Texas man get's fired for religious beliefs AKA the Leftwingnut Strawman Thread

He's suing under the same Civil Rights Act of 1964 that so many on USMB want to see being repealed. I wonder if many of those same people will be rallying in this thread against it in this case. :eusa_think:

Provide Evidence anyone wants the act repealed. Names please with specific quotes.
Thread title fail.

He didn't get fired for his religious convictions, he got fired for not doing what he was hired to do.

But but! This is a classic example of people being against teh Christians and want Sharia Law!
What if she had just been going for a Pap smear?

If that was the case, I'd consider him to be a slacker.

Not the point, it does not matter what her intent was, what matters is the fact that the man objected based on his faith. And was fired based on that

And what if after he was hired, he told his employee that he was unable to work from 11-2 each day because he had to go to church?

Is the employer required to keep an employee who cannot fulfill the job description?

No religion requires attendance EVERY day for 3 hours in the MIDDLE of the day. At least make up reasonable excuses. As for the previous one about a permanent assignment to drop at PP. Unless every route had a PP on it, he would be with in his rights to get a different route. Pretty simple concept really.
Sorry ma'am, but I cannot take you to the grocery store since you might be planning on buying bacon, and as an orthodox Jew I cannot assist in such non-kosher pursuits.
Seems to me he was fired for refusing to do his job. He had no way of knowing the reasons this young lady was going to PP, it's none of his business, and his job his to drive the damn bus. He chose not to, he lost his job.

Considering the economy and today's job market, I'd say he should kept his mouth shut.

I say he should have the right to refuse an act that he feels goes against the very roots of his beliefs, I would do the same.

The supervisor could have sent another driver, that is why he called her, shees. I wonder how many times I will have to drive this point home

You do not need to "drive" any point home.

I hold a great deal of respect for the beliefs, religious and otherwise, of others. I do not see this case as one of religious discrimination. I see a guy who refused to do his job. His job was to drive the damn bus, he refused because of his personal beliefs, fine, good for him for standing up for what he believed in, more power to him, but he refused to do his job. Unless his former employer told him they were firing him because of his religious convictions instead of telling him they canned his ass for not doing his job, this is nothing but a waste of the courts time.

You would be wrong. The specific reason he would not drive to that location with a passenger was because of WHAT goes on in that location. Making it a religious complaint. Unless there were no other drivers available at all, which we know is not true since they did replace him, he had the RELIGIOUS right to refuse to drive that passenger there. Protected by law.
Hey, Retarded Grungy Shithead........you DO realize that Islam prays for 30 min 5 times a day, right?

That's 2 1/2 hours per day, every day, between sunup and sundown.
Seems to me he was fired for refusing to do his job. He had no way of knowing the reasons this young lady was going to PP, it's none of his business, and his job his to drive the damn bus. He chose not to, he lost his job.

Considering the economy and today's job market, I'd say he should kept his mouth shut.

I say he should have the right to refuse an act that he feels goes against the very roots of his beliefs, I would do the same.

The supervisor could have sent another driver, that is why he called her, shees. I wonder how many times I will have to drive this point home

The supervisor is supposed to rearrange his entire schedule to accomodate one religious nut job?


Just shut up and drive the fuckin' bus or go home.

By law YES. Or do we just care about convenient laws? Or laws that appease Muslims? You know like New York State illegally providing Muslims with class rooms during Ramadan to pray in but refusing any use of said facilities by other religions? Or that Government run Muslim school in either Michigan or Minnesota where they fired a teacher for refusing to participate in religious indoctrination.
I'm sorry, ma'am...but I cannot transport that unmarried couple as they are living in sin in the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Once again RETARD at least find something that is actually against ones religion before posting dumb ass shit like this.
I say he should have the right to refuse an act that he feels goes against the very roots of his beliefs, I would do the same.

The supervisor could have sent another driver, that is why he called her, shees. I wonder how many times I will have to drive this point home

You do not need to "drive" any point home.

I hold a great deal of respect for the beliefs, religious and otherwise, of others. I do not see this case as one of religious discrimination. I see a guy who refused to do his job. His job was to drive the damn bus, he refused because of his personal beliefs, fine, good for him for standing up for what he believed in, more power to him, but he refused to do his job. Unless his former employer told him they were firing him because of his religious convictions instead of telling him they canned his ass for not doing his job, this is nothing but a waste of the courts time.

You would be wrong. The specific reason he would not drive to that location with a passenger was because of WHAT goes on in that location. Making it a religious complaint. Unless there were no other drivers available at all, which we know is not true since they did replace him, he had the RELIGIOUS right to refuse to drive that passenger there. Protected by law.

Nope. Sorry. Next.
I cannot transport that person to the grocery store...because that grocery store is only two blocks from Planned Parenthood. How can I be completely sure that the person I am driving isn't going to pretend to go into the store...and then walk over to Planned Parenthood for an abortion? For religious reasons, I decline this transport.

In fact, ma'am, I will not be able to transport anyone over to the East Side of town because it is too close to Planned Parenthood. I also won't be able to bring anyone near the hospital. Who know's what they will be doing there!

You are a fucking MORON. Keep proving it.
There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

He was fired for not performing his duty, he has no right to the health information of this woman.

He does not have the right to refuse someone tranportation to a health clinic.
I cannot transport that person to the grocery store...because that grocery store is only two blocks from Planned Parenthood. How can I be completely sure that the person I am driving isn't going to pretend to go into the store...and then walk over to Planned Parenthood for an abortion? For religious reasons, I decline this transport.

In fact, ma'am, I will not be able to transport anyone over to the East Side of town because it is too close to Planned Parenthood. I also won't be able to bring anyone near the hospital. Who know's what they will be doing there!

You are a fucking MORON. Keep proving it.

And you have given nothing to this thread besides ad hominems.
You know, a couple of years back there was a bunch of Muslim cabdrivers in NYC who refused to transport people who had alcohol in their luggage because of THEIR religious beliefs, and they tried to claim freedom of religion.

They lost their suit.

This? Pretty much the same thing in my eyes. Did the driver KNOW that she was going there for an abortion, or could it possibly been a checkup to see how the baby is doing because she's on WIC?

Planned Parenthood helps out with a lot more than just abortions. There is also STD counseling, pregnancy prevention training, free condoms are provided, etc.

How did this driver know for a FACT without talking to her that she was getting an abortion?

Fucker needs to be fired, he's enforcing HIS beliefs on others without bothering to investigate first.

Kinda like what Breitbart does come to think of it.........

It was Minneapolis and they lost because their own religious leaders testified there is no religious requirement to NOT transport someone that may or may not have alcohol with them. In other words, because their complaint had nothing to do with their religion. But at least you are trying.
I say he should have the right to refuse an act that he feels goes against the very roots of his beliefs, I would do the same.

The supervisor could have sent another driver, that is why he called her, shees. I wonder how many times I will have to drive this point home

You do not need to "drive" any point home.

I hold a great deal of respect for the beliefs, religious and otherwise, of others. I do not see this case as one of religious discrimination. I see a guy who refused to do his job. His job was to drive the damn bus, he refused because of his personal beliefs, fine, good for him for standing up for what he believed in, more power to him, but he refused to do his job. Unless his former employer told him they were firing him because of his religious convictions instead of telling him they canned his ass for not doing his job, this is nothing but a waste of the courts time.

You would be wrong. The specific reason he would not drive to that location with a passenger was because of WHAT goes on in that location. Making it a religious complaint. Unless there were no other drivers available at all, which we know is not true since they did replace him, he had the RELIGIOUS right to refuse to drive that passenger there. Protected by law.

To HIM it is about his religious beliefs. Unless the employer stated otherwise, it's about his refusal to perform the duties for which he was hired. If I refused to do the for which I was hired, I would expect to be terminated.

Not everything is about discrimination, religious or otherwise.
Did anyone stop to consider that the driver was in a very real sense enforcing HIS beliefs on the girl?
Hey, Retarded Grungy Shithead........you DO realize that Islam prays for 30 min 5 times a day, right?

That's 2 1/2 hours per day, every day, between sunup and sundown.

You are aware, I assume that this is a red herring? Why? Because Islam gives specific permission to miss prayers while one is working if their job does not allow it. Once again you fail. But like I said, at least YOU are trying to stick with the subject, thank you.
You know, a couple of years back there was a bunch of Muslim cabdrivers in NYC who refused to transport people who had alcohol in their luggage because of THEIR religious beliefs, and they tried to claim freedom of religion.

They lost their suit.

This? Pretty much the same thing in my eyes. Did the driver KNOW that she was going there for an abortion, or could it possibly been a checkup to see how the baby is doing because she's on WIC?

Planned Parenthood helps out with a lot more than just abortions. There is also STD counseling, pregnancy prevention training, free condoms are provided, etc.

How did this driver know for a FACT without talking to her that she was getting an abortion?

Fucker needs to be fired, he's enforcing HIS beliefs on others without bothering to investigate first.

Kinda like what Breitbart does come to think of it.........

It was Minneapolis and they lost because their own religious leaders testified there is no religious requirement to NOT transport someone that may or may not have alcohol with them. In other words, because their complaint had nothing to do with their religion. But at least you are trying.

Is there a religious requirement that a woman cannot be transported who may or may not be planning on having an abortion?

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