Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Burglars

I'm really glad to see rational conservatives can't defend this guy. Gunny is right, he's a poster boy for the anti-gun crowd. He'd never have done anything without his gun but call 911 and stay put. Irresponsible people shouldn't own guns. I hope at least this guy lost his right to own a gun.

There's something twisted in killing two people that were running away.
Hell dillo, I actually thought it was YOU.:badgrin:

na--I woulda used a rifle. After being burglerized, finding out who did, ID-ing the guy to the cops, and watch them do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I got pissed. I will NOT sit by and watch my friends, neighbors, or family be violated by sociopathic mother fuckers again. Let the cops do their job--BULLSHIT. They don't and THAT's why people are resorting to this kind of vigilantism.
na--I woulda used a rifle. After being burglerized, finding out who did, ID-ing the guy to the cops, and watch them do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I got pissed. I will NOT sit by and watch my friends, neighbors, or family be violated by sociopathic mother fuckers again. Let the cops do their job--BULLSHIT. They don't and THAT's why people are resorting to this kind of vigilantism.

According the the reports, there was a cop on the scene when the two burglars were killed so there's a better than good chance they would have been caught.

It's funny, I think Horn is the sociopath. The other two were probably just common criminals.
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According the the reports, there was a cop on the scene when the two burglars were killed so there's a better than good chance they would have been caught.

It's funny, I think Horn is the sociopath. The other two were probably just common criminals.

great----more sociopaths like Horn and 2 less common criminals----I love the way you refer to them almost like they were a couple of people just minding their own business. Common criminals are the problem--it's TOO common.
i have been burglarized twice In the last couple of years... never shot them tho.. could have but it just didn't occur to me... the first time i woke up and found this fucker in my living room i said "what the fuck are you doing in my house"" expecting him to run out the open door but he came at me instead.. I cracked him in the head with a big blue vintage 1950s poodle lamp.. it was totally surreal.. David lynch kind of scene ..as this skinhead in a leather jacket came at me and the poodle lamp greeted him squarely in face ..the thick blue porcelain shattering and showering in a halo of crimson and baby blue around his head then bright red blood obscured his face as he fell to the floor... and then i sat on him and called the cops...he was convicted and sentenced,..plead guilty.. didn't get the death penalty tho ...he was sentenced to year but served only a few weeks and was released on a years probation and a mandated drug counseling program..the other guy was in my unlocked garden shed at two in the morning ..i just snuck up on him and locked him in the shed and laughed at him as he whined about his bad childhood and beg to be let go ..because He thought the cops would taze him and he would die he was like 18 and drunk as fuck... he had no record so they kept him for the night until sober and let him go
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i have been burglarized twice In the last couple of years... never shot them tho.. could have but it just didn't occur to me... the first time i woke up and found this fucker in my living room i said "what the fuck are you doing in my house"" expecting him to run out the open door but he came at me instead.. I cracked him in the head with a big blue vintage 1950s poodle lamp.. it was totally surreal.. David lynch kind of scene ..as this skinhead in a leather jacket came at me and the poodle lamp greeted him squarely in face ..the thick blue porcelain shattering and showering in a halo of crimson and baby blue around his head then bright red blood obscured his face as he fell to the floor... and then i sat on him and called the cops...he was convicted and sentenced,..plead guilty.. didn't get the death penalty tho ...he was sentenced to year but served only a few weeks and was released on a years probation and a mandated drug counseling program..the other guy was in my unlocked garden shed at two in the morning ..i just snuck up on him and locked him in the shed and laughed at him as he whined about his bad childhood and beg to be let go ..because He thought the cops would taze him and he would die he was like 18 and drunk as fuck... he had no record so they kept him for the night until sober and let him go

Fortunately for you you didn't come at you with gun. It's so hard to regret not protecting yourself after you're dead.
na--I woulda used a rifle. After being burglerized, finding out who did, ID-ing the guy to the cops, and watch them do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I got pissed. I will NOT sit by and watch my friends, neighbors, or family be violated by sociopathic mother fuckers again. Let the cops do their job--BULLSHIT. They don't and THAT's why people are resorting to this kind of vigilantism.

I won't wait for nor "let" the cops defend me nor anyone else being victrimized by criminals within my sight or hearing.

Neither am I going to kill someone over a fucking tv set or a couple rolls of quarters.

IMO, a person that would kill someone over a material possession that posed no threat to others is as sociopathic as the people who take from others with no regard for the fact they worked hard to earn whatever it is they took. With the exception of the fact a material item can be replaced. Once a human life is gone, it's gone.
I agree it just all happened so fast and in the moment but in retrospect it would of been both justified and prudent.. i have a beautiful wife ..a two year old child..given the opportunity to run he attacked..what if not for the quick thinking, skill ,agility and the awesome poodle lamp.?... what might of been my fate or my girls or baby ?
.because he plead guilty he never testified ..never gave his reasons or intent and hes out walking around a few weeks later...but I'm just saying.... this is how it came down
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I can see fearing for your life if you're in your house and realize there's a stranger in your living room, though, whether or not the stranger is armed. There's a big spook factor there, and you just don't know what's going to happen.
I can see fearing for your life if you're in your house and realize there's a stranger in your living room, though, whether or not the stranger is armed. There's a big spook factor there, and you just don't know what's going to happen.

A completely different scenario than the one Horn was in. Igf someone's in your living room and so mch as flinches, I wouldn't judge anyone wrong fro dropping the dude with a couple of rounds.

These guys were outside and trying to get away and were shot in the back. There was no reason to shoot them.
great----more sociopaths like Horn and 2 less common criminals----I love the way you refer to them almost like they were a couple of people just minding their own business. Common criminals are the problem--it's TOO common.
Really? I called them burglars and criminals.

Honestly, the religious right looks more appealing to me than people like you. At least they have a belief in something beyond their own fear and greed.
I'm really glad to see rational conservatives can't defend this guy. Gunny is right, he's a poster boy for the anti-gun crowd. He'd never have done anything without his gun but call 911 and stay put. Irresponsible people shouldn't own guns. I hope at least this guy lost his right to own a gun.

There's something twisted in killing two people that were running away.

Don' hold your breath waiting for him to lose his guns. Texas has some messed up gun laws. I am a gun totting Conservative and I think they are messed up. One law says if the police are trying to arrest you, and you believe you are innocent. You can shoot at them.

no joke. look it up.

Yeah, the "Castle Law." YOUR castle, not your neighbor's. I don't suggest you try this at home to see if you can get away with it. The fact is, if someone is fleeing, they present no threat to you and I'll be damned if I'm going to shoot someone dead for boosting my piggy bank or DVD player. I can get new ones.

Before you're so quick to start blasting, I suggest any of you go talk to a VA counselor. They have to deal with people who think it's "Just like John Wayne poppin' the bad guys." It ain't. Even if you're 100% in the right, it ain't.

LOL. I wouldn't go out blasting Gunny. To clear the air...I wouldn't have even gone outside. And my personal feeling about theives and criminals is that they should all be incarcerated without HBO, a weightroom, and three-meals a day. Like I said earlier, I think what Horn did is wrong...he put himself in harms way when he didn't have to...but the Texas Penal Code says that you can protect a third-party's property if you believe someone is stealing from it or if you think the criminal is going to get away. I don't have any tolerance for repeated offenders...now, if the guy was coming into my home while I was there, I'd shoot... I'm not going to argue with you aboutthe morality or stupidity of the law. I think the Law itself is too vague and should be changed, but he does fall within it in this case. Peronally I would have voted against him because he put himself in harms way...
I disagree and this incident is a perfect example. This guy shot two thieves in the back and killed them. You don't think that's a just a bit much considering the crime?

Cath them and beat their asses. If you're going to play Davy Crockett, try actually getting the drop on them so they CAN'T run and wait for the police.

I'm not being sympathetic to criminals in the least. But I believe punishment should be comensurate to the crime. Being shot and killed for stealing is just a bit too much punishment in my book.

Fair enough Gunny, I just listened to the entire 911 video...he was itchin to kill those guys...
LOL. I wouldn't go out blasting Gunny. To clear the air...I wouldn't have even gone outside. And my personal feeling about theives and criminals is that they should all be incarcerated without HBO, a weightroom, and three-meals a day. Like I said earlier, I think what Horn did is wrong...he put himself in harms way when he didn't have to...but the Texas Penal Code says that you can protect a third-party's property if you believe someone is stealing from it or if you think the criminal is going to get away. I don't have any tolerance for repeated offenders...now, if the guy was coming into my home while I was there, I'd shoot... I'm not going to argue with you aboutthe morality or stupidity of the law. I think the Law itself is too vague and should be changed, but he does fall within it in this case. Peronally I would have voted against him because he put himself in harms way...

Why would he think they were going to get away with it when the police dispatch said they were on the way or were going to be there any second?

Also, i believe you neglected to take all of the law in to consideration...in 9:41 and 9:42 and in the legal definition of Reasonable....and the law regarding using deadly force when confronted in person with an imminent threat...9.31, 32...?

I won't wait for nor "let" the cops defend me nor anyone else being victrimized by criminals within my sight or hearing.

Neither am I going to kill someone over a fucking tv set or a couple rolls of quarters.

IMO, a person that would kill someone over a material possession that posed no threat to others is as sociopathic as the people who take from others with no regard for the fact they worked hard to earn whatever it is they took. With the exception of the fact a material item can be replaced. Once a human life is gone, it's gone.

IOU a rep for this or your earlier post!

Why would he think they were going to get away with it when the police dispatch said they were on the way or were going to be there any second?

Also, i believe you neglected to take all of the law in to consideration...in 9:41 and 9:42 and in the legal definition of Reasonable....and the law regarding using deadly force when confronted in person with an imminent threat...9.31, 32...?


It also says you can use lethal force if they are attempting to move tangible property. There are alot of "or's" in this law which makes it extremely vague. I don't know why you conitnue to argue with me. I don't agree with what he did, but he was within the law, and apparantly the grand jury thought so as well. I don't know what was going through his mind.... I would not have done the same.
It also says you can use lethal force if they are attempting to move tangible property. There are alot of "or's" in this law which makes it extremely vague. I don't know why you conitnue to argue with me. I don't agree with what he did, but he was within the law, and apparantly the grand jury thought so as well. I don't know what was going through his mind.... I would not have done the same.

hahahahahahahaha! I'm sorry! This whole case bothers me and it all just doesn't make sense to me....so i could go on for another 500 post just looking for some sort of reasoning I suppose....


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