Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Burglars

hahahahahahahaha! I'm sorry! This whole case bothers me and it all just doesn't make sense to me....so i could go on for another 500 post just looking for some sort of reasoning I suppose....


LOL....fair enough. Sometimes it is fun just to argue I guess.:razz:
I agree it just all happened so fast and in the moment but in retrospect it would of been both justified and prudent.. i have a beautiful wife ..a two year old child..given the opportunity to run he attacked..what if not for the quick thinking, skill ,agility and the awesome poodle lamp.?... what might of been my fate or my girls or baby ?
.because he plead guilty he never testified ..never gave his reasons or intent and hes out walking around a few weeks later...but I'm just saying.... this is how it came down

Sometimes you don't think in the heat of the moment. I had a hog walk out on me in the brush one time and I had my pistol on my hip. My first reaction was to scramble up a tree. Only later did I realize I could have had supper.
I agree it just all happened so fast and in the moment but in retrospect it would of been both justified and prudent.. i have a beautiful wife ..a two year old child..given the opportunity to run he attacked..what if not for the quick thinking, skill ,agility and the awesome poodle lamp.?... what might of been my fate or my girls or baby ?
.because he plead guilty he never testified ..never gave his reasons or intent and hes out walking around a few weeks later...but I'm just saying.... this is how it came down

But if what you say is the truth, that mr horn shot the one burglar because he tried to attack him or moved towards him or charged him or whatever the heck people are saying NOW,

WHY didn't mr horn shoot him in the front....when this man was coming towards him. INSTEAD of in the back, when this man was leaving?


It just seems like this was not self defense, not by any means..... :(

Mr. Horn just lost his mind, from the moment he called 911 or the moment he saw the dudes going in a window of the neighbor's house....imo! He freaked out and was not thinking reasonably or rationally.

Really? I called them burglars and criminals.

Honestly, the religious right looks more appealing to me than people like you. At least they have a belief in something beyond their own fear and greed.

The other two were probably just common criminals.

Your quote--just common criminals. Who gives a fuck if they just ripped off what you neighbor worked long and hard for , HUH ?
can you show in texas law WHERE he had this ''right'' to kill the burglars of his neighbor's house....
The relevant section of the TX code has ben cited several times.

he was TOLD more than 10-20 times by the police dispatch NOT TO GO OUT SIDE

what he did was NOT REASONABLE....
What he did was legal under TX law.
You don't find it reaonable. So what?
The relevant section of the TX code has ben cited several times.


What he did was legal under TX law.
You don't find it reaonable. So what?

you are missing the point m14...

what is defined as ''reasonable'' actions of the actor for deadly self defense in Texas law?
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Yeah, the "Castle Law." YOUR castle, not your neighbor's. I don't suggest you try this at home to see if you can get away with it. The fact is, if someone is fleeing, they present no threat to you and I'll be damned if I'm going to shoot someone dead for boosting my piggy bank or DVD player. I can get new ones.

Before you're so quick to start blasting, I suggest any of you go talk to a VA counselor. They have to deal with people who think it's "Just like John Wayne poppin' the bad guys." It ain't. Even if you're 100% in the right, it ain't.

What if they were "fleeing" to go get guns from a vehicle to return to the scene since you have a gun? Now, instead of being at an advantage, you are at a distinct disadvantage and will probably end up dead.

The law in Texas is pretty clear, however, so all this whining is academic unless you bleedy heart woulda-could-shoulda morons want to start taking signatures to your state legislature.
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sure, him and oj :eusa_whistle:
"Reasonable" is for those with relevant jurisdiction to define.
Those that have relevant jurisdiction decided that the action was reasonable.
Any conflicting opinion has no meaning whatsoever -- so, you can disagree all you want; however much you disagree, you're still wrong.
Personally, I don't agree with Horn's motives or his apparent lust for killing burglars. The 911 tape says it all for me. He did not have to go outside to confront those two criminals. He put himself in the dangerous situation. HOWEVER, he was within Texas law, and I'm not going to mourn the loss of two career criminals.
Fair enough Gunny, I just listened to the entire 911 video...he was itchin to kill those guys...


That fucking loser came in his pants (probably for the first time in years) shooting those guys in the back, Brian.

I won't weap over his victims, but elevating that man to anything higher on the social order than a cockroach is an affront to decency.

That fucking loser came in his pants (probably for the first time in years) shooting those guys in the back, Brian.

I won't weap over his victims, but elevating that man to anything higher on the social order than a cockroach is an affront to decency.

Exactly. And it looks like a few posters here are creaming their pants vicariously right along with him.

Sad. Seriously sad.
Do you think any houses will be broken into any time soon in that area?

Ravi no doubt supports the murder of infantile humans, but cringes at the idea of criminals being killed, the poor brown men as you called them. I hope there is a hell, and a special place in it for people like you.
Do you think any houses will be broken into any time soon in that area?

Ravi no doubt supports the murder of infantile humans, but cringes at the idea of criminals being killed, the poor brown men as you called them. I hope there is a hell, and a special place in it for people like you.
Poor numdenuts, reduced to making things up.

I'm curious, do you replay the 911 tape while you are ravaging yourself?

Poor numdenuts, reduced to making things up.

I'm curious, do you replay the 911 tape while you are ravaging yourself?


Reduced? LOL....that's numdenut's standard operating procedure...:booze:

That fucking loser came in his pants (probably for the first time in years) shooting those guys in the back, Brian.

I won't weap over his victims, but elevating that man to anything higher on the social order than a cockroach is an affront to decency.

Pardon my lack of using sexually explicit terms...:eusa_whistle:
What a substantive post. Indicative of what's between your ears, no doubt. Oh, let me add some emotucons. :clap2: :tongue: :redface: :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle: :clap2:

:eusa_clap:I are teh smartie now.:eusa_clap:

actually, i feel pretty good about all of my posts in this thread, which i bet you never even bothered to read...this is one thread i've actually read in it's entirety, so i know who posted what here...i gather from your ridiculous assessment of ravi and wishing her damnation to hell over her opinion on this incident that you are indeed clearly clueless. no emoticons necessary at all.

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