Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Burglars

dont mess with other people or other peoples belongings. and if you do and you get caught freeze motherfucker means freeze.understand that and hey ! no one needs to shoot anyone..sounds like a good message

mr. horn did not say freeze.

he said, bang you're dead, and pulled the trigger.

the cops were there, he did not need to do that in order for justice to be served...
dont mess with other people or other peoples belongings. and if you do and you get caught freeze motherfucker means freeze.understand that and hey ! no one needs to shoot anyone..sounds like a good message

I wonder if his wallet says "bad motherfucker" on it?
It's the whole property thing that people have problems with. People who don't think we, as Americans, deserve what we have..and who don't think we should enjoy individual rights and freedoms, cannot comprehend the right to defend oneself. They think that everybody else should bend over and take whatever life decides to hit them with, and even when in danger and afraid, be able to coolly see into the future and make dead-on judgments. They have never been in dangerous circumstances themselves and they have never been in want and so do not understand the necessity of protecting oneself and ones property. They think that because they have always had what they needed and been protected by others, anybody who feels compelled to protect his or herself, or advance in the world, is suspect.

what a wild imagination you have! :cuckoo:
mr. horn did not say freeze.

he said, bang you're dead, and pulled the trigger.

the cops were there, he did not need to do that in order for justice to be served...

A reasonable explanation...THIS IS TEXAS!
Newsflash: You don't need a link to be right, and not everything you can link to is right. sheesh.

But since you asked for it: Supreme Court Upholds Burglary as Violent Crime at Total Lawyers

well the supreme court sure trumps my source though it sounds like judicial activism to me:

Burglary Burglary - Criminal Law
Burglary is typically defined as the unlawful entry into almost any structure (not just a home or business) with the intent to commit any crime inside (not just theft/larceny). No physical breaking and entering is required; the offender may simply trespass through an open door. Unlike robbery, which involves use of force or fear to obtain another person's property, there is usually no victim present during a burglary.

For example, Dan enters Victor's boathouse through an open window, intending to steal Victor's boat. Finding the boat is gone, Dan returns home. Though he took nothing, Dan has committed burglary.

Many states define robbery as theft/larceny of property or money through the offender's use of physical force or fear against a victim. Where a deadly weapon such as a gun is used or the victim suffers injury, the robbery may be charged as "armed" or "aggravated." Unlike burglary, the crime of robbery almost always requires the presence of a victim who suffers actual injury, or is threatened with harm.

For example, Dan approaches Victor from behind, demanding Victor's wallet while pressing a hard object into his back. Fearing that Dan has a gun, Victor gives up his wallet. If Dan did use a gun, or if Victor suffered an injury, the charge would likely be elevated to "armed" or "aggravated" robbery.

Learn About the Law

no need at all to have a law regarding robbery and a separate law regarding burglary IF THEY ARE JUST THE SAME CRIME.....if any kind of logic is applied.

this guy intended to kill them, BEFORE he ever went outside, because he thought he could, according to the new law, and said as much to the police dispatcher....he was asked not to go outside by the police dispatcher, but he ignored him....he was safe in his own home.

i believe the laws are strong deterents to crime and am not against them, if they are applied as they read....

this just does not seem to be the case, with what this grand jury decided....not even a jury...

this makes me against THESE LAWS now, because they gave the ''ok'' for any homeowner to kill any one that strolls across their lawn and moves towards them....this gives a new meaning to ''what any normal, REASONABLE person'' would do....

i think the man should have been at least tried....pleaing an insanity defense....

if it were two, white, legal americans, and this same result was given by a grand jury, there would be a huge outrage.....

all of these things are bothersome to me...

BTW Care - I think he should have gone to trial as well. But I think the jurors are probably frustrated with the system and with people getting off on technicalities, and that frustration took shape here.
where was his life threatened in the process of his neighbor's burglary brian?

why would he kill them, when the police told him NOT TO?

he was not asked to protect his neighbor's house by the neighbor, the burglars had no intentions of burglarizing him or harming him?

they were not going to get away with the goods or harm anyone in their escape, the cops were there already.....it doesn't seem to fit these laws in my opinion.

i don't think the laws are wrong as ravi, i think the laws are ok, but were not followed.


Well, apparently, the officer who witnessed the shooting said the suspect charged/ran towards Horn before turning around as Horn shot. Listen, I personally, don't agree with Horn's motives for this, and I would not have done the same, but Horn was within Texas Law in one way or the other. The jurors were presented with the Penal Code, and presented with the evidence...
Well, apparently, the officer who witnessed the shooting said the suspect charged/ran towards Horn before turning around as Horn shot. Listen, I personally, don't agree with Horn's motives for this, and I would not have done the same, but Horn was within Texas Law in one way or the other. The jurors were presented with the Penal Code, and presented with the evidence...

well i saw NOTHING in the articles i read about the detective saying one of them ''charged'' him...

i read the detective said it ''appeared'' to him that one of the suspects 'moved towards mr horn before he turned to leave'....

he did NOT SAY the suspect CHARGED nr horn, and he did NOT EVEN say with CERTAINTY that one of the suspects moved towards him..... but appeared to....real flimsy stuff....

I don't get this argument that the guy said freeze or stop or whatever. Big freaking deal. Does that mean if I say that to someone I can shoot them afterward?:cuckoo:
I don't get this argument that the guy said freeze or stop or whatever. Big freaking deal. Does that mean if I say that to someone I can shoot them afterward?:cuckoo:

Read the linked passage on the law in Texas. If you try to stop someone and they flee with property you CAN use force.
Read the linked passage on the law in Texas. If you try to stop someone and they flee with property you CAN use force.
yes, this is true about using FORCE, HOWEVER there is a separate law on when you can use DEADLY FORCE.....they are not the same circumstances.

Did you read the law on DEADLY Force ret sgt?

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You know...Most neighbors would have just let the fuckers rob you blind. And then they would have told the cops that they heard and saw nothing. Then once you get back home you get to go to work all those extra hours to replace everything that was stolen. On top of that you get to have your sense of security forever stolen too. Maybe have your kids worry in the back of their minds that some bad guys will come again. Which isnt all that unreasonable because once your house has been a target they tell all their buddies about about how easily they scored at your house.

So now we dont have two criminals on the streets shitting all over someone else. Boo-hoo!

And if you think they would have been caught and justice would have been served THINK AGAIN!
I thought this was interesting, this is a couple of hours from my home and we've been hearing about it for months. This man killed two burglars (illegal immigrants) who were burglarizing his neighbor's home. He called 911 and the dispatcher told him to stay inside, but he felt like they were going to get away. So he went outside with a shotgun and told them not to move or they're dead....they moved and he shot both of them in the back. Fortunately enough for him, at the time the burglars were shot, they were in his yard, so he was protected by the Texas "Castle Law".... Does anyone have any thoughts/opinons on this?

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The man had no reason to kill those men. They posed no threat to his life or welfare.

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