Texas Man Cleared of Shooting Burglars

actually, i feel pretty good about all of my posts in this thread, which i bet you never even bothered to read...this is one thread i've actually read in it's entirety, so i know who posted what here...i gather from your ridiculous assessment of ravi and wishing her damnation to hell over her opinion on this incident that you are indeed clearly clueless. no emoticons necessary at all.

Anyone who believes in abortion but cringes and whines about 2 adult criminals being killed is ridiculous and a fraud.

Do you understand my point? Do I need to use smaller words, or maybe draw a picture?
Anyone who believes in abortion but cringes and whines about 2 adult criminals being killed is ridiculous and a fraud.

Do you understand my point? Do I need to use smaller words, or maybe draw a picture?

and this whole time i thought it was YOU who was the fraud.

you better break out teh crayolas, i'm kinda slow. :lol:
What if they were "fleeing" to go get guns from a vehicle to return to the scene since you have a gun? Now, instead of being at an advantage, you are at a distinct disadvantage and will probably end up dead.

The law in Texas is pretty clear, however, so all this whining is academic unless you bleedy heart woulda-could-shoulda morons want to start taking signatures to your state legislature.

You have altered the scenario from the actual event with a "what if." They can go get their guns. That neither puts me at a disadvantage nor makes me dead.

You just changed the scenario to a postive threat to my life and I'll match my skills against a couple of burglars any day. I wasn't trained to steal shit.

Nor am I whining. The man committed cold blooded murder by every definition of the term. The law in Texas IS clear, and in this case, it has been misused on a technicality to excuse a maniac's actions with a firearm.
uhuh...it's my sense of humor. :D

i see you have mastered the fine art of empty deflections and meaningless final words...bravo! :clap2:

now, try to follow along, hater...this thread is not about abortion.

Sounds like guilty conscience if I've ever heard one. My abortion analogy is a perfectly valid one. Care to explain why it is not?
You have altered the scenario from the actual event with a "what if." They can go get their guns. That neither puts me at a disadvantage nor makes me dead.

You just changed the scenario to a postive threat to my life and I'll match my skills against a couple of burglars any day. I wasn't trained to steal shit.

The point is, "what if" is a possibility when it happens. Do you know if they had a vehicle? That's why cops often end up killing people who do not listen to them and/or make jerking motions into their jackets/pants to grab something that might not even be a weapon. Not the cops fault. It's the fault of the morons who do not FREEZE when told to do so.

You sure sound awfully tough there over the internet, Rambo. We should have just sent you into Iraq with a shotgun.
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Sounds like guilty conscience if I've ever heard one. My abortion analogy is a perfectly valid one. Care to explain why it is not?

i'm not guilty of anything, but being rational on both issues.

care to explain who on earth you think you are to damn people to hell for their opinions on issues?

all you do is project your personal BS all over the place and make stuff up.

Anyone who believes in abortion but cringes and whines about 2 adult criminals being killed is ridiculous and a fraud.

Do you understand my point? Do I need to use smaller words, or maybe draw a picture?

I understand your point. You have removed the criminals from the context of their actions to justify two unarmed thieves being shot in the back and killed. I know of no state in this nation that lists the death penalty as a punishment for theft.

Had you been in any of my units in the Marines and expressed such an opinion I'd have you relieved of any duties that brought you in contact with enemy personnel in posession of a weapon. You'd spend your tour scrubbing pots in the galley aboard ship.
The point is, "what if" is a possibility when it happens. Do you know if they had a vehicle? That's why cops often end up killing people who do not listen to them and/or make jerking motions into their jackets/pants to grab something that might not even be a weapon. Not the cops fault. It's the fault of the morons who do not FREEZE when told to do so.

You sure sound awfully tough there over the internet, Rambo. We should have just sent you into Iraq with a shotgun.

I sound "tough" over the internet stating a fact? I've been to Iraq, pissant, so what's YOUR point?

What if is NOT part of this scenario which is cut and dried. This idiot' life was not in danger and the theives were fleeing. HE is the MFer that decided to play Rambo, and you're just some yutz sitting in the theater cheering on the bodycount.
i'm not guilty of anything, but being rational on both issues.

care to explain who on earth you think you are to damn people to hell for their opinions on issues?

I didn't damn anyone to hell. I merely hope Dante is right. According to his visions, there is, in fact, a special place for both hypocrites and murders. Wonder what happens if you are both? Maybe I'm not the one who should be wondering. :D

all you do is project your personal BS all over the place and make stuff up.


I deal in facts and logic. Facts and logic that make the weak minded and morally bankrupt uncomfortable.
I didn't damn anyone to hell. I merely hope Dante is right. According to his visions, there is, in fact, a special place for both hypocrites and murders. Wonder what happens if you are both? Maybe I'm not the one who should be wondering. :D

I deal in facts and logic. Facts and logic that make the weak minded and morally bankrupt uncomfortable.

fact is you said you hope there is a special place in hell for ravi and people like her. so where is the logic in that exactly?
fact is you said you hope there is a special place in hell for ravi and people like her. so where is the logic in that exactly?

Some harsh truths will be learned over a lifetime. For some, however, it may require eternity.
I don't think there will be "enlightening" of you, sans shoving a helium pump up your ass and filling you up to the brim.

Oh, lookie, shiny blinky things:


And YOU TRY to take the ''high ground'' with your abortion position as if you are some holier than thou person because of it? Give me a break....you espouse nothing but...hatred for God given life, vengence, and vulgarness???? Why Nom????

And YOU TRY to take the ''high ground'' with your abortion position as if you are some holier than thou person because of it? Give me a break....you espouse nothing but...hatred for God given life,

Oh, come on. Where did I ever espouse hatred for "God given life"? I can only guess that's some crazy hyperbole.

vengence, and vulgarness???? Why Nom????

Hmm. "Vengence and vulgarness"? I don't know. I'm not sure why I'm such an asshole. Maybe God intended me to be so, as it's really quite natural for me.

That fucking loser came in his pants (probably for the first time in years) shooting those guys in the back, Brian.

I won't weap over his victims, but elevating that man to anything higher on the social order than a cockroach is an affront to decency.
Ad hominen attacks.
That's a demonstration of brilliance, I tell ya...
Exactly. And it looks like a few posters here are creaming their pants vicariously right along with him.

Sad. Seriously sad.

Ya' think?

Why do you think I posit some gun owners as gun queers?
This man was NOT thinking straight, from the moment he saw these burglars enter the neighbor's house....

He saw this as UP TO HIM. "this" being the capturing or killing of the burglars..

He wanted to KILL THEM with no "self defense" of his own life as the reason....but merely for breaking and entering....


He lost his mind, if he ever had it.

The reason we are debating this, is because many of us believe that the grand jury made a WRONG decision and Texas law WAS NOT FOLLOWED....just as the jury had it wrong with OJ, in many of our minds.

This man should have gone to trial for his ill actions and shown there his innocence, if there was support for such....in his self defense.....or as I have said all along, claimed temporary insanity, because he was CLEARLY INSANE and his actions from the VERY BEGINNING were not REASONABLE....reasonable legally defined as 'what would the average person do in the same scenario".....and I can GUARANTEE YOU that if 10 other average citizens were faced with the same scenario, they would NOT HAVE REASONABLY GONE OUTSIDE, and they would not have REASONABLY SHOT these two men in the BACK while they were leaving....PERIOD!


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