Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.
Actually I didn't see any "punkass kids", however I did see some teenagers rush to defend the girl being put face down in the mud.

The teenagers were clearly hollering at the officer and weren't a physical threat, had they been intent on attacking that officer were were close enough to do it.

So you have flip flopped between the teenagers attempting to attack the officers to the officer had no back-up.

What's the next excuse???
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?

Remember. ..under Obamacare you're a child until 26.

This is MSNBCs #3 story online...huge main page coverage. NAACP is en route. They're talking like people died or something. Unbelievable.

Maybe we need a force of teen police. 16-19 years old. Only they can respond when "children" are behaving badly.

Electing Obama was suppose to be the UNITER. I wonder if he'll step out and say all these unruly kids could have be his, CHILDREN

what a damn horrible mistake it was electing him and now we are all going to PAY FOR IT
Cop Suspended After Video Emerges Of Brutal Arrests At Teen Pool

Folks for the last and final time.....unless you wear the shoes of blacks in this damned country, don't ever ever ever come to the conclusion that we are all treated the same and its just a matter of being uncle tommy around redneck cops....and if these black teens do anything going forward in life...understand, the price of having dark skin in America, could cost you your life.


Nothing but racist bullshit on your part. You blow off your big mouth without knowing the entire story!
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.
Actually I didn't see any "punkass kids", however I did see some teenagers rush to defend the girl being put face down in the mud.

The teenagers were clearly hollering at the officer and weren't a physical threat, had they been intent on attacking that officer were were close enough to do it.

So you have flip flopped between the teenagers attempting to attack the officers to the officer had no back-up.

What's the next excuse???

I saw one kid in a blue shirt rush at the officer. The officer stood up and the kid ran off

The situation got out of hand and the cops had difficulty getting control. Nobody was hurt and no harm, no foul
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?

Remember. ..under Obamacare you're a child until 26.

This is MSNBCs #3 story online...huge main page coverage. NAACP is en route. They're talking like people died or something. Unbelievable.

Maybe we need a force of teen police. 16-19 years old. Only they can respond when "children" are behaving badly.

Electing Obama was suppose to be the UNITER. I wonder if he'll step out and say all these unruly kids could have be his, CHILDREN

what a damn horrible mistake it was electing him and now we are all going to PAY FOR IT

Obama is responsible for pool parties now?

Stephanie......can you possibly get any dumber?
Locals Defend “Brutal” Cop

Okay, we've seen the outrage over the video. But, here's an example of what the local homeowners are saying.


Who were the kids partying in the pool? Well, they didn't live there are weren't welcome by the locals – some of which spoke their minds – a serious crime in today's politically correct atmosphere.

Read more of the story @ Local Homeowners Defend Texas Cops Who Brutalized Black Teens At Pool Party ThinkProgress

Isn't it amazing that we have to count on the internet to get THE TRUTH?

And more on the story @ #McKinney updates: Officer identified; DJ says don’t blame him; Sign at pool thanks cops for ‘keeping us safe'; Update on pool sign @ McKinney updates Officer identified DJ says don t blame him Sign at pool thanks cops for keeping us safe Update on pool sign Twitchy
So far we have some of the "non-prejudiced" white folk make the following incorrect statements on this thread:

1. The Black teens has drugs.
2. The Black teens had alcohol.
3. The Black teens were attacking the Police.
4. The Black teens were not invited to the pool.

Wonder where all those opinions stemmed from...

The black teens that jumped the fence obviously weren't invited or they wouldnt have had to jump the fence now would they?
Please post the link to the person who stated that the Black teens jumped the fence...or maybe you want to continue to make crap up such as the police officer having to produce his firearm because he had no back up....

Here ya go dumbass.
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News

Whats with you ignorant fools?
You know,when I see a story like this I research it a little so I'm not making unfounded comments.
Maybe if you did the same you wouldnt come off looking like an ignorant boob.
Cop Suspended After Video Emerges Of Brutal Arrests At Teen Pool

Folks for the last and final time.....unless you wear the shoes of blacks in this damned country, don't ever ever ever come to the conclusion that we are all treated the same and its just a matter of being uncle tommy around redneck cops....and if these black teens do anything going forward in life...understand, the price of having dark skin in America, could cost you your life.


Nothing but racist bullshit on your part. You blow off your big mouth without knowing the entire story!

He was suspended tho
Locals Defend “Brutal” Cop

Okay, we've seen the outrage over the video. But, here's an example of what the local homeowners are saying.


Who were the kids partying in the pool? Well, they didn't live there are weren't welcome by the locals – some of which spoke their minds – a serious crime in today's politically correct atmosphere.

Read more of the story @ Local Homeowners Defend Texas Cops Who Brutalized Black Teens At Pool Party ThinkProgress

Isn't it amazing that we have to count on the internet to get THE TRUTH?

And more on the story @ #McKinney updates: Officer identified; DJ says don’t blame him; Sign at pool thanks cops for ‘keeping us safe'; Update on pool sign @ McKinney updates Officer identified DJ says don t blame him Sign at pool thanks cops for keeping us safe Update on pool sign Twitchy

Exactly right. The teens were trespassing and then disobeyed officers. Not surprised. ..since their parents dont teach then manners or how to interact with authorities.

Nice to see citizens stand up for the officers.
Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..
Probably? You mean "assuming". Lucky none of the white kids had drugs or alcohol.
Seriously don't give me the black-white bullshit I'm not buying it, if you want you can try to answer these two questions yourself.
Now that it is obvious the cops came because a fight started by two groups as I assumed earlier;
1.It could've been anything else that is illegal possibly also a weapon but unlikely so we can stick to drug/alcohol - why some of the suspects ran if not carrying anything illegal?
2.If they (the fled suspects) wasn't carrying anything illegal why their friends was trying to stop the police from arresting them now versus having to deal with harsher accusations later?
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?

Remember. ..under Obamacare you're a child until 26.

This is MSNBCs #3 story online...huge main page coverage. NAACP is en route. They're talking like people died or something. Unbelievable.

Maybe we need a force of teen police. 16-19 years old. Only they can respond when "children" are behaving badly.

Electing Obama was suppose to be the UNITER. I wonder if he'll step out and say all these unruly kids could have be his, CHILDREN

what a damn horrible mistake it was electing him and now we are all going to PAY FOR IT

Obama is responsible for pool parties now?

Stephanie......can you possibly get any dumber?

stop being a frikken troll and stay on the topic instead of attacking everyone
Say it all together. Bay area intifada. Three times. Make it true.

So a bunch of bored black kids baited the police and cranked ip the cameras. It happens every day. The cops have got to pull back and let the thugs run.

Just think. There are going to be a few more black millionaires after the lawyers attack.
Any time there's questionable conduct by an officer and always when an officer pulls his weapon, he will immediately be suspended and put on administrative leave. Don't read too much into this kind of standard procedure.
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.
Actually I didn't see any "punkass kids", however I did see some teenagers rush to defend the girl being put face down in the mud.

The teenagers were clearly hollering at the officer and weren't a physical threat, had they been intent on attacking that officer were were close enough to do it.

So you have flip flopped between the teenagers attempting to attack the officers to the officer had no back-up.

What's the next excuse???

You call grass mud?
Next you're going to say kids jumping the fence to get into a private pool party aren't punks.
Act subhuman and get treated as one.

Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

And as for all tbe guests? Thats a civil matter between her and the HOA.

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.
Yes, I did watch the video.

Did you?

He was NOT pulling her around by her hair, his hand was wide open, and flat against her head,

he keep telling her to leave, and she kept getting in his face, so he put her on the ground and cuffed her.

(time about 3:01)

In other words, a grown man charged with the responsibility to protect and serve physically attacked a 14-year old girl for having the nerve to talk back to him.

This is what you support?

Those kids obviously have no respect for authority.
Bet half of em end up in prison before they reach twenty.
Say it all together. Bay area intifada. Three times. Make it true.

So a bunch of bored black kids baited the police and cranked ip the cameras. It happens every day. The cops have got to pull back and let the thugs run.

Just think. There are going to be a few more black millionaires after the lawyers attack.

This is the new paparazzi. Are you a minority? Provoke a cop. Film it. CHA CHING!!
Yes, I did watch the video.

Did you?

He was NOT pulling her around by her hair, his hand was wide open, and flat against her head,

he keep telling her to leave, and she kept getting in his face, so he put her on the ground and cuffed her.

(time about 3:01)

In other words, a grown man charged with the responsibility to protect and serve physically attacked a 14-year old girl for having the nerve to talk back to him.

This is what you support?

Those kids obviously have no respect for authority.
Bet half of em end up in prison before they reach twenty.

Or 11th grade.

Prison or 11th grade before age 20. Odds are solid.

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