Texas man get's fired for religious beliefs AKA the Leftwingnut Strawman Thread

What if this driver was black & the cab company was only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood. Daily passengers refused to ride with the black driver. The owner kept losing money because of this, had daily aggravating phone calls & had to send other drivers long distances to cater to the most prejudice passengers.

Should the owner fire the black driver because customers hate him. Should the driver be promoted to a management job for which he is not qualified to get him off the street & prevent firing him in order to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. Or should the black driver be paid to stay home or sweep the floor & empty trash.

Your example is too moronic and specific for words. Seriously, I got to the part where it said "only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood" and facepalmed at the stupidity.
I will only be able to drive eastbound routes because I must be facing Mecca.
What if this driver was black & the cab company was only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood. Daily passengers refused to ride with the black driver. The owner kept losing money because of this, had daily aggravating phone calls & had to send other drivers long distances to cater to the most prejudice passengers.

Should the owner fire the black driver because customers hate him. Should the driver be promoted to a management job for which he is not qualified to get him off the street & prevent firing him in order to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. Or should the black driver be paid to stay home or sweep the floor & empty trash.

Your example is too moronic and specific for words. Seriously, I got to the part where it said "only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood" and facepalmed at the stupidity.

You took the time to attack her post because it was ridiculous yet say nothing to several posters ATTACKING religion with their ignorant comments.
See Hjmick's post for what I think. What if he was told from then on that his daily route would involve dropping people off at PP daily? And he refused? Should his employer continue to pay for a employee who refuses to do his job?

What if this driver was black & the cab company was only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood. Daily passengers refused to ride with the black driver. The owner kept losing money because of this, had daily aggravating phone calls & had to send other drivers long distances to cater to the most prejudice passengers.

Should the owner fire the black driver because customers hate him. Should the driver be promoted to a management job for which he is not qualified to get him off the street & prevent firing him in order to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. Or should the black driver be paid to stay home or sweep the floor & empty trash.

But what if the cab driver had no legs and he drove the car using special hand controls...and what if he was sent to a place where he needed to get out of the car and open the trunk for a passenger, and when he got out and was shuffling along on his asscheeks, the potential passenger saw this, lost confidence in his driving abilities and refused to ride with him?

How far off track from the OP (talking about supposed religious persecution) can we get?
You took the time to attack her post because it was ridiculous yet say nothing to several posters ATTACKING religion with their ignorant comments.

Those posters aren't directly responding to me like KissMy was or like you are. I took the time to tell KissMy that his/her example was ridiculous, because it is.
Been suggested I rename this thread "Strawman Sanctuary". Some of you people need to learn to address a fucking topic.
There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

That's okay. I got sent home for refusing to do some electrical service work in an abortion clinic. Tough. I went home and was glad to.

Odd how the left whines when some poor Arab so much as gets an eyelash bent or is asked why he has a bomb vest on; yet, they build euthanasia factories HERE. Himmler would be proud.
Well, I trust Pix will let us all know how it turns out...

I will, I am a member of the ACLJ and have supported them for many years. They do good work

Good, I will be very interested in the outcome.

While we do not agree on this particular case, I assure that, if I saw it as a case of religious discrimination, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with you in defense of this man's rights.

I may be a borderline Atheist, but I fault no one for their beliefs.
Been suggested I rename this thread "Strawman Sanctuary". Some of you people need to learn to address a fucking topic.

Do it!

He may as well. That is all you guys have done. To me this thread is dead

What if this driver was black & the cab company was only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood. Daily passengers refused to ride with the black driver. The owner kept losing money because of this, had daily aggravating phone calls & had to send other drivers long distances to cater to the most prejudice passengers.

Should the owner fire the black driver because customers hate him. Should the driver be promoted to a management job for which he is not qualified to get him off the street & prevent firing him in order to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. Or should the black driver be paid to stay home or sweep the floor & empty trash.

Your example is too moronic and specific for words. Seriously, I got to the part where it said "only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood" and facepalmed at the stupidity.

This happens a lot. Back in 1987 I started working as a Xerox printer repair technician. A fellow black woman technician who I was friends with was not allowed to enter many customers business or homes because they felt a black woman was not capable of fixing their expensive complicated equipment. This was a huge problem for the company. They could not fire her & did not want to pay her to do nothing all day so they were forced to promote her to be our boss & sent her to management classes. They also had to raise her pay to equal other supervisors so they would not be discriminating against her. We had to eat shit from the angry black bitch for years. If we ever disagreed with anything we were called white supremacist & given shit work. There was no way to get promoted ahead of the blacks. It sure sucks being a white boy working for large companies. I finally left after 5 years to work for a small start-up that did not have all those PC issues. Life was good after that.

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