Texas mosque destroyed

Like I pointed out - it's not doctrinal within the Christian religion.
So Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy is not Christian in your opinion?

You failed to refute my position.
The Bible and every major Christian denomination except for a small handful of Protestant retards know that doctrines are still central to Christian adherence to God's Will.
You are in fact a LIAR.
Where did I lie?
Christianity does not believe in killing people. pretty simple concept.
Gotta love these conservative scumbags. They just can't wait to bring about WW3.

Police in Victoria, Texas are investigating a mysterious fire that burned down a mosque late Friday night, reports KTRK.

According to Victoria Fire Marshal Tom Legler, he has asked for additional help from the state as part of his investigation of the torching of the Islamic Center of Victoria.

Fire officials state the fire began about 2 a.m. local time, just hours after the White House issued an executive order limiting the travel of visitors or immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East.

Police state that worshipers who showed up to pray on Saturday used a facility across the street, with the Islamic center’s president, Shahid Hashmi saying they will rebuild.

According to Hashmi, the building was burglarized one week ago.

Watch the video here via KTRK: Texas mosque goes up in flames hours after White House announces Muslim ban

SHYTFE grieves for a lost mosque and terror breeding ground.

Although he kind of enjoys it, it gives him a chance to blame a "right wing nutjob", even with no evidence.
Do you cheer for the burning of a mosque? Was that mosque a "terror breeding ground"?
Until there is actual evidence it was arson and we know one of the mosque goers did not set it it is not much of a story.

That's not how the left works unless the perpetrator is a Muslim or they're defending one. Their first thought when this mosque burned was that it was a Trump supporter. No evidence just that it happened to be a mosque. However, let a Muslim yelling "Allahu Akbar" shoot up a place and the left's viewpoint is that we'll have to wait for the evidence before making a judgment.
So Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy is not Christian in your opinion?

You failed to refute my position.
The Bible and every major Christian denomination except for a small handful of Protestant retards know that doctrines are still central to Christian adherence to God's Will.
You are in fact a LIAR.
Where did I lie?
Christianity does not believe in killing people. pretty simple concept.
It certainly does believe in killing. Leviticus 20:10. It`s just not taken seriously. Neither is the rest of the Bible.

Leviticus 20:10 "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
It's NOT a house of worship!

It's a house of indoctrination, demagoguery, totalitarianism, & HORRORS!

Good riddance!!
Where did I lie?

Continually, you have disregarded the content of my posts, misrepresented what I've been saying, and attributed false motives to my position so you are either lying to support an agenda or you're just too lazy and/or stupid to take the time to accurately read my comments.

So you are in agreement that we all should wait for the Fire Marshalls report before running on about who did it?

Misrepresentation and implying false motive. Who did it was never the point of my comments.

And you have every right to do that, but I think it stops or should stop at advocating violence against these people

Misrepresentation and/or a lie. I never advocated violence against people.

You assume I dont know what I am talking about simply because I disagree with you?

Misrepresentation. This had no relevance to my comment.

It is not bullshit to observe that you are running interference for anyone that might have committed this arson that is not Muslim.

Misrepresentation and/or a flat out lie. I expressed opinions about mosques on American soil and Islam in general. I ran interference for no one.

Yes, because waiting for relevant facts before crucifying people is just so stupid.

Misrepresentation and/or lie as well as inventing motive. My comments addressed mosques, not people. The religion and it's doctrine, not it's practitioners. Below is my stated position which you completely ignored to verbalize your head-up-ass, bull shit.

Islam is the enemy of freedom and I would love to see it's practice banned in, and all mosques removed from, America. Won't happen but one can have a wish list.
Hours after Trump signs Muslim ban ?!

Are you wishing to make a claim that the two are related?

Do you think that Trump's anti-Musliim rhetoric might not influence some of our homie nuts?
Have you noticed EVERY single supposed attack since Trump was elected was a fake perpetrated by the person claiming to have been attacked?

There seem to be other points of view as well.

Rights group monitoring reports of attacks on U.S. minorities since Trump win
Christianity does not believe in killing people. pretty simple concept.
It certainly does believe in killing. Leviticus 20:10. It`s just not taken seriously. Neither is the rest of the Bible.

Leviticus 20:10 "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
That does not prove anything about Christianity as the Old Testament canon is not bound on Christians. We use it simply for the spiritual edification and background for the New Covenant under Jesus the Christ.
Where did I lie?

Continually, you have disregarded the content of my posts, misrepresented what I've been saying, and attributed false motives to my position so you are either lying to support an agenda or you're just too lazy and/or stupid to take the time to accurately read my comments.

Roflmao, I have done no such thing, but I dont have time to rebut each and every point, so I will refute just one item and leave it at that.

Dude, you are paranoid, just for the record.

And you have every right to do that, but I think it stops or should stop at advocating violence against these people

Misrepresentation and/or a lie. I never advocated violence against people.

What I said was an abstract principle that was not applied to you.

Suppose I said that you have every right to go on the South Beach Diet, but dieting should stop well short of Bulimia.

I am putting out the idea that there is a limit, and I am not saying that you have Bulimia.

roflmao. This discussion, for me, is over.

But tilt at all the windmills you see fit.
Sure we do, under specific circumstances like self defense and Just War, but where did I lie about that?
You claimed it is institutional that Christians believe in murdering unbelievers and apostate like Muslims do.
Where did I claim that?

IF Christians, or anyone else, thinks that there are specific criteria that justifies killing another human being, then by definition it is not murder.
It certainly does believe in killing. Leviticus 20:10. It`s just not taken seriously. Neither is the rest of the Bible.

Leviticus 20:10 "'If a man commits adultery with another man's wife--with the wife of his neighbor--both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
These are part of the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
You know what? As a Christian, I believe Jesus Christ is coming SOON. When He does, the Scriptures say He'll RULE with a ROD OF IRON. He, along with His Saints will RULE over the earth.

ADULTERY is a serious CRIME in God's eyes. Adulterers WILL be punished -- WHEN HE RETURNS and HIS Theocracy is established.

ISLAM perverts many things, including adultery.

If a woman is RAPED, she is most often punished for adultery.

Islam is vile and evil. It is a PERVERSION of what we know about God.

America does not live under a Theocracy, but I do believe, as a nation, we should punish for adultery, as we have for most of this nations history. Homosexuality should be punished as well (as it always has been). NOTHING GOOD has come from embracing theses things in our culture.

Sadly, the genii is out of the bottle. We will continue to go down this path until WE DESTROY OURSELVES, or hopefully, Christ returns to fix the mess we've gotten ourselves into.

MANY so called "Christians" won't like the Return anymore than the Left. Modern "christianity" has very little in common with Christ or His apostles and prophets.
What I said was an abstract principle that was not applied to you.

Oh stuff it. You clearly implied as much.

This is a whole new level of denial. When proven wrong, just say you weren't applying the argument, addressed to your opponent, to your opponent. Wow.

Now, try refuting the rest of my points or would that break your denial meter.
IF Christians, or anyone else, thinks that there are specific criteria that justifies killing another human being, then by definition it is not murder.

So for you Moslems killing unbelievers because these unbelievers inhabit north America, which Allah claims belongs to him and therefore sanctions such awful actions from his flock, isn't murder. That's pretty sick thinking.
You can rule out insurance fraud. Muslims do not believe in paying for insurance.
All mosques are built by donations from the local congregation. No money is borrowed from the bank, because usury is forbidden in Islam. So there is no financial lender requiring the mosque be insured. ..... :cool:
But that doesnt stop charitable donations from wealthy princes in the Middle East, does it?

Or running organized crime syndicates and networks, smuggling, gun running, laundering money for terrorists, etc., etc.

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