Texas Governor Sends Kamala Harris "Christmas Present"


Human trafficking disguised as Republican compassion.
That's just goofy!

Are you even capable of dealing with FACTS?

As you know, President Biden and his handlers are solely responsible for the massive increase in illegal aliens crossing our Southern Border and for the same increase in human trafficking. What do you think happens to a majority of those unaccompanied kids? Disgusting but not all that unexpected. After all, President Biden does love them young and innocent so he sees nothing wrong with children being trafficked.
That's just goofy!

Are you even capable of dealing with FACTS?

As you know, President Biden and his handlers are solely responsible for the massive increase in illegal aliens crossing our Southern Border and for the same increase in human trafficking. What do you think happens to a majority of those unaccompanied kids? Disgusting but not all that unexpected. After all, President Biden does love them young and innocent so he sees nothing wrong with children being trafficked.
Step up Coyote, you post "fake news" to this so please, share with us all exactly what I posted which is not true.
I posted links in this thread and people have commented on them. I am not going to repeat myself. Read the thread.
Translation of pknopp's post, I got

Translation of pknopp's post, I got


You got the fact I told you that you were too lazy to read the thread and wanted me to repeat myself and I won't.

Quit being so lazy. If you don't want to catch up, don't reply.
Asylum seekers are a particular category of refugee.
Agree! They are a particular category of liars. As you know, the vast majority of so-called asylum seekers are rejected.

"The data, compiled by Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, shows that of the nearly 40,000 cases closed thus far in the program, more than seven percent of border crossers freed into the U.S. interior have secured asylum while nearly 19 percent have been denied asylum, and 67 percent have not yet filed an application for asylum."

Before you try, instead of attacking the source, show us where the FACTS are wrong.
Agree, but that wasn’t part of the discussion (what conditions need to be met for asylum).


Asylum seekers are a particular category of refugee.

The greatest obstacle in gaining legitimate Asylum is proving a Positive Credible Fear status ...
And one associated with the Government of the Nation you are coming from.

Like I have mentioned ...
Legitimate "Asylum Seeker" does not refer to just anyone that wants to come to America ...
Even if where they are from is a very dangerous and terrible place.

Just because what you cited from 8 USC 1158 ~ Asylum,
identifies "when" someone is eligible to claim Asylum,
that has nothing to do with whether or not that have any business trying to claim Asylum, much less clogging up our courts.


And ... Like I mentioned ... Asylum Seekers are a different class of Refugees,
and have special accommodations and protections not necessarily afforded to Refugees in general.


You have the ability to understand these things ...
But you are going to have to look at what everything actually means ... They defined it all.

I have to say that I am not referring to my opinions or desires ... Not even trying to suggest I would personally make the same choices ...
Just that if the People ... We as a Nation of Neighbors and Fellow Citizens ...
Are ever going to have an honest discussion and try to find some resolution that is not just political nonsense ...
We have a blueprint of where to get started, and it's going to take some effort and hard choices.

Start with informing yourself ...
Read the Law and screw the Media and/or Politicians.

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You got the fact I told you that you were too lazy to read the thread and wanted me to repeat myself and I won't.

Quit being so lazy. If you don't want to catch up, don't reply.
Of course, you want to cut and run, "don't reply".

Because still, you've got
Agree! They are a particular category of liars. As you know, the vast majority of so-called asylum seekers are rejected.

"The data, compiled by Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University, shows that of the nearly 40,000 cases closed thus far in the program, more than seven percent of border crossers freed into the U.S. interior have secured asylum while nearly 19 percent have been denied asylum, and 67 percent have not yet filed an application for asylum."

Before you try, instead of attacking the source, show us where the FACTS are wrong.
I’m not sure what your point is. It’s been repeatedly stated the vast majority of asylum seekers aren’t granted asylum.

Did you actually read the TRAC report or just Brietbart’s spin on it?

of the nearly 40,000 cases closed thus far in the program, more than seven percent of border crossers freed into the U.S. interior have secured asylum while nearly 19 percent have been denied asylum, and 67 percent have not yet filed an application for asylum.

This is an analysis of a particular program designed to expedite the process (which is needed).

Using detailed case-by-case Immigration Court records, this report is the first full-scale national assessment of whether the program has lived up to these goals. We found in brief:
  • Cases did in fact move expeditiously: 83% of closed cases were completed in less than 300 days from the date of the NTA. Cases without attorneys were closed faster than those with attorneys.
  • Only 34% found representation in closed cases, falling far short of announced objectives. [2]
  • Only 33% were able to file an asylum application in closed cases since the paperwork is difficult to complete without representation.
  • Only 7% were granted asylum since even with representation, and after filing asylum applications, families with expedited hearing schedules were much less likely to prevail and be granted asylum.

How does this translate into “liars”?
Most illegals will claim 'asylum'. They have been told it's the magical word that will get their foot in the door.

They are dishonest and they are using us. They should be deported, but in the meantime send them to blue sanctuary cities, where the bleeding hearts will enable them.

The greatest obstacle in gaining legitimate Asylum is proving a Positive Credible Fear status ...
And one associated with the Government of the Nation you are coming from.​

We agree on this.

Like I have mentioned ...
Legitimate "Asylum Seeker" does not refer to just anyone that wants to come to America ...
Even if where they are from is a very dangerous and terrible place.​

We agree on this.

Just because what you cited from 8 USC 1158 ~ Asylum,
identifies "when" someone is eligible to claim Asylum,
that has nothing to do with whether or not that have any business trying to claim Asylum, much less clogging up our courts.


We agree on this.

And ... Like I mentioned ... Asylum Seekers are a different class of Refugees,
and have special accommodations and protections not necessarily afforded to Refugees in general.​

We agree on this.


You have the ability to understand these things ...
But you are going to have to look at what everything actually means ... They defined it all.

I have to say that I am not referring to my opinions or desires ... Not even trying to suggest I would personally make the same choices ...
Just that if the People ... We as a Nation of Neighbors and Fellow Citizens ...
Are ever going to have an honest discussion and try to find some resolution that is not just political nonsense ...
We have a blueprint of where to get started, and it's going to take some effort and hard choices.

Start with informing yourself ...
Read the Law and screw the Media and/or Politicians.

Again I am not sure what you think I “don’t understand” since it sounds like you are assigning to me positions I haven’t taken.

Per what the law actually says, applying for asylum is a legal right if the person thinks they meet the criteria, regardless of whether it has actual merit or it is clogging up the courts. It is independent of whether or not one in reality meets the criteria. THAT is the next part of the process.

Per the law: 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

After they apply, the burden of proof is on them to establish credibility.
Again I am not sure what you think I “don’t understand” since it sounds like you are assigning to me positions I haven’t taken.

Per what the law actually says, applying for asylum is a legal right if the person thinks they meet the criteria, regardless of whether it has actual merit or it is clogging up the courts. It is independent of whether or not one in reality meets the criteria. THAT is the next part of the process.

Per the law: 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum

After they apply, the burden of proof is on them to establish credibility.

I didn't say whether or not you understood anything ... And don't care what it seems to you.

I simply pointed out that 8 USC 1158~Asylum only identifies when a Foreign National can "claim" Asylum ...
And then I invited you to inform the rest of us as to what would make that said Foreign National actually eligible for Asylum.

The fact that I invited you to inform us ... Would only indicate that I was assuming you knew ...
Not that you didn't know or understand anything.

Just Stop ... You cannot parse what I have posted ... And turn it into whatever you Desire to think it means.
Do not attempt to speak or think for me ... You are neither capable nor qualified ... :thup:

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Right. Abbott is a devout Christian without mercy for rape victims or asylum seekers.

You Democrats caused those rapes with your idiotic immigration policies. Own it.
Only the courts can determine that. One can not make such a blanket statement.
One can recognize that a crime is a crime, whether the prosecutors choose to prosecute it or not.
Illegally crossing into the U.S. is a misdemeanor. Generally that comes with a small fine.
It also comes with deportation, which should be automatic.


Do you support even a small fine and deportation?

One can not hold a person for an extended period of time over a misdemeanor.
See above.

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