Texas Lawmakers Proposing TEXIT due to so much Leftist Goose-Stepping

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Texas will always be a state in the United States...unfortunately.

But yes...you are definitely gone.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Texas will always be a state in the United States...unfortunately.

But yes...you are definitely gone.
TEXIT has way more traction than you probably think.

But if you want us gone, help us get it done. Support the process.
I don't even want to know what the fuck "commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S." is but I'm sure it's next door to Four Seasons Total Vomitorium.
Again, for those who can't/won't read:

"Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient."

Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Interesting . . . but the rest of the UNION will never let Texas go, or any other state, for that matter. I was stationed in the Army at Ft. Hood for three years back in the early 1990's. During that time I came to love Central Texas, Galveston, and Port Bolivar in particular—I spent lots of time fishing down there. I even asked an East Texas girl to marry me and we were engaged for a short time—a girl from Conroe, near Willis. In short, I've had a special place in my heart for Texas ever since. But, all of that being said, a Texas secession will never happen, even though it would likely make one hell of a sovereign nation. Frankly I think your Texan political and cultural leadership are using secession as a fundraiser that never stops paying off.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Don't make promises you won't keep.

Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


View attachment 442030
Don't make promises you won't keep.

Help us make it happen.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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I'm all for it!!
When it comes to crazy politicians, here in Texas, WE'RE NUMBER ONE!!!!
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


View attachment 442030

Just do it.

Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


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Just do it.

View attachment 442049
Another TEXIT supporter.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


View attachment 442030

Interesting . . . but the rest of the UNION will never let Texas go, or any other state, for that matter. I was stationed in the Army at Ft. Hood for three years back in the early 1990's. During that time I came to love Central Texas, Galveston, and Port Bolivar in particular—I spent lots of time fishing down there. I even asked an East Texas girl to marry me and we were engaged for a short time—a girl from Conroe, near Willis. In short, I've had a special place in my heart for Texas ever since. But, all of that being said, a Texas secession will never happen, even though it would likely make one hell of a sovereign nation. Frankly I think your Texan political and cultural leadership are using secession as a fundraiser that never stops paying off.
California is not going anywhere and neither is Texas. There are way too many ties that bind us together, whether we like it or not.
Texas Lawmakers to Propose "Texit" Secession amid commie shit twinkle-toed cocksucking in the U.S.

I told you punks. It's only a matter of time.


We’ve been getting so many positive responses from other states, so other states will want to join what we’re doing,” he said. “The majority of states are not happy with the federal government.”

Because the state is 95 percent privately owned, it has its own power grid and its own gold repository, meaning it is essentially self-sufficient.

“We have so many things that other states don’t have, but Texas can lead and these states can join with us,” Biedermann urged.

Kyle Biedermann - Texas Jews is Good News


View attachment 442030

Interesting . . . but the rest of the UNION will never let Texas go, or any other state, for that matter. I was stationed in the Army at Ft. Hood for three years back in the early 1990's. During that time I came to love Central Texas, Galveston, and Port Bolivar in particular—I spent lots of time fishing down there. I even asked an East Texas girl to marry me and we were engaged for a short time—a girl from Conroe, near Willis. In short, I've had a special place in my heart for Texas ever since. But, all of that being said, a Texas secession will never happen, even though it would likely make one hell of a sovereign nation. Frankly I think your Texan political and cultural leadership are using secession as a fundraiser that never stops paying off.
California is not going anywhere and neither is Texas. There are way too many ties that bind us together, whether we like it or not.
Will somebody please tell the commies
Recalling a history less - from back in the olden days when history was taught in public schools - only one state specified in joining the union - that it was free to leave at any time. The provision was accepted by the other former colonies.

I have never heard of Texans having had the foresight to spot the necessity of that.


Oh, that one state?

Live Free or Die is the state motto.

New Hampshire.

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