Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Burglars

No, it's because it's about the protection of property.
It has nothing to do with the gun. I'd feel the same if he'd used a golf club. It has nothing to do with race. I'd feel the same if the ppl killed were the grown of the local DA. It has nothing to do with killing someone. It has to do with protecting our individual rights, freedom and property.

We have the right to defend ourselves. If we are denied to right to protect ourselves from criminals, we effectively might as well have no rights at all, because we are simply sitting ducks. You might as well open all the doors and use big neon signs to point to the valuables.

There is a law, that allows him to use force, to protect his own property and to protect a neighbor's property if asked or to protect one of your family m,ember's property....

There is also a law that is very narrowly defined as to when you can use DEADY Force....this is separate from the law of when you can use force to protect yourself....a separate law narrowly stating of when Deadly Force on a burglar is legal.

I do not believe he met this criteria under the law.....I do believe the circumstances met the criteria for him to legally use his gun to stop them somehow, but did NOT MEET the criteria that the law requires for the circumstance of using DEADLY FORCE.

He didn't know they were unarmed.
Does anyone have any statistics for the likelihood of losing your life if you interrupt or surprise home burglars?

I know it's pretty high.

Yes he did know they did not have any guns...at least that is what he told the dispatcher, that he did not see any guns on them....and no guns were visibly aimed at him later when he decided to be a hero and shoot them to death, that would be another tell tale sign, don't ya think the cop would say they pointed a gun at him?

Where the HELL WAS THIS detective on the scene that said he saw one man move slightly towards mr horn before he ran away and was shot in the back....and why didn't he do something? What is the story on that? Why was the cop twidling his thumbs if he was really there on the scene? I really don't understand alot of what went on here....

I just think that this should have been tried, instead of dismissed and that mr horn should plead temporary insanity to get off...because he was CLEARLY INSANE at the time, not listening to the police at all....

Even for a human being to rationaize killing these men for a burglary of a neighbor is absolutely INSANE to me and defies to the enth degree any sense of the value of the human life....you DO NOT KILL SOMEONE for taking a TV....you may have to kill someone that is attacking another man and trying to rob him of his wallet....there are differences, just like you would not kill someone for shoplifting a sweater....

This man was not thinking rationallly, the dispatcher was....

I wonder if you would think rationally if you were watching strangers burglarize your neighbors house...and if they were crossing your yard while doing it?

I'd be freaked out.

We are not obligated to nurse criminals along during the commission of their crimes.

And my understanding of the law, per my previous link (which I think comes from a Texas DA site) is that a person can use deadly force to protect their property, or the property of a neighbor if they have either been asked to look after the property, or if they believe they should be looking after the property.

You're a zealot, and you think criminals should be protected from the very people they victimize. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I wonder if you would think rationally if you were watching strangers burglarize your neighbors house...and if they were crossing your yard while doing it?

I'd be freaked out.

We are not obligated to nurse criminals along during the commission of their crimes.

And my understanding of the law, per my previous link (which I think comes from a Texas DA site) is that a person can use deadly force to protect their property, or the property of a neighbor if they have either been asked to look after the property, or if they believe they should be looking after the property.

You're a zealot, and you think criminals should be protected from the very people they victimize. You should be ashamed of yourself.

nope! not a zealot.

just a believer in the LAW, both religious and the law of our country.

i do not believe mr horn followed that law and i have every legitimate reason to believe such, based on the tape, and the information given us, and the laws of Texas pertaining to this with the explanation from Congress discussing their passing of this bill to amend their current laws regarding retreating....

WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD READ: http://www.hro.house.state.tx.us/hrodocs/ba80r/sb0378.pdf

it explains a great deal and gives the full perspective on the intent of these laws.

No doubt. In Florida, we can just mow them down if they're walking down the street.

I'm surprised Shogunk hasn't pointed out to you that after the illegal aliens repave your driveway and ask for their money, you can just shoot them and avoid prosecution for hiring illegal aliens. Also save a few bucks.
nope! not a zealot.

just a believer in the LAW, both religious and the law of our country.

i do not believe mr horn followed that law and i have every legitimate reason to believe such, based on the tape, and the information given us, and the laws of Texas pertaining to this with the explanation from Congress discussing their passing of this bill to amend their current laws regarding retreating....

WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD READ: http://www.hro.house.state.tx.us/hrodocs/ba80r/sb0378.pdf

it explains a great deal and gives the full perspective on the intent of these laws.


Yes, you are a zealot, and you have no concept of what the meaning or purpose of law is.
He knows his neighbor. Why would he attack his NEIGHBOR, WHO HE KNOWS?
If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny watching people try to turn this into a racial thing.

When I first heard about this case he said he didn't even know his neighbors. Had never even met them.
Yes, you are a zealot, and you have no concept of what the meaning or purpose of law is.

i'm sure that made you ''feel'' better about yourself allie, giving you the self esteem that you seem to lack....but it doesn't change the fact that this man killed two men that were not trying to kill him....there was no self defense involved or fear of his own imminent death or the kidnapping or assault or robbery by force of another human and no reasonable excuse for using DEADLY FORCE.....

the ''reasonable excuse'' example given by congress regarding this was a man at home with his family with a robber breaking in through his window....should he have to retreat, which was the old law, or be able to defend himself and family without worrying about whether he was breaking some law....

read the link, EVERYONE! IT GIVES BACKGROUND TO THESE LAWS! not just some simpleton like me's opinion! :)


Regardless of the background, the law is what it is. They guy was obviously concerned.

And this: "When I first heard about this case he said he didn't even know his neighbors. Had never even met them" is completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter if he knows his neighbors or not. Though if he knew his neighbors were gone, I'm assuming he knew them. Not that it matters.
Regardless of the background, the law is what it is. They guy was obviously concerned.

And this: "When I first heard about this case he said he didn't even know his neighbors. Had never even met them" is completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter if he knows his neighbors or not. Though if he knew his neighbors were gone, I'm assuming he knew them. Not that it matters.

it does matter according to THE LAW allie, can't you understand what the law says?

Regardless of the background, the law is what it is. They guy was obviously concerned.

And this: "When I first heard about this case he said he didn't even know his neighbors. Had never even met them" is completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter if he knows his neighbors or not. Though if he knew his neighbors were gone, I'm assuming he knew them. Not that it matters.

If the police witnessed the man shooting the thieves, then why was the man not arrested for obstruction?
A burglary is not even considered a violent crime, a robbery is....

You keep commenting on the law even though you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Burglary IS considered a violent crime, which the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with as recently as last year. Further, Burglary is one of the felonies that qualifies for the felony murder rule as an inherently dangerous felony.
If the police witnessed the man shooting the thieves, then why was the man not arrested for obstruction?

Because he wasn't obstructing anything. The police hadn't acted; there was nothing to obstruct.
dont mess with other people or other peoples belongings. and if you do and you get caught freeze motherfucker means freeze.understand that and hey ! no one needs to shoot anyone..sounds like a good message
You keep commenting on the law even though you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Burglary IS considered a violent crime, which the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with as recently as last year. Further, Burglary is one of the felonies that qualifies for the felony murder rule as an inherently dangerous felony.
LINK PLEASE....where burglary is considered a violent crime....if i missed it and you posted it, could you direct me to the post please.

When I first heard about this case he said he didn't even know his neighbors. Had never even met them.

fyi - if you listen to the entire audio of the 911 call, he told the dispatcher, who asked if he knew the neighbor, that he did not know this neighbor, but he if it was his other neighbor, who he did know, he would have already done something about it...

also, btw, he says at the beginning, eight minutes prior to the shooting, that he has a shot gun and is willing to stop them. he was calm and not threatened in the least, at the time.

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