Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"

Fuck the Republicans.

I don’t care who they are, dumping a bus load of people outside in the middle of a major storm system, 18 degrees, in T-shirts is effing unreal. It just goes to show how low some people go in using people to make political points. Oh wait, shouldn’t be surprised, these are the same people who instituted a policy of taking their children and they still haven’t reunited them. Pro family? Pro life? Not.

Abbott is only helping Kommie the Ho to do her job.
A flurry of buses dropped off dozens of migrants at the Washington, D.C., residence of Vice President Kamala Harris on a frigid Christmas Eve.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other Republicans leading southern states have arranged the transport of thousands of migrants to liberal enclaves such as Chicago, New York City, Martha’s Vineyard, and Washington, D.C., in recent months to draw attention to the U.S.-Mexico border crisis.

This unfortunately needs to happen, as Democrats continue to ignore the destroyed lives and deaths from the continuing border crisis (once Biden came into office, increasingly horrendous border issues were no longer the presidents fault, and it suddenly became not important to talk about)

If Harris and co are going to brand southern border states as xenophobic and racist for trying to uphold necessary border laws, they can pitch in and show us all how easy it is.

And if it’s not so easy? Stop the hyperbole and respect border states rights to defend themselves from issues which the elitist, gated community leftists don’t have to deal with.
My guess in the NGO's that were supposed to meet them failed to show up.

Very unlikely that Abbot even coordinates with them(no evidence of that yet). These NGO’s take their work pretty seriously. If you feel they failed to show up, there must be something out there supporting that.

You whine incessantly but ignore the migrants who die on the border every day.

You bleat about the sanctity of life but you clearly don’t value it beyond using it for your political purposes.

A few things to consider.

These people won’t stop trying to come. They didn’t stop under Trump‘s harsh policies and they’ve only increased under Biden.

They are willing to undertake incredibly dangerous, often lethal, journeys, not only here but all over the world. We are undergoing one of the biggest increases of displaced people world wide ever, and it’s not because they want to suck the welfare teat.

You think that we ignore the high mortality rate of those crossing the border? No. It’s just that you continue to make it harder to try and reduce the mortality rate of people who will continue to try and cross the border no matter the cost. This is not, by the way, because of any one president, it is the result of policies that crosse multiple administrations.

For example:

and, to be fair it isn’t just leftists that have a soul in this regard:

Open your home up and take care of them. Practice what you preach.

That’s a bit of a red herring that distracts from the issues.

That is like me telling you that since you oppose abortion, why don’t you open up your home and take in a bunch of kids from women denied abortion.

There are a lot of ways to help.

I have no problem with churches working with them. Down in Carson the biggest catholic church has been housing the illegals for a long time.

We agree.

What I DO have a problem with is whiney assholes demanding the border states be forced to deal with the invasion.

Fair enough. I agree there too. The federal government needs to step in with more resources and manpower and transportion as well as increasing the number of judges on immigration courts to speed up the process so peop,e aren’t in limbo for months or even years. And most of all, Congress needs to fix the system.

If YOU think there is no open border then YOU are an idiot.
No. You are an idiot if you think apprehending 2.3 million immigrants in FY2022 is an “open” border.
Very unlikely that Abbot even coordinates with them(no evidence of that yet). These NGO’s take their work pretty seriously. If you feel they failed to show up, there must be something out there supporting that.

You bleat about the sanctity of life but you clearly don’t value it beyond using it for your political purposes.

A few things to consider.

These people won’t stop trying to come. They didn’t stop under Trump‘s harsh policies and they’ve only increased under Biden.

They are willing to undertake incredibly dangerous, often lethal, journeys, not only here but all over the world. We are undergoing one of the biggest increases of displaced people world wide ever, and it’s not because they want to suck the welfare teat.

You think that we ignore the high mortality rate of those crossing the border? No. It’s just that you continue to make it harder to try and reduce the mortality rate of people who will continue to try and cross the border no matter the cost. This is not, by the way, because of any one president, it is the result of policies that crosse multiple administrations.

For example:

and, to be fair it isn’t just leftists that have a soul in this regard:

That’s a bit of a red herring that distracts from the issues.

That is like me telling you that since you oppose abortion, why don’t you open up your home and take in a bunch of kids from women denied abortion.

There are a lot of ways to help.

We agree.

Fair enough. I agree there too. The federal government needs to step in with more resources and manpower and transportion as well as increasing the number of judges on immigration courts to speed up the process so peop,e aren’t in limbo for months or even years. And most of all, Congress needs to fix the system.

No. You are an idiot if you think apprehending 2.3 million immigrants in FY2022 is an “open” border.

Apprehending, then releasing them into the country.

Some of them. Some NGO'S are run by lazy asses.
Using migrants as political pawns

Don’t Republicans realize these are Human Beings?El Paso is drowning and Democrats don't give a shit. Bus just one weeks worth to Yankee states and their balls will freeze screaming about the emergency.
5,000 a day dumped onto the Southwest and you fucks don't care.
Fucking do something!
And Kamala's busses ship them right off to hotel rooms that we are paying for. She wins, they win, we lose...
All of Africa, any Muslim country, etc.

The majority of immigration in Africa is internal, you just don’t hear about it because people don’t pay much attention to it if it isn’t a western country.

For example:

It also isn’t true about Muslim countries. For example Pakistan has been flooded with migrants from Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq were flooded with Syrian refugees, etc.

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