Texas Man Lynches, Hangs Empty Chair Representing Obama



But you're so troubled about some random guy in Texas hanging a chair


Are you mental? Or, do you know you're mental?

Fucking leftist are fucking nuts. I swear to go they can't wait to start silencing people!

Link please.

(You rw's will LIE about anything.)
How do you lynch a chair? I recall back in 2008 what I suspect were Democrats made a mannequin of Sarah Palin and hung it from their house the rationale there was it was around Halloween so it was alright sure putting up a display of a Vice Presidential candidate being hung is ok I guess this guy should have just waited a month longer then it would have been ok.

Was that the Halloween thing that I mentioned a page or so ago? Bush and Cheney were hung too? What I remember is the outrage coming from the right at that time....I certainly didn't agree with the simulated hangings, and I even understood and pretty much stood with the right on the issue.

But I find it disheartening that what was considered outrageous and offensive back then, is now OK because of a newly found regard for freedom of speech.
Funny because when the Palin thing happened I heard just as much from the left about freedom of speech in defense of that. Insulting and stupid free speech is still free speech it's not the acts themselves I find as insulting as the defense of them when there from the side of the political aisle one agree's with and the condemnation when it's not. Either support both sides right to stupid and insulting freedom of speech or support neither side's.
How do you lynch a chair? I recall back in 2008 what I suspect were Democrats made a mannequin of Sarah Palin and hung it from their house the rationale there was it was around Halloween so it was alright sure putting up a display of a Vice Presidential candidate being hung is ok I guess this guy should have just waited a month longer then it would have been ok.

Was that the Halloween thing that I mentioned a page or so ago? Bush and Cheney were hung too? What I remember is the outrage coming from the right at that time....I certainly didn't agree with the simulated hangings, and I even understood and pretty much stood with the right on the issue.

But I find it disheartening that what was considered outrageous and offensive back then, is now OK because of a newly found regard for freedom of speech.

That's how the right wingers are, a bunch of hypocritical asswipes.

It doesn't matter what they do, as long as it's an (R) doing it, then it's A-OK
The black panthers hate group strut around threatening to kill Whites and that is no news item. But oh, no, this chair hanging, this symbol of racism is a BFD:mad: This is just stupid. Give me a fucking break. I guess if you're part of the protected group within this country you can't be criticized or judged. This is because they can dish it out, but can't take it.
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How do you lynch a chair? I recall back in 2008 what I suspect were Democrats made a mannequin of Sarah Palin and hung it from their house the rationale there was it was around Halloween so it was alright sure putting up a display of a Vice Presidential candidate being hung is ok I guess this guy should have just waited a month longer then it would have been ok.

Was that the Halloween thing that I mentioned a page or so ago? Bush and Cheney were hung too? What I remember is the outrage coming from the right at that time....I certainly didn't agree with the simulated hangings, and I even understood and pretty much stood with the right on the issue.

But I find it disheartening that what was considered outrageous and offensive back then, is now OK because of a newly found regard for freedom of speech.

That's how the right wingers are, a bunch of hypocritical asswipes.

It doesn't matter what they do, as long as it's an (R) doing it, then it's A-OK

I'll be as offensive as I fucking want you fat loon.:mad:
How do you lynch a chair? I recall back in 2008 what I suspect were Democrats made a mannequin of Sarah Palin and hung it from their house the rationale there was it was around Halloween so it was alright sure putting up a display of a Vice Presidential candidate being hung is ok I guess this guy should have just waited a month longer then it would have been ok.

Was that the Halloween thing that I mentioned a page or so ago? Bush and Cheney were hung too? What I remember is the outrage coming from the right at that time....I certainly didn't agree with the simulated hangings, and I even understood and pretty much stood with the right on the issue.

But I find it disheartening that what was considered outrageous and offensive back then, is now OK because of a newly found regard for freedom of speech.

That's how the right wingers are, a bunch of hypocritical asswipes.

It doesn't matter what they do, as long as it's an (R) doing it, then it's A-OK
I'm sure the irony of you of all people making that comment is totally lost on you.
How do you lynch a chair? I recall back in 2008 what I suspect were Democrats made a mannequin of Sarah Palin and hung it from their house the rationale there was it was around Halloween so it was alright sure putting up a display of a Vice Presidential candidate being hung is ok I guess this guy should have just waited a month longer then it would have been ok.

Was that the Halloween thing that I mentioned a page or so ago? Bush and Cheney were hung too? What I remember is the outrage coming from the right at that time....I certainly didn't agree with the simulated hangings, and I even understood and pretty much stood with the right on the issue.

But I find it disheartening that what was considered outrageous and offensive back then, is now OK because of a newly found regard for freedom of speech.
Funny because when the Palin thing happened I heard just as much from the left about freedom of speech in defense of that. Insulting and stupid free speech is still free speech it's not the acts themselves I find as insulting as the defense of them when there from the side of the political aisle one agree's with and the condemnation when it's not. Either support both sides right to stupid and insulting freedom of speech or support neither side's.

Isn't that basically what I said? Except, during the Palin thing, Conservatives were outraged....with this, they're OK with it. Hard Core Lib's were OK with Palin, and not OK with it now.

That's what I find disheartening.

Personally? I don't like any of that sort of thing....I think it's fucked up and way over the top. When Bush was President, he was doing what he felt was best for the country....Same with Obama.....we may not agree on the Ideology.....but none of them are boogeymen.
How do you lynch a chair? I recall back in 2008 what I suspect were Democrats made a mannequin of Sarah Palin and hung it from their house the rationale there was it was around Halloween so it was alright sure putting up a display of a Vice Presidential candidate being hung is ok I guess this guy should have just waited a month longer then it would have been ok.

Was that the Halloween thing that I mentioned a page or so ago? Bush and Cheney were hung too? What I remember is the outrage coming from the right at that time....I certainly didn't agree with the simulated hangings, and I even understood and pretty much stood with the right on the issue.

But I find it disheartening that what was considered outrageous and offensive back then, is now OK because of a newly found regard for freedom of speech.
Funny because when the Palin thing happened I heard just as much from the left about freedom of speech in defense of that. Insulting and stupid free speech is still free speech it's not the acts themselves I find as insulting as the defense of them when there from the side of the political aisle one agree's with and the condemnation when it's not. Either support both sides right to stupid and insulting freedom of speech or support neither side's.
It's ALL freedom of speech...including the freedom to laugh at this guy and call him crazy. Or doesn't that count?
I read where the Secret Service was looking into this.

Just frikken unbelievable
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

How much you want to bet the person is a democrat? You can't tag any violence to republicans so someone calls themselves a republican and hangs a chair and says it's obama.
You and the reporter who wrote this garbage are idiots,
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story

Whats the big deal??

Your complaining about a chair??

How many times was Bush hung in effigy??

Didn't hear any lefties complaining about that. It was applauded. Hypocrisy at its best.

Good for the Texan. He could give a shit what anyone thinks and he's not afraid to show it.
Typical of those on the hard right to put their acts of violence and racism on full display.

A man from texas beat a chair and hung it from a tree to represent president Obama in the midst of Eastwood's epically failed speech.

When asked about it, the man responds with:
“I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not,” Bud Johnson reportedly said. “You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.” :cuckoo:

Texas man lynches chair with invisible Obama | The Raw Story
LMAO, what a meltdown that dude is having.

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