswana for housing, or while their possible asylum claims are adjudicated ...
As long as you make a deal with Botswana to house them there, and Botswana is not engaged in open warfare at the time.

Which leads us back to the nuts and bolts of any argument concerning the issue ...
Everyone seems to have a propensity to think law and policy are in the least bit a matter of compassion.

The arguments tend to assemble a lot of half-truths that People then pretend they can shape into something they would desire more.

Actually, I disagree that compassion doesn’t enter in to it, specifically our asylum law and the event that caused it to be enacted.

8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum​

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(a)Authority to apply for asylum
(1)In general
Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
Yes, I already agreed to that. Once they are here illegally, they are allowed to apply for asylum. I disagree with that law, but unlike others, I don't pretend that laws I disagree with don't exist.

The fact that we stupidly allow illegal border crossers to apply for asylum doesn't magically transform their prior illegal crossing of the border into a lawful act. If they crossed illegally, it wasn't for asylum, they just ask for it as a way to avoid punishment.

But, they are still guilty of a crime, for which they can be punished. Not prosecuting them is just more progressive selective enforcement, like not arresting shoplifters, and releasing murderers with no bail.

Let the punishment be that they wait in jail for their asylum process to happen. Expedite the process if you feel sorry for them being in jail, but that means that honest asylum seekers who reported to a port of entry go to the back of the line. But they did not commit a crime, so they are free in the United States and the longer wait won't harm them as much as an incarcerated person.

If the illegal crosser is turned down, let them off for time served and deport them.

8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum​

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(a)Authority to apply for asylum
(1)In general
Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.

Now ... Feel free to inform everyone as to the extent that actually makes anyone legitimately eligible in regard to actually gaining Asylum.
It doesn't ... It only allows someone to claim Asylum.

We are also not required to house anyone that desires to claim Asylum on our soil nor in our territorial waters.

Actually, I disagree that compassion doesn’t enter in to it, specifically our asylum law and the event that caused it to be enacted.

It doesn't matter if you disagree or not ...
I am not talking about your feelings or opinions ... Simply stating what is written in the law ... :thup:

I guess I wasn't clear with my reply, I meant they should change their own situation and deal with their problem's at home, not invade and take advantage of our nation.
Exactly. Perhaps democrats can supply them with guns and bombs so they can fight for their country like the democrats are helping Ukraine do.
It may have. It was intended to. I agree that we should have butted out of Cuba's independence. But I can't agree that our refusal to trade with them was the root of all of there problems.

Root or not is irrelevant.

As I remember it, we offered incentives for other countries to not trade with Cuba, but all the Soviet Bloc nations did. If socialism is such an awesome system, that should have been plenty. If we would make threats, I'll be happy to see the source for that.

What is your explanation for oil and gasoline costing so much more under Biden than under Trump?

This is such a deceitful way of presenting this. Right now it's close to the same outside of the Covid price plunge. Are you saying Trump was responsible for that? Is that what you want to go back to?

Oil prices were somewhat stable from 2012-2018. They over reacted to Covid and then over reacted again the other way.

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