Texas leads the nation once again.

So, dependent children will get no food, since their parents smoked a joint, and lost their food stamps. Makes sense, I guess. I was smart enough not to be born in Texas, and they should be, too.
does it bother you if a working family that pays tax does not have enough money to feed their family?

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
welfare isnt a right. its not anywhere to be found in the constitution. Therefore, no matter what is done to it as far as requirements or even if it is offered or not, is not something that is subject to constitutional review.

You are a clueless IDIOT who can't read. Welfare is most certainly in the US Constitution multiple times.

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
welfare isnt a right. its not anywhere to be found in the constitution. Therefore, no matter what is done to it as far as requirements or even if it is offered or not, is not something that is subject to constitutional review.

You are a clueless IDIOT who can't read. Welfare is most certainly in the US Constitution multiple times.

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
welfare isnt a right. its not anywhere to be found in the constitution. Therefore, no matter what is done to it as far as requirements or even if it is offered or not, is not something that is subject to constitutional review.

You are a clueless IDIOT who can't read. Welfare is most certainly in the US Constitution multiple times.

The right to pursue happiness.
The right to turn a government safety net into a hammock.

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.

That a federal judge rules a thing unconstitutional does not render it unconstitutional, but merely blocks enforcement until it climbs the legal ladder.

How about this? As there is no constitutional general right-to-vote, why not suspend voting rights for all on the public dole? After all, why should those accepting assistance be permitted to vote to raise that assistance at the expense of working taxpayers? Such a move would of course destroy the Democratic Party, but that would be of no consequence.

Awaiting your logic.

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
welfare isnt a right. its not anywhere to be found in the constitution. Therefore, no matter what is done to it as far as requirements or even if it is offered or not, is not something that is subject to constitutional review.

You are a clueless IDIOT who can't read. Welfare is most certainly in the US Constitution multiple times.

The Left "interprets the "General Welfare" clause as meaning the federal government can do pretty much whatever it wants in building a protected class dependent upon itself, as opposed to the true mandate that the federal government maintain conditions and opportunities that promote the general welfare.
Texas is not a leader, it's a follower. Data from the states with existing drug testing of welfare programs — Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah — shows they have spent a million more dollars a year than saved to ferret out very few drug users. The statistics show that applicants actually test positive at a much lower rate than the drug use of the general population. The national drug use rate is 9.4 percent. In these states, however, the rate of positive drug tests to total welfare applicants ranges from 0.002 percent to 8.3 percent, but all except one have a rate below 1 percent. This only prevented addicts from seeking drug treatment for fear of loss of benefits.


Texas is not a leader, it's a follower. Data from the states with existing drug testing of welfare programs — Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah — shows they have spent a million more dollars a year than saved to ferret out very few drug users. The statistics show that applicants actually test positive at a much lower rate than the drug use of the general population. The national drug use rate is 9.4 percent. In these states, however, the rate of positive drug tests to total welfare applicants ranges from 0.002 percent to 8.3 percent, but all except one have a rate below 1 percent. This only prevented addicts from seeking drug treatment for fear of loss of benefits.


Somebody is getting screwed big time.
Costs us 10 dollars to drug test where I work.
that means that at the 10 dollar expense, even one person taken off of welfare would be a savings.
Drug testing for the welfare crowd is long overdue
Hopefully other states will follow. This could save the country a good deal of money that could be used on something that is of value to all, or better yet, before spending any money on anything, pay down the debt.
Excellent Job Texas
Texas Senate approves drug testing for welfare

even if it is an older article, it gives me hope.

Wow are you stupid.

The first state to do that was Florida several years ago.

The outcome was that something like less than 1% of those tested came out positive.

It cost the state millions of dollars and was totally a waste of time and money.

But then you republicans love to waste money and persecute people you don't like or approve of.

I think we should be drug testing politicians.
Republicans are willing to pay $100 to possibly save $1 in welfare costs
Texas is not a leader, it's a follower. Data from the states with existing drug testing of welfare programs — Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah — shows they have spent a million more dollars a year than saved to ferret out very few drug users. The statistics show that applicants actually test positive at a much lower rate than the drug use of the general population. The national drug use rate is 9.4 percent. In these states, however, the rate of positive drug tests to total welfare applicants ranges from 0.002 percent to 8.3 percent, but all except one have a rate below 1 percent. This only prevented addicts from seeking drug treatment for fear of loss of benefits.


Somebody is getting screwed big time.
Costs us 10 dollars to drug test where I work.
that means that at the 10 dollar expense, even one person taken off of welfare would be a savings.

Google reveals that graphic is all over progressive sites such as Think Progress. Dubious at best
Texas is not a leader, it's a follower. Data from the states with existing drug testing of welfare programs — Arizona, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah — shows they have spent a million more dollars a year than saved to ferret out very few drug users. The statistics show that applicants actually test positive at a much lower rate than the drug use of the general population. The national drug use rate is 9.4 percent. In these states, however, the rate of positive drug tests to total welfare applicants ranges from 0.002 percent to 8.3 percent, but all except one have a rate below 1 percent. This only prevented addicts from seeking drug treatment for fear of loss of benefits.


Somebody is getting screwed big time.
Costs us 10 dollars to drug test where I work.
that means that at the 10 dollar expense, even one person taken off of welfare would be a savings.

Google reveals that graphic is all over progressive sites such as Think Progress. Dubious at best
What would you expect from a leftist organizations chart? good chance they were beyond smoked up when they created it.
Drug testing for the welfare crowd is long overdue
Hopefully other states will follow. This could save the country a good deal of money that could be used on something that is of value to all, or better yet, before spending any money on anything, pay down the debt.
Excellent Job Texas
Texas Senate approves drug testing for welfare...

So, drug testing for social security? Fail the test and you don't get old?

Nobody said Social Security dumbass.
Not surprising that you would disagree with the ruling of the court. The constitution just doesn't count for much from the right.
The opinions of Marxist Crusaders in judicial robes does not equal 'Constitutional', dipshit.

The opinions of supreme court justices do equal constitutional.
No, they dont, dumbass. They are part of case law and can be ignored or overwritten by later courts as was Dred Scot.

But Supreme Court Opinions ARE Constitutional until they are overturned by a subsequent Supreme Court opinion. That is the only purview of the Supreme Court... to interpret the Constitutionality of a law and apply it by majority decision.
Random drug testing of welfare recipients is fiscally irresponsible:

  • Drug testing is expensive.
    • The average cost of a drug test is about $42 per person tested, not including the costs of hiring personnel to administer the tests, to ensure confidentiality of results and to run confirmatory tests to guard against false positives resulting from passive drug exposure, cross-identification with legal, prescription drugs such as codeine and legal substances such as poppy seeds.
    • Another way to measure the cost is by counting what it costs to “catch” each drug user. Drug testing is not used by many private employers because of the exorbitant cost of catching each person who tests positive. One electronics manufacturer, for example, estimated that the cost of finding each person who tested positive was $20,000, since after testing 10,000 employees, only 49 tested positive. A congressional committee also estimated that the cost of each positive drug test of government employees was $77,000, because the positive rate was only 0.5%.
  • Mandatory drug testing is an ineffective means to uncover drug abuse.
    • An Oklahoma study found that a questionnaire was able to accurately detect 94 out of 100 drug abusers. The questionnaire was also useful in detecting alcohol abusers, something drug tests fail to accomplish.
    • Certain counties in Oregon experimented with drug testing on some welfare recipients, but the process was halted when it was found that drug testing was less effective in identifying drug abuse than less invasive, cheaper methods.
    • Most types of drug tests fail to detect alcohol abuse – the most commonly abused substance among Americans – and are most likely to detect marijuana use since the active ingredient in marijuana stays in the body’s system longer than any other illicit substance. Therefore, drug tests often fail to identify people who are using more powerful, more addictive and more dangerous drugs like methamphetamine or cocaine, which exit the body’s system in a matter of hours or days.
  • Many states have rejected the random drug testing of welfare recipients as impractical and fiscally unjustifiable.
    • For example, New York and Maryland each considered a program to randomly drug test those receiving welfare, but abandoned the plan as not cost-effective, given that urinalysis is almost exclusively a barometer of marijuana use and that welfare recipients are required to undergo regular supervision, allowing for effective monitoring absent the cost and intrusion of mandatory drug testing.
    • Louisiana passed a law in 1997 requiring drug testing for welfare recipients. However, a task force set up to implement the law found more limited drug testing of individuals identified by a questionnaire to be more cost-effective than mandatory drug testing.
    • Alabama decided against drug testing because it found that focusing on job training programs was a more effective method of moving individuals off of welfare.
So, dependent children will get no food, since their parents smoked a joint, and lost their food stamps. Makes sense, I guess. I was smart enough not to be born in Texas, and they should be, too.

In all too many cases the dope takers cash in the food stamps to buy dope with and let the kids go hungry. How could you possibly take credit for where you were born? That is one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time. I guess that makes sense to you as well. LOL

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
welfare isnt a right. its not anywhere to be found in the constitution. Therefore, no matter what is done to it as far as requirements or even if it is offered or not, is not something that is subject to constitutional review.

No one ever said it was a 'right.'

But the 4th Amendment is in the Constitution, an Amendment drug tests violate – if you'd bother to read the linked articles or researched the subject you'd understand that:

“We respect the state’s overarching and laudable desire to promote work, protect families, and conserve resources. But, above all else, we must enforce the Constitution and the limits it places on government. If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that (the Florida law) crosses the constitutional line,” Marcus wrote. ibid
So, dependent children will get no food, since their parents smoked a joint, and lost their food stamps. Makes sense, I guess. I was smart enough not to be born in Texas, and they should be, too.

You had no say in the matter where you were born.

The majority of people providing tax money to pay for welfare get tested it's only fair the recipient should also
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Drug testing in the private sector concerning private employment is in general Constitutional.

The states seeking to disadvantage citizens through drug testing for no other reason than applying for public assistance is not.

Most on the right support 'drug testing' for public assistance applicants for no other reason than their unwarranted hostility toward those applying, having nothing to do with facts, logic, or the law.

Drug tests as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional:


Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance is un-Constitutional upheld on appeal:

Appeals Court: Welfare Drug Tests Unconstitutional

Consequently, Texas isn't 'leading' anything; what we witnessed was the usual authoritarianism and contempt for the Constitution and citizens' rights common to most republicans and conservatives, who were once again seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
welfare isnt a right. its not anywhere to be found in the constitution. Therefore, no matter what is done to it as far as requirements or even if it is offered or not, is not something that is subject to constitutional review.

No one ever said it was a 'right.'

But the 4th Amendment is in the Constitution, an Amendment drug tests violate – if you'd bother to read the linked articles or researched the subject you'd understand that:

“We respect the state’s overarching and laudable desire to promote work, protect families, and conserve resources. But, above all else, we must enforce the Constitution and the limits it places on government. If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that (the Florida law) crosses the constitutional line,” Marcus wrote. ibid
I do understand, you are the one having a problem with it.
Drug testing for welfare would not be mandatory, anyone can refuse the drug test, but then they dont get the welfare since its not a constitutional right. To keep welfare they would willingly subject to a test.
Just like driving, you dont have to take the breathalyzer if you are pulled over for suspicion of driving while intoxicated, but you will lose the privilege to drive. Driving just like welfare are not constitutional rights, and either one can have conditions that you must agree to prior to having access to either one.
Thats what you dont understand. If pookie would rather not take a drug test, he is free to decline and walk out of the office with no check in hand. No rights were violated.

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