Texas man get's fired for religious beliefs AKA the Leftwingnut Strawman Thread

Well, I trust Pix will let us all know how it turns out...

I will, I am a member of the ACLJ and have supported them for many years. They do good work

Good, I will be very interested in the outcome.

While we do not agree on this particular case, I assure that, if I saw it as a case of religious discrimination, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with you in defense of this man's rights.

I may be a borderline Atheist, but I fault no one for their beliefs.

By the way what is a "borderline atheist? :eusa_eh:
I will, I am a member of the ACLJ and have supported them for many years. They do good work

Good, I will be very interested in the outcome.

While we do not agree on this particular case, I assure that, if I saw it as a case of religious discrimination, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with you in defense of this man's rights.

I may be a borderline Atheist, but I fault no one for their beliefs.

By the way what is a "borderline atheist? :eusa_eh:

I tend to refer to myself as an Agnostic, but it probably wouldn't take much to push me over to the Atheist camp. That, and I recognize and acknowledge that my early upbringing in the Church (Catholic) provided me with a good moral foundation for living my life, this is what keeps me from refering to myself as an Atheist..

That's how I define it anyway.

Regardless of where I fall, I have never seen the need to tear down the beliefs of others. We all draw strength where we can find. Your source is no better or worse than mine.
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There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

That's okay. I got sent home for refusing to do some electrical service work in an abortion clinic. Tough. I went home and was glad to.

Odd how the left whines when some poor Arab so much as gets an eyelash bent or is asked why he has a bomb vest on; yet, they build euthanasia factories HERE. Himmler would be proud.

Well, that is just plain wrong. Maybe you should contact the ACLJ?

At any rate, I am pretty sure the ACLJ's arguments will be good ones and based on American ideals like the Constitution.
He may as well. That is all you guys have done. To me this thread is dead


That's the Burning Man, not a strawman...

It's what happens to a strawman when he dies.
Once again we have so called defenders of the free market throwing a hissy fit when free market justice kicks one of their own in the teeth.

Hypocrites and pussies.
There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

Are you shitting me?

He was fired because he refused to do his job, plain and simple.
He's suing under the same Civil Rights Act of 1964 that so many on USMB want to see being repealed. I wonder if many of those same people will be rallying in this thread against it in this case. :eusa_think:

Do you think the man should have been fired?

Our faith has been under assault since way before you were born Modbert.

Madeline Ohare comes to mind, and yet many are ok with sharia law being implemented in this country, what more shall we sacrifice on the altar of political correctness?

Point to me one place in the U.S. where sharia law is being implemented.
See Hjmick's post for what I think. What if he was told from then on that his daily route would involve dropping people off at PP daily? And he refused? Should his employer continue to pay for a employee who refuses to do his job?

What if this driver was black & the cab company was only licensed to pick-up people in a all white prejudice neighborhood. Daily passengers refused to ride with the black driver. The owner kept losing money because of this, had daily aggravating phone calls & had to send other drivers long distances to cater to the most prejudice passengers.

Should the owner fire the black driver because customers hate him. Should the driver be promoted to a management job for which he is not qualified to get him off the street & prevent firing him in order to avoid a discrimination lawsuit. Or should the black driver be paid to stay home or sweep the floor & empty trash.

And this hypothetical situation is related to this HOW?

"We're letting you go because passengers are boycotting you" isn't discrimination.
There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

That's okay. I got sent home for refusing to do some electrical service work in an abortion clinic. Tough. I went home and was glad to.

Odd how the left whines when some poor Arab so much as gets an eyelash bent or is asked why he has a bomb vest on; yet, they build euthanasia factories HERE. Himmler would be proud.
Oh the irony, complaining about straw men then Godwining a topic.
There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

That's okay. I got sent home for refusing to do some electrical service work in an abortion clinic. Tough. I went home and was glad to.

Odd how the left whines when some poor Arab so much as gets an eyelash bent or is asked why he has a bomb vest on; yet, they build euthanasia factories HERE. Himmler would be proud.

Well, that is just plain wrong. Maybe you should contact the ACLJ?

At any rate, I am pretty sure the ACLJ's arguments will be good ones and based on American ideals like the Constitution.

This is the same group trying to stop a mosque from being built a couple blocks from ground zero.

So clearly they don't support freedom of religion or property rights if they don't like the people trying to use them.
This OP is nothing more than the pharmacist who won't sell birth control pills issue dressed up in different clothing. Cons love it, liberals hate it.

Move along, folks - nothing to see here . . .
This OP is nothing more than the pharmacist who won't sell birth control pills issue dressed up in different clothing. Cons love it, liberals hate it.

Move along, folks - nothing to see here . . .

It's not even that but it is close.

The bus company never decided to stop busing people to planned parenthood the individual bus driver decided he couldn't do it.

So now the woman won't go to planned parenthood because she was unlucky enough to have Edwin the nosy shmuck on shift.

If you refuse to do part of your job because of your religion and you're just telling your boss after the fact, I have little sympathy for your plight.

Never mind the fact that keeping this person on might cost the company more lost sales or boycotts (especially if he pulls out more demands), it has to be religious discrimination.
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Show of hands who else thinks that if the bus driver had been atheist, Jewish, Muslim or Hindu and had refused to take the woman to PP they still would have fired him?
I do! If you refuse to do your job, you no longer have a job.

Too bad we can't fire the "party of No".
It's not hard to imagine the guy being fired purely because of business.

Here's a guy that would need to be rescued every time someone wants to go to planned parenthood or an abortion clinic. That eats up gas and another driver's schedule. It's bad for business, doesn't matter what your religion is.
There's an important religious discrimination lawsuit that we have just filed in U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas. We have filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of our client Edwin A. Graning, who was employed as a bus driver for the Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS).
This past January, Graning was assigned to pick up a client early in the morning and transport her to Planned Parenthood in Austin. Graning, an ordained Christian minister, was concerned that he might be transporting the client to undergo an abortion at the Planned Parenthood clinic. So before picking up the client, he called his supervisor and told her that, based on his religious beliefs, he could not take someone to have an abortion.

The man was discriminated against because of his beliefs, he did the right thing by calling his supervisor, but she instead chose to fire him instead of sending another driver

CARTS violated Title VII, a federal law that prevents religious discrimination.

The ACLJ does a lot of good work a group based in Atlanta Georgia
They fight for the rights of Christians

The complaint is at the link

Good for his supervisor. This jerk is refusing to do his job based on a supposition.

Nice to see that Texas managed to get one thing right.
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Seems to me he was fired for refusing to do his job. He had no way of knowing the reasons this young lady was going to PP, it's none of his business, and his job his to drive the damn bus. He chose not to, he lost his job.

Considering the economy and today's job market, I'd say he should've kept his mouth shut.

Well, if we are to go by the threads over that girl in Mississippi who just wanted to go to the prom....I'll say he did it for publicity and the money.

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