Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..

So in other words you're a racist.
You shut it down long enough to get it cleared out from those not supposed to be there. Especially if it starts to get violent. To soothe the tenants PAYING for that pool and having to wait til it's cleared..treat them to sodas. Or a couple big assed pizza's, donuts, snacks, etc. FREE. Tenants are very understanding.
Those aren't tenants. They are homeowners in a golf club community that not only pays for the home, hoa fees but club dues as well. Don't expect much in the way of understanding.
Teens at the pool party told BuzzFeed News the police were called after a fight broke out between adults and youths at the pool after the adults made racist comments telling the black children to leave the area and return to “Section 8 [public] housing.”

Ahhh...seems things are coming to light...
Yes. The residents paying the bills were expected to provide entertainment to tresspassers and objected.
Whatever. The point is, it was handled BADLY. I think we can all agree on that, yes?
Whatever. The point is, it was handled BADLY. I think we can all agree on that, yes?

Yes I do agree it was handled very very poorly. This thug police officer is the only one acting and running around like a pit bull. The rest of the officers were calm. No one was arrested and he is the only one got suspended. They should fire his ass.
It would have been handled better if the cops had not been called and the residents got together and dragged the tresspassers to the gates and bodily thrown them out.
Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..
So in other words, there's no proof of any illegal activity and you simply decided that drugs or alcohol were there...stereotype based on ignorance much???
Here is the thing - I'm simply guessing by what I saw in the first video, what can possibly be the reason for 2 police cars to show up is probably because of a fight - unlike most of the people who got arrested some was trying to escape (the lady was also trying to cover someone) while its clear the cops could easily get to the escaping suspect but like you just said without a proof it would be impossible to convict him or her for possessing drugs or alcohol so they simply tried to run, it all makes sense.
In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.


someone was having a party, most guests came thru the gate, some others came over the fence.
(My guess is those people were not invited).

Woman made some comments about Section 8 Housing, and other racist comments, and some fights broke out.

Cops were called, teens started running all over the area.

Girl supposedly attacked for no reason, kept getting in the cops face, and he took her down in an attempt to get some order in the area. She had been told to get out of the area several times, and was creating discord.

(If you don't think the cop was in the right, go to a mini-riot like that one, and keep getting in a cops face.).

While in the process of subduing her, several other teens ran up at him.

(Try doing that to a cop in a similar situation)
Private pool.
Uninvited guests.
Trespassers refusing to leave.
Trespassers being confrontational w/ cops.


Jesus H Christ....lets just hire Pee Wee Herman and Andy Griffith as America's only 2 cops.

Private pool with private security cowards.....maybe just maybe they need some rent a cops with some damned BALLS!!

They're neither paid, nor trained, to have balls.
Here's a more complete video of the incident.

Texas Police Officer On Administrative Leave After Pulling Weapon On Teens During Pool Party - BuzzFeed News

It shows 2 guys, and several girls, running up to the cop while he was cuffing he girl on the ground.

Not a wise decision.

If you were a cop, how would you react if you were possibly being attacked from several directions?

If I were a cop I wouldn't go around beating people for pleasure.

What gave you the idea it was for pleasure?
I don't see the outrage

Looks like a cop trying to get control of an unruly situation. If a cop shows up and orders all the kids to stop and line up ..the situation ends

If the kids are running around and refuse to follow orders then the cop has to get physical

In a short, edited clip it is difficult to tell what the kids did to get the cops called in and how everyone was acting once they arrived

Nobody was killed, nobody was injured

I give the cops a pass
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Another 'let's rush to judgement on a video not showing what led to police intervening in the first place.'
Theres this attitude amongst some cultures here that when police say to do something. ..its optional or debatable. That you can just ignore it or talk back and debate it.

If people would just calm down...do what the officer is saying to do...so much would be avoided.

BUT....these people wont even do what their parents or teachers tell them to do. Why would they listen to some white cop...who their supreme leader has convinced them that the cop is racist and targeting them for no reason.

If I was a cop...id stop showing up. Many are.
Cop Suspended After Video Emerges Of Brutal Arrests At Teen Pool

Folks for the last and final time.....unless you wear the shoes of blacks in this damned country, don't ever ever ever come to the conclusion that we are all treated the same and its just a matter of being uncle tommy around redneck cops....and if these black teens do anything going forward in life...understand, the price of having dark skin in America, could cost you your life.


Notice he is going for the bra snap??
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?

Remember. ..under Obamacare you're a child until 26.

This is MSNBCs #3 story online...huge main page coverage. NAACP is en route. They're talking like people died or something. Unbelievable.

Maybe we need a force of teen police. 16-19 years old. Only they can respond when "children" are behaving badly.
Look at all the white people standing around not being bothered. The kid holding the camera was free to go where he wanted like this is America or something

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