Texas leads the nation once again.

Clayton posted a link that said this:

'During the period in which the law was in effect, 4,406 applicants submitted to drug testing. Only 108 — less than 3 percent — tested positive for drugs. Another 2,306 applicants failed to complete the applications or receive the drug screens.

Can anyone here tell me why 2,306 applicants refused to finish the process when they would have gotten their welfare? So, the "low rate" of drug use by welfare recipients is a lie. It only counts those who were stupid enough to take the drug test as drug users.

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.

And yet, children did die from starvation from this nation's beginning, through the great depression in the 1930's. my own father had to work for the CCC in 1932 for a dollar per day plus meals provided by courtesy of FDR and the federal government. Sorry. Your church and my food bank do NOT solve the crisis of people with nothing to eat.

The only reason for any child to go hungry is due the neglect of their parent(s). If mom spends what money she gets on dope instead of food, the kids go hungry. This isn't rocket science.

Obviously, you were never hungry as a child, TT. It is sad that you would have to experience that in order to learn compassion. Is it the parent's fault? Probably, but not necessarily. The children should suffer due to bad parenting? More importantly, if the world's richest society does not take care of it's children, then the society as a whole is at fault. I grew up in the South where pellagra was rampant in places. It is a disorder due to vitamin deficiency, primarily niacin. I went to school with a kid who used to look forward to hot dog day, because they put out ketchup, mustard and onions, which he mixed together and ate, in place of the lunch that he could not afford. The food bank that I work with has 31,000 clients, and we don't even begin to cover their needs of our community. I'm not talking about the guy in your church who lost his job. I'm talking about the family that lives under a bridge that you never see. The subject at hand is taking food out of the mouths of children, because their parents are druggies. If that works for you, fine. I have said all I have to say on the subject. I don't live in Texas any more, and I am proud I left.

I do not judge you or your motives and you question mine and you are dead wrong. We support a mission that serves those that "live under a bridge' in a nearby town FYI. I guess I didn't get through your thick head that giving food stamps to dopers does not usually feed their kids.
And, I seriously doubt anyone in Texas cried when you left.
....and I seriously doubt if you know what dopers do, and don't do..., but since you assume that they do not eat, or feed their kids, it is obvious that there is nothing anyone can tell you, and the kids can just fend for themselves, or find a ride to your food bank. I am not making any assumptions about you. I make my judgements on what you have said, which is that doper's kids are not the government's responsibility (and by extension, you should not be taxed to care for them). Spoken like a true republican.

Once again you are wrong. I know a lot about what dopers do. I have delivered food to their house as well as provided transportation for three different single mothers, when they were sober, to get food at our food bank. I did not say dopers kids are not the governments responsibility. I did say that many of them spend the money from food stamps for drugs. I believe it is the governments responsibility to try and get them into rehab, but they fail at that.
I work with, and attend once a month, a Church in Atlanta that has a sensational record of getting young adults straight and keeping them straight. It is done up close and personal by some tremendous older people, both black and white that really care. The government people I know are mostly interested in drawing a paycheck and building an empire. I have nothing more to say to a bleeding heart liberal Democrat. Did I get that right?

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