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Texas Handgun Carry Bill Moves Forward, ‘US Constitution is My Permit’

Let's see these people who support these everybody-can-open-carry react when ALL PEOPLE take advantage of this "right." You touch me and I kill you. Is this what we want in these United States? Especially now that we have had a dramatic increase in private citizens thinking that they can just stop people on the street and question them, even having the unmitigated gall to assume that the person whom they stopped had some obligation to submit to such questioning? Men touching women?

And that doesn't happen...hasn't happened in all the states where we already have Constitutional carry..

You guys are ignorant, uninformed assholes who only have lies to push your agenda....

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

1) the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders...they have created a revolving door for criminals who use guns, and will release even the most serious gun offenders over and over again....why? Probably because they realise that normal people don't use their guns for crime, so if they want to push gun control, they need criminals to shoot people.....so they keep releasing them....

2) The democrat party keeps attacking the police.....driving the officers into not doing pro-active policing, cutting detective forces so that murders go unsolved..........
Very sad:

Let's see these people who support these everybody-can-open-carry react when ALL PEOPLE take advantage of this "right." You touch me and I kill you. Is this what we want in these United States? Especially now that we have had a dramatic increase in private citizens thinking that they can just stop people on the street and question them, even having the unmitigated gall to assume that the person whom they stopped had some obligation to submit to such questioning? Men touching women?

Nothing you guys say about guns is ever true, real, or based in reality...

Gun control advocates never seem to tire of doomsaying, particularly when it comes to concealed handgun laws. This time, The Economist predicts ensuing disaster if Texas and Louisiana join the other 20 “Constitutional Carry” states (“Permitless-carry gun laws are misguided and should be scrapped,” May 8, 2021). This would allow citizens who legally own guns to carry concealed without a permit. Thirty-three states, including Louisiana, already allow open-carry without a permit.

The Economist has warned previously about the dangers of Texas and other states letting people carry permitted concealed handguns at universities (e.g., “Concealed carry in Texas Students v guns,” May 12, 2011) and in general. But none of The Economist’s dire predictions have come true. While police are rarely convicted of firearm violations, Texas permit holders are convicted at less than 1/7th the rate of officers.

Constitutional carry lets people quickly protect themselves. Currently, if a woman is stalked, it takes at least 60 days in Texas and 90 days in Louisiana to get a permit. But that might be too late. Last year, despite the huge increase in crime, 20 states stopped or almost completely stopped issuing permits because of the Coronavirus.

Secondly, permits often prevent those who benefit the most from carrying. The total cost for getting a permit in Louisiana is about $300. My research shows that those who benefit the most from concealed carry — poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas — are priced out by these costs. Democrats oppose free voter IDs as imposing too much of a burden on people.

And that doesn't happen...hasn't happened in all the states where we already have Constitutional carry..

You guys are ignorant, uninformed assholes who only have lies to push your agenda....
1) You use very abusive language

2) Guns are used in over 10,000 murders and 20,000 suicides each year. Those who support gun rights bear guilt for their deaths.
Do not be abusive.

Those who support the Second Amendment are enablers of over 10,000 murders and over 20,000 suicides each year. That is evil.

Again, shithead...

The ones doing most of the murder are located in democrat party controlled cities......they are young black males murdering other young black males as well as the family and friends of those young black males, including young black children........normal gun owners aren't shooting anyone......you are an idiot.
1) You use very abusive language

2) Guns are used in over 10,000 murders and 20,000 suicides each year. Those who support gun rights bear guilt for their deaths.

No....we don't.

The young black males using illegal guns, guns they can't buy, own or carry because they are criminals with long criminals histories and felonies to murder other young black males are the ones with blood on their hands....

Normal gun owners do not use their guns for any crime, and hence, are not responsible when young black males, in democrat party controlled cities, shoot other young black males.
Explain what you mean Where am I that "law abiding citizens are disarmed and the criminals are not, where the vast majority of murders happen"? I live in a very peaceful community about ten miles out of the White House. What shithole do you live in where you think that you have to carry a gun?

Now, getting back to my point. Do you really want to live in a community in which people of various races, sexes, etc. just gun each other down? If one of our citizens is accosted on the street, and perhaps touched, should we just gun them down? How about when people are beaten, like in domestic-violence situations. Is shooting the perps the answer? In some places, non-whites are accosted on the streets. Should the perps just be shot? Should this army pentland guy who accosted and shoved some guy on the street just have been shot? Should a woman shoot a man who grabs her? I've been grabbed, sexually harassed in my life pinned against walls. Should I have shot these people? Think and think hard about what you are advocating. Remember that all of us have the same rights.

The worst part of assholes like you is your dishonesty.......it could simply be that you are a troll...looking to stir the shit.....or you really could be an ignorant, dumb ass, anti-gun extremist.

Nothing you posted is based in truth, facts or reality.

Normal gun owners do not shoot people in the street.

The ones actually shooting people in the street are majority young black males in democrat party controlled cities, shooting other young black males......they are usually gang members enforcing drug territory, assassinating rival gang members, or shooting each other over girlfriends, baby momas, and dice games....

And the shooters have long histories of crime and violence...they are not normal people......they can't buy, own or carry guns legally in any way.....so you saying normal people who own and carry guns will simply shoot people is just fucking stupid.....

Nothing you posted is remotely accurate or truthful......
The sissies are the ones scared to go outside without a gun. Weak gun laws guarantee lots of armed criminals. Our homicide rate is 2-3 times higher than wealthy countries with strong gun control.

Yep, every place needs strict gun laws so they can become just like Chicago...dumbass.
It is very unfortunate that it is common and acceptable for women to openly fanaticize about killing/mutilating men. It is common on Social Media and Mainstream Media. The younger generation of men are subject to a continuum of hate that damages their mental health.

In reality, justifiable homicide is rare. According to Table 6, in the years 2011-2015, there have been 1,046 male on male justifiable homicides and 81 female on male justifiable homicides.

I oppose guns 100%. Suicide is a tragedy. Men commit 85% of gun suicides.
I was referring to the "stand your ground" rules that are favored by the "open carry" crowd who don't think about the implications of what they are saying. We are living in an era of uncivilized behavior in which some people think that it is acceptable to just walk up to anyone and unload their "feelings" (men in Mississippi reacting to people giving weather reports, women in Nebraska going wild against masked shoppers in supermarkets), which somehow coexists with "stand your ground." trump, who was president, bragged that he would touch people and couldn't help himself, but the "stand your ground" folks say that he gets shot for it.

Are "stand your ground" rules different for women?
I was referring to the "stand your ground" rules that are favored by the "open carry" crowd who don't think about the implications of what they are saying. We are living in an era of uncivilized behavior in which some people think that it is acceptable to just walk up to anyone and unload their "feelings" (men in Mississippi reacting to people giving weather reports, women in Nebraska going wild against masked shoppers in supermarkets), which somehow coexists with "stand your ground." trump, who was president, bragged that he would touch people and couldn't help himself, but the "stand your ground" folks say that he gets shot for it.

Are "stand your ground" rules different for women?
1) I oppose private guns 100%. I oppose violence (except self-defense) 100%.

2) Of course some men touch women without their consent. Responding with a gun would vastly exceed proportionality and self-defense.

3) Many women slap men, which is considered somewhat acceptable among younger generation. The Guardian considers it OK for a woman to hit a man for fun

What's more, women tend to be aware of this, if only subliminally. Some females might have periods in their life when they get "slap-happy", primarily when socialising, maybe when attention seeking, usually when drunk (guilty!).
The worst part of assholes like you is your dishonesty.......it could simply be that you are a troll...looking to stir the shit.....or you really could be an ignorant, dumb ass, anti-gun extremist.

Nothing you posted is based in truth, facts or reality.

Normal gun owners do not shoot people in the street.

The ones actually shooting people in the street are majority young black males in democrat party controlled cities, shooting other young black males......they are usually gang members enforcing drug territory, assassinating rival gang members, or shooting each other over girlfriends, baby momas, and dice games....

And the shooters have long histories of crime and violence...they are not normal people......they can't buy, own or carry guns legally in any way.....so you saying normal people who own and carry guns will simply shoot people is just fucking stupid.....

Nothing you posted is remotely accurate or truthful......
So explain the number of little white bitch boys with graying beards caught stockpiling arsenals.

What does the political party of the leadership of any city in the U.S. have to do with crime, anyway?

The drift of what you are saying is that somehow white males are better at leadership, by virtue of their skin color and reproductive organs, but they have not been. They have no greater talent than anyone else. Many are total failures, like abbott in Texas.
This has got stupid written all over it. But you've got to hand it to conservatives. When they march, they march in lock step since Texas would be the sixth state this year following Iowa, Tennessee, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming to pass a law to give citizens a right to carry a handgun without a permit, or training, or a proficiency test.

Almost all states have legal open carry, and have been for most the history of this country,


Dark Green - Permissive open carrying
Light Green - Permissive open carrying with local restrictions
Yellow - Licensed open carrying
Orange - Anomalous
Red - Non-permissive
It might have been nice if the Texas Legislature consulted police officers to find out how they would feel about people without permits carry firearms in cars that the police officers stop on roads and highways for crimes like suspected road rage.

Laws are to give us more freedom, not to make police happy.
Police would just as soon pre-emptively have every one imprisoned but them.
1) I oppose private guns 100%. I oppose violence (except self-defense) 100%.

2) Of course some men touch women without their consent. Responding with a gun would vastly exceed proportionality and self-defense.

3) Many women slap men, which is considered somewhat acceptable among younger generation. The Guardian considers it OK for a woman to hit a man for fun

So you would prefer to remain a colonial possession of a corrupt monarchy?
1) You use very abusive language

2) Guns are used in over 10,000 murders and 20,000 suicides each year. Those who support gun rights bear guilt for their deaths.

First of all, suicide is an inherent individual rights, and second is that gun rights have nothing to do with crimes committed by people who have guns illegally and intend to use them illegally.
So a woman whose body is attacked may shoot. Got it.

Of course.
But the point is if the woman is armed, then the presence of the weapon is likely enough of a deterrent, and one does not likely have to actually fire it.
Every American has the right to be armed. People who don't like guns are sissies and losers. Every real American love the feel of firing a weapon.

Texas Handgun Carry Bill Moves Forward, ‘US Constitution is My Permit’

The Texas Senate on Wednesday passed a bill that would remove permit requirements for people to carry handguns in public, moving the bill one step closer to becoming law.

The Texas Senate version of the bill, passed on a party-line vote, according to FOX 4, differs slightly from similar legislation already passed by the state’s House. That means the chambers will have to resolve their differences or the House will have to simply adopt the Senate bill, though it is expected to eventually make it to Gov. Greg Abbott‘s desk.

“People are already allowed to have constitutional carry for long guns in the state of Texas. This just adds handguns, someone has to still go through a background check when they buy a handgun,” Abbott said of the bill, according to FOX 4.

Republican supporters of the bill noted that the bill does not change the requirements for people to buy handguns. It only removes the permit requirements to carry guns in public.

Every American, more or less, has the right to OWN WEAPONS and to BE IN THE MILITIA.

There's no right to walk around with one.

That's the US Constitution.

Here's what Congress had to say on it, while debating this amendment.

"but no person religiously scrupulous shall be compelled to bear arms."

This is the clause being spoken about:

"Now, I am apprehensive, sir, that this clause would give an opportunity to the people in power to destroy the constitution itself. They can declare who are those religiously scrupulous, and prevent them from bearing arms."

So, Mr Gerry was worried that this clause would allow the government to say who was religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, and then stop them.

The very next thing he said was "What, sir, is the use of a militia?"

He's talking about the right to be in the militia.

Then he said:

"Now, if we give a discretionary power to exclude those from militia duty who have religious scruples, we may as well make no provision on this head."

So, he's talking about "bear arms" and "militia duty" synonymously.

Mr Jackson came along and said "Mr. Jackson was willing to accommodate. He thought the expression was, "No one, religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service, in person, upon paying an equivalent.""

Clearly "bear arms" and "render military service" are being used synonymously. In fact they did change this clause back and forwards a few times between "bear arms" and "render military service" before getting rid of the clause.

"Mr. Sherman conceived it difficult to modify the clause and make it better. It is well known that those who are religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, are equally scrupulous of getting substitutes or paying an equivalent."

I mean, who'd pay a substitute to have people walking around with guns in their daily life?

There's plenty more evidence.

For example the Dick Act in 1902/3 made the "unorganized militia". This was so that individuals wouldn't be able to claim their right to be in the militia/right to bear arms, and force their way into the National Guard. So they made it so people were already in the militia, so they couldn't claim a right to be in it. Clever huh?
Who cares? Missouri has had this for years & now St. Louis has the highest murder rate.
Did you ever notice the inner city bullshit doesn’t extend beyond the ghettos of KC or StL? Because those turds don’t dare leaving the hood. They would be shot. The carry laws in Missouri keep that shit contained. If the democrats weren’t defunding the police maybe we could shrink that circle a bit more. Until then these people stay the hell away from us, and that’s fine.

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