Texas leads the nation once again.

Everything Dana said is true. I was given "food stamps" after Katrina, because it was impossible to get money out of the banks, with them all being closed. It a plastic card that I could use only at the only grocery store that was open, Costco. It would not work for alcohol, tobacco, and most non-food items. people doing drugs are not interested in trading Cheerios for drugs. there is not much of an exchange market there.

Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?
Everything Dana said is true. I was given "food stamps" after Katrina, because it was impossible to get money out of the banks, with them all being closed. It a plastic card that I could use only at the only grocery store that was open, Costco. It would not work for alcohol, tobacco, and most non-food items. people doing drugs are not interested in trading Cheerios for drugs. there is not much of an exchange market there.

Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?

Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.

Everything Dana said is true. I was given "food stamps" after Katrina, because it was impossible to get money out of the banks, with them all being closed. It a plastic card that I could use only at the only grocery store that was open, Costco. It would not work for alcohol, tobacco, and most non-food items. people doing drugs are not interested in trading Cheerios for drugs. there is not much of an exchange market there.

Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?

Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.


Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?
'During the period in which the law was in effect, 4,406 applicants submitted to drug testing. Only 108 — less than 3 percent — tested positive for drugs. Another 2,306 applicants failed to complete the applications or receive the drug screens.

Clayton, can you see here that about a third REFUSED to be tested because they knew they would fail? No wonder the rate is so low, they only include those who allowed themselves to be tested.

Everything Dana said is true. I was given "food stamps" after Katrina, because it was impossible to get money out of the banks, with them all being closed. It a plastic card that I could use only at the only grocery store that was open, Costco. It would not work for alcohol, tobacco, and most non-food items. people doing drugs are not interested in trading Cheerios for drugs. there is not much of an exchange market there.

Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?

Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.


Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?

Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

They sell the benefits, usually for fifty cents on the dollar.

Tell me how they do that since there is no paper currency?

How do they sell the benefits if the card they're issued will only work at approved grocery stores and only for approved items.

If someone tries to use that card at a store that's not been approved, the card won't work.
maybe the instructions to do that are in the constitution right next to where it makes welfare a right

Thank you for admitting that you have no clue about our constitution or how the food assistance program works.

Heaven forbid you won't be able to whine and cry about something that's no longer happening.

Keep lying. You're only fooling yourself.
Ok, its obvious that you are a total idiot, perhaps you are sucking up the welfare yourself and just dont want to see a free way of lazy life questioned.
Bottom line is that you have no clue what the constitution says or does not say.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article. I.

Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

The founders understood what the term "general welfare" meant.

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,
and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
they may take the care of religion into their own hands;
they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
and pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,
establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;
they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;
in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation
down to the most minute object of police,
would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power
of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,
it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature
of the limited Government established by the people of America."

James Madison
Everything Dana said is true. I was given "food stamps" after Katrina, because it was impossible to get money out of the banks, with them all being closed. It a plastic card that I could use only at the only grocery store that was open, Costco. It would not work for alcohol, tobacco, and most non-food items. people doing drugs are not interested in trading Cheerios for drugs. there is not much of an exchange market there.

Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?

Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.


Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?

Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.
The first state to do that was Florida several years ago.

The outcome was that something like less than 1% of those tested came out positive.

It cost the state millions of dollars and was totally a waste of time and money.

Interesting results; can you kindly provide a link?

I think we should be drug testing politicians.

I whole heartedly agree with that suggestion. We would clean out about 80% of the elected officers, methinks.
drug testing in florida a failure - Google Search

Fucking Republicans still don't know how to use god damn Google??????????????????????????

Why are they so damn lazy? Anyone?
The first state to do that was Florida several years ago.

The outcome was that something like less than 1% of those tested came out positive.

It cost the state millions of dollars and was totally a waste of time and money.

Interesting results; can you kindly provide a link?

I think we should be drug testing politicians.

I whole heartedly agree with that suggestion. We would clean out about 80% of the elected officers, methinks.
drug testing in florida a failure - Google Search

Fucking Republicans still don't know how to use god damn Google??????????????????????????

Why are they so damn lazy? Anyone?

Were the test results so low because people refused to take the test? I mean, why test if you are gonna fail and at the same time prove that you do drugs?

If these were "surprise" tests, you have a point. If not, the results tell us nothing.
Everything Dana said is true. I was given "food stamps" after Katrina, because it was impossible to get money out of the banks, with them all being closed. It a plastic card that I could use only at the only grocery store that was open, Costco. It would not work for alcohol, tobacco, and most non-food items. people doing drugs are not interested in trading Cheerios for drugs. there is not much of an exchange market there.

Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?

Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.


Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?

Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.

And yet, children did die from starvation from this nation's beginning, through the great depression in the 1930's. my own father had to work for the CCC in 1932 for a dollar per day plus meals provided by courtesy of FDR and the federal government. Sorry. Your church and my food bank do NOT solve the crisis of people with nothing to eat.
Wrong again.

Your thread premise has failed, it can't be salvaged, your ignorance and hate are established, you're only further embarrassing yourself.
Clayton hasnt anyone ever told you that you need to just piss off and go swim in a cesspool?

And then you said 'I am', right?
Tell me how they do that since there is no paper currency?

How do they sell the benefits if the card they're issued will only work at approved grocery stores and only for approved items.

If someone tries to use that card at a store that's not been approved, the card won't work.
maybe the instructions to do that are in the constitution right next to where it makes welfare a right

Thank you for admitting that you have no clue about our constitution or how the food assistance program works.

Heaven forbid you won't be able to whine and cry about something that's no longer happening.

Keep lying. You're only fooling yourself.
Ok, its obvious that you are a total idiot, perhaps you are sucking up the welfare yourself and just dont want to see a free way of lazy life questioned.
Bottom line is that you have no clue what the constitution says or does not say.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article. I.

Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

The founders understood what the term "general welfare" meant.

"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,
and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
they may take the care of religion into their own hands;
they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
and pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,
establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;
they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;
in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation
down to the most minute object of police,
would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power
of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,
it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature
of the limited Government established by the people of America."

James Madison
Then Madison goes on to warn against the "leveling" which would be taking from one and giving to another, and he finishes by saying that it is the job of congress to keep this from happening.
You can also read Jeffersons concerns about it. The founding fathers did not want it, thats why its not included in the enumeration of powers.
We cannot however be regarded even at this time, as one homogeneous mass, in which every thing that affects a part will affect in the same manner the whole. In framing a system which we wish to last for ages, we shd. not lose sight of the changes which ages will produce. An increase of population will of necessity increase the proportion of those who will labour under all the hardships of life, & secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings. These may in time outnumber those who are placed above the feelings of indigence. According to the equal laws of suffrage, the power will slide into the hands of the former. No agrarian attempts have yet been made in in this Country, but symtoms, of a leveling spirit, as we have understood, have sufficiently appeared in a certain quarters to give notice of the future danger. How is this danger to be guarded agst. on republican principles? How is the danger in all cases of interested coalitions to oppress the minority to be guarded agst.? Among other means by the establishment of a body in the Govt. sufficiently respectable for its wisdom & virtue, to aid on such emergences, the preponderance of justice by throwing its weight into that scale. Such being the objects of the second branch in the proposed Govt.

The use of the word welfare in the constitution does not have anything to do with redistribution of wealth.

So, agian, I ask, where in the constitution does it specifically state that redistribution of wealth is a constitutional right.
You have still failed to show it. Mostly I would think because you simply do not understand what the framers were doing in the 10th.
Has it ever occurred to you that their are a lot of people that would pay $50 for a $100 debit card and buy groceries with it?

Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.


Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?

Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.

And yet, children did die from starvation from this nation's beginning, through the great depression in the 1930's. my own father had to work for the CCC in 1932 for a dollar per day plus meals provided by courtesy of FDR and the federal government. Sorry. Your church and my food bank do NOT solve the crisis of people with nothing to eat.

The only reason for any child to go hungry is due the neglect of their parent(s). If mom spends what money she gets on dope instead of food, the kids go hungry. This isn't rocket science.
Ok, so here is your logic. I, as a qualifier for food stamps, make little or no income. Having no income, I can not buy food. My state gives me a card that is good for, say, $100 of food. But, instead of eating, I sell my $100 card for $50, and use that $50 to buy about one day's worth of crack.

So, now, I am going to starve to death, because I have no food.


Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?

Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.

And yet, children did die from starvation from this nation's beginning, through the great depression in the 1930's. my own father had to work for the CCC in 1932 for a dollar per day plus meals provided by courtesy of FDR and the federal government. Sorry. Your church and my food bank do NOT solve the crisis of people with nothing to eat.

The only reason for any child to go hungry is due the neglect of their parent(s). If mom spends what money she gets on dope instead of food, the kids go hungry. This isn't rocket science.

Obviously, you were never hungry as a child, TT. It is sad that you would have to experience that in order to learn compassion. Is it the parent's fault? Probably, but not necessarily. The children should suffer due to bad parenting? More importantly, if the world's richest society does not take care of it's children, then the society as a whole is at fault. I grew up in the South where pellagra was rampant in places. It is a disorder due to vitamin deficiency, primarily niacin. I went to school with a kid who used to look forward to hot dog day, because they put out ketchup, mustard and onions, which he mixed together and ate, in place of the lunch that he could not afford. The food bank that I work with has 31,000 clients, and we don't even begin to cover their needs of our community. I'm not talking about the guy in your church who lost his job. I'm talking about the family that lives under a bridge that you never see. The subject at hand is taking food out of the mouths of children, because their parents are druggies. If that works for you, fine. I have said all I have to say on the subject. I don't live in Texas any more, and I am proud I left.
Most crackheads know where a soup kitchen is where they can get a hot meal. Do I have to explain everything to you?

Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.

And yet, children did die from starvation from this nation's beginning, through the great depression in the 1930's. my own father had to work for the CCC in 1932 for a dollar per day plus meals provided by courtesy of FDR and the federal government. Sorry. Your church and my food bank do NOT solve the crisis of people with nothing to eat.

The only reason for any child to go hungry is due the neglect of their parent(s). If mom spends what money she gets on dope instead of food, the kids go hungry. This isn't rocket science.

Obviously, you were never hungry as a child, TT. It is sad that you would have to experience that in order to learn compassion. Is it the parent's fault? Probably, but not necessarily. The children should suffer due to bad parenting? More importantly, if the world's richest society does not take care of it's children, then the society as a whole is at fault. I grew up in the South where pellagra was rampant in places. It is a disorder due to vitamin deficiency, primarily niacin. I went to school with a kid who used to look forward to hot dog day, because they put out ketchup, mustard and onions, which he mixed together and ate, in place of the lunch that he could not afford. The food bank that I work with has 31,000 clients, and we don't even begin to cover their needs of our community. I'm not talking about the guy in your church who lost his job. I'm talking about the family that lives under a bridge that you never see. The subject at hand is taking food out of the mouths of children, because their parents are druggies. If that works for you, fine. I have said all I have to say on the subject. I don't live in Texas any more, and I am proud I left.

I do not judge you or your motives and you question mine and you are dead wrong. We support a mission that serves those that "live under a bridge' in a nearby town FYI. I guess I didn't get through your thick head that giving food stamps to dopers does not usually feed their kids.
And, I seriously doubt anyone in Texas cried when you left.
Well, then, let the little nippers starve.....

I work our Church food bank and I think you said you did as well. No kids will starve as long as one parent will get out of bed sober just one morning a week.

And yet, children did die from starvation from this nation's beginning, through the great depression in the 1930's. my own father had to work for the CCC in 1932 for a dollar per day plus meals provided by courtesy of FDR and the federal government. Sorry. Your church and my food bank do NOT solve the crisis of people with nothing to eat.

The only reason for any child to go hungry is due the neglect of their parent(s). If mom spends what money she gets on dope instead of food, the kids go hungry. This isn't rocket science.

Obviously, you were never hungry as a child, TT. It is sad that you would have to experience that in order to learn compassion. Is it the parent's fault? Probably, but not necessarily. The children should suffer due to bad parenting? More importantly, if the world's richest society does not take care of it's children, then the society as a whole is at fault. I grew up in the South where pellagra was rampant in places. It is a disorder due to vitamin deficiency, primarily niacin. I went to school with a kid who used to look forward to hot dog day, because they put out ketchup, mustard and onions, which he mixed together and ate, in place of the lunch that he could not afford. The food bank that I work with has 31,000 clients, and we don't even begin to cover their needs of our community. I'm not talking about the guy in your church who lost his job. I'm talking about the family that lives under a bridge that you never see. The subject at hand is taking food out of the mouths of children, because their parents are druggies. If that works for you, fine. I have said all I have to say on the subject. I don't live in Texas any more, and I am proud I left.

I do not judge you or your motives and you question mine and you are dead wrong. We support a mission that serves those that "live under a bridge' in a nearby town FYI. I guess I didn't get through your thick head that giving food stamps to dopers does not usually feed their kids.
And, I seriously doubt anyone in Texas cried when you left.

....and I seriously doubt if you know what dopers do, and don't do..., but since you assume that they do not eat, or feed their kids, it is obvious that there is nothing anyone can tell you, and the kids can just fend for themselves, or find a ride to your food bank. I am not making any assumptions about you. I make my judgements on what you have said, which is that doper's kids are not the government's responsibility (and by extension, you should not be taxed to care for them). Spoken like a true republican.
drug testing in florida a failure - Google Search

Fucking Republicans still don't know how to use god damn Google??????????????????????????

Why are they so damn lazy? Anyone?
Either prove your claims or shut the fuck up, bitch
I put a google link right there in front of your fucking and ignorant face. Click on it bitch! You are proving my point your kind are lazy.

Again I'll ask...did welfare people get a chance to opt out of the drug testing? If so, it means they most likely were on drugs. And if the figures show in this thread are to be believed, thats about 1/3 of them.

So, did they get the chance to opt out?


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