Texas Judge rules against Republican's attempt to scrap 127,000 votes!

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Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019

Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.
He said the election would be rigged.
He wasn't lying.
He's trying to rig it.

U.S. judge denies Texas Republican bid to scrap 127,000 votes

Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.
He said the election would be rigged.
He wasn't lying.
He's trying to rig it.

U.S. judge denies Texas Republican bid to scrap 127,000 votes
Sec. 64.009. VOTER UNABLE TO ENTER POLLING PLACE. (a) If a voter is physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health, on the voter's request, an election officer shall deliver a ballot to the voter at the polling place entrance or curb.

I haven't had a chance to look at whatever the judge issued. Initially I thought the drive thru voting had to be bogus … but ya know over 900k Texans are confirmed to have had covid and 10K are dead. It makes some sense to me now that I read the law.

My wife is eligible even in Miss for mail in, but she wants to go in person. We like seeing the aging black poll workers who date back to the 1960s. So, we'll do that tomorrow.
Republicans take voting seriously

Every time democrats come up with a new hair-brained voting scheme is cheapens the voting process
voting should be hard for working people, esp the poor. It makes it more meaningful.

Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.
He said the election would be rigged.
He wasn't lying.
He's trying to rig it.

You always seem to be on top of breaking news faster than I.
Kudos - And another win for the good guys!
Oh - This was a VERY conservative REPUBLICAN judge :D

Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.
He said the election would be rigged.
He wasn't lying.
He's trying to rig it.

U.S. judge denies Texas Republican bid to scrap 127,000 votes
By sheer luck they drew the most conservative judge to hear this case and he still ruled against them.
5th thread I've seen on this, the last was 6 minutes before this one was posted.

Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.
He said the election would be rigged.
He wasn't lying.
He's trying to rig it.

U.S. judge denies Texas Republican bid to scrap 127,000 votes
This should never have been subject to a challenge to begin with.
i got no problem with any secure in person voting ! MAGA ! Pence 2024 !
Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.

Looks like you're a lying idiot and a buffoon.

There is no voter suppression, unless you count your fake news lying to the people to sway votes.

You're just so happy that your party can cheat like the pigs and vermin they are.

Looks like Trump's little voter suppression trick didn't work.
He said the election would be rigged.
He wasn't lying.
He's trying to rig it.

U.S. judge denies Texas Republican bid to scrap 127,000 votes

Old news.

Those votes are still getting tossed one way or another.
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